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Isn't that so translate Spanish

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Judge isn't going to give us a warrant based on that, though, so, how do we get him?
El juez no nos va a dar una orden basada en eso, de todas maneras, entonces como lo agarramos?
But now it's his and that isn't my fault, so I guess the whole point is moot, actually.
Pero ahora es de él, y no es mi culpa. Así que todo esto es en vano, supongo.
OK? So all that stammering and stuff, I mean, that's not... that isn't... It's...
Bien, entonces, todo el tartamudeo y eso, quiero decir, no es eso no... yo... es...
- isn't that so?
- ¿ No es eso?
So what kind of lizard decides that his daughter isn't worth a fraction of his bank account?
¿ Qué clase de lagartija decide que su hija no vale más que una fracción de su cuenta bancaria?
Isn't that so?
¿ No es así?
There isn't that much actual power, but it makes up for that by being so urgent and so... eager.
No es mucho poder neto, pero hace que parezca urgido y ansioso.
It's a while since I've been here. That is so beautiful, isn't it?
Hace tiempo que no estaba aquí.
It isn't scolding. It's just my patience and me tolerating the whole situation. Is that so?
¿ Puedo transferir todo el dinero que está aquí y enviarlo a esta persona?
So technically... not that it really matters... but black isn't a color.
Así que técnicamente no es que importe pero el negro no es un color.
You know, Mr. Lefkowitz isn't sure... that it's such a good idea that you stay here... so we gotta make him happy.
El señor Lefkowitz no está seguro... de que sea una buena idea que te quedes aquí... así que hay que hacerlo feliz.
That shirt isn't so great.
Esta camisa no es tan bonita.
But when my health began to fail, well, there isn't a hospital in Afghanistan that can help me, so I came here.
Pero cuando mi salud empezó a empeorar, no hay un hospital en Afganistán que pueda ayudarme, así que vine aquí.
Isn't that how you were able to double the CIA budget for black approps in Afghanistan just by saying so?
¿ No fue así que duplicaste el dinero consignado para Afganistán?
So that's football, isn't it?
Así es el fútbol, ¿ no?
So don't tell me that the gun isn't in there.
No me digas que la pistola no está ahí.
So that's what this is about, isn't it?
¿ Entonces ese es el problema?
And yοu made a copy οf the memοry card, isn't that so?
¿ no es cierto?
Isn't that so funny?
¿ No es gracioso?
"Oh heart..." "how can you be so sure..." "that someone who isn't mine will become mine"
Oh corazón... cómo puedes estar tan seguro... de que alguien que no es mío se convertirá en mío
So that's it, isn't it?
Así que es eso, ¿ eh?
Isn't that amazing? So you can post your auditions on MySpace...
i ¿ No es sorprendente!
They are not real, so they'll last forever. Isn't that neat?
No son de verdad, así que durarán para siempre.
Isn't that so?
¿ No es eso entonces?
Henry, the survival of the Indian is your deepest concern, isn't that so?
Henry. La supervivencia de los indios es su preocupación más profunda, ¿ verdad?
So, I'm not doing anyone any favors by sticking in a relationship that I know isn't going to work.
No le hago un favor a nadie quedándome en una relación que sé que no va a funcionar.
But you know, isn't it weird that the rent for a great place like this is so cheap?
Sí. ¿ Pero no es extraño... que la renta de un lugar genial como este sea tan baja?
Isn't that so, Mr Strange?
No es así, Mr. Strange?
Isn't that so?
Entonces está bien.
How would you like Klaus Barbie to be punished? I'd like to see him shot or strung up, but that isn't possible in France, so I hope he's put away for life.
Me gustaría verle fusilado o colgado, pero eso no es posible en Francia así que espero que lo encierren de por vida.
That's so funny. Isn't she amazing?
eso es lo que deseo,
Because I'm going to ask you to do something that isn't so easy.
Porque voy a pedirles que hagan algo que no es fácil.
Really, if you're expecting me to be the brave and heartwarming differently-abled girl, that isn't gonna happen, so go ahead and do your thing.
En serio, si esperan que sea la mujer valiente y cariñosa no sucederá, así que adelante y hagan su trabajo.
The state of nevada isn't so sure about that anymore.
El Estado de Nevada no esta tan seguro sobre esto ya.
There are so many places that will just go and sell your personal records. The world is so twisted, isn't it? I even know his address now!
¡ Conozco un lugar en el que tiene su nombre registrado, pronto sabré su dirección!
Isn't that so adorable you Just wanna kill yourself?
¿ No es tan adorable que dan ganas de matarse?
Isn't that so?
So that's that. Isn't it? What you've got to do now, mate, is your job.
El Southern Bank de Drymouth entregó estos dos billetes de cinco libras a tu madre ayer por la mañana.
Hmm. That isn't so bad.
Eso no está tan mal.
Isn't that so, O-Tsuya?
¿ No, OTsuya?
Right, and it hasn't been in there that long, so maybe the cellular damage isn't that far advanced.
Claro, y no ha estado ahí tanto tiempo, así que quizá el daño celular no está demasiado avanzado.
Isn't that like so cute? Don't you just want to barf?
¿ No es tan mono que te da ganas de vomitar?
" It isn't easy to tell you this, so that's why I'm writing.
"No es fácil decirte esto, es por lo que estoy escribiendo"
- That's so tight though, isn't it?
- Pero esa me ha salido bien, ¿ verdad?
IlWell, that's funny, because it says here that youlre Polish. Which isn't really a nationality.'l The guy just let me through because I was laughing so hard.
Y yo : "No, es como si te hicieran una mamada y al final la chica se la saca de la boca y acaba haciendo que te corras sobre tu vientre", ya saben.
Not... so fast... because that isn't even the worst of it.
No tan rápido. Porque esto no es lo peor de todo.
So the truth isn't always the best defense. That's reassuring.
Estamos contra esto.
Isn't that so? Objection, leading the witness. Your honor.
Sr. Cole, la corte no será indulgente si continua negándose a responder.
So back to me becoming a vegetarian, you know, animal protein isn't all that good for you.
Volviendo a lo de convertirme en vegetariano, las proteínas animales no son buenas para ti.
Now remember, Stevens, that drill isn't just gonnstop like a neurosurgical drill, so as soon as you feel a release in pressure, stop the drill or you'll pierce his brain.
Ahora recuerda, Stevens, ese taladro no va a pararse como un taladro neuroquirúrgico, así que en cuanto notes menos presión para el taladro, o penetrarás su cerebro.
So was I, but that isn't the biggest bit.
Lo sé, yo también, pero esto no es lo más grande.

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