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It's all right for you translate Spanish

559 parallel translation
It's all right for all you to talk.
Está bien que hablen.
Sí, es muy fácil para ti decirlo.
It's all right. I make a move for you.
Vale, moveré por usted.
You search for happiness, and all the time it's right behind the bar.
Buscas la felicidad, y está detrás de la barra.
Want to tell you it's all right about Allison. Good for me.
Quiero decirte que no es muy grave para Allison.
It's all right... for you, or Mr. Winslow, or Mr. Early.
Lo es para usted o Winslow o Henry.
I suppose it's wrong to hate anybody, but I dislike Belknap-Jackson very much. I'm gonna get you something for your nerves. - No, my nerves are quite all right.
Lo que necesitas es un poco más de esta risa encerrada... de los placenteros vinos de Francia.
Do you suppose it's all right for me to go up?
¿ Crees que puedo subir sin problemas?
Oh, it's all right for you, dressed up like a mannequin ordering us all over the place.
Para ti es muy fácil, dando órdenes a todos.
It's all right for an old maid to sit around but a swell-looking kid like you ought to go out and enjoy life.
Está bien que una solterona se siente por ahí pero una chica bonita como tú debería salir y disfrutar la vida.
I wanna know why it's all right for you to go to Vanning's parties and not for me.
Quiero saber por qué tú puedes ir a las fiestas de Vanning y yo no.
Or is she taking you for a nice juicy ride? It's all right with us if she's trying to keep her parole.
A nosotros no nos importa que intente cumplir su libertad condicional.
It's all right, darling. It's going to be mine and Abe's Christmas present for you and Joe.
Será nuestro regalo de Navidad para Joe y para ti.
Well, incidentally, it was darn nice of you to cover up for Mrs Duross. Oh, that's all right.
Oye, gracias por cubrir a la Sra. Duross.
It's all right for you people to hate me, but attempted murder is another thing.
Una cosa es que me odiéis, pero tratar de matarme es otra bien distinta. ¿ Quién eres?
All I want is for you to tell me it's all right.
sólo quiero que me diga si está bien.
Mother, it's all right for you to talk of another generation when women were chattels, and they did as men told them to.
Madre, está bien para ti hablar de otra generación cuando las mujeres eran esclavas y hacían lo que los hombres decían.
So it's all right for you to obediently listen to what your wife says.
Eres el mejor actor del mundo y yo la mujer más feliz de la Tierra... gracias a ti.
Well, that's all right if you go for it.
Está bien si verdaderamente lo haces.
Just for old times'sake, I'll send the chairman of the bus committee up, and if you can persuade him, it's all right with me.
Solo por los viejos tiempos... le enviaré al presidente del comité de autobuses... y si usted puede persuadirle, todo estará arreglado conmigo.
It's all right for me to say that, but not for you.
No. Está bien que yo diga eso, pero tú no.
Maybe you think it's easy being helpless waiting for Pearl to dress me and feed me sitting around all day, wondering what a guy with no right arm is good for.
No es fácil ser un inválido. Vestido y alimentado por Pearl y preguntándome para qué sirve un hombre con un solo brazo.
You mean, it's all right for me to stay here, huh?
Dice que yo puedo quedarme, ¿ no?
- What did you want the police for? - It's all right now.
- ¿ Para qué necesitaba a la policía?
It's all right for you to talk, I'm digging.
Todo está bien para ti que solo hablas, yo estoy cavando.
You like Steve, and you're wondering... whether it's all right for you to be out with me, aren't you?
Steve te agrada, y te preguntas... si está bien salir conmigo, ¿ verdad?
It's all right for you to talk.
Para ti es fácil hablar así.
- No, it's perfectly all right for you to go.
- No, pueden irse sin problemas.
So I'll wait for him till 8 : 00 and, if he doesn't call, well, then I guess it would be all right, because, well, you're going to be here such a short time, and... And you're working for the Government, and it's everyone's patriotic duty to do...
Le esperaré hasta las 8, y si no me llama, pues... entonces supongo que podemos irnos, porque... como va a estar usted aquí tan poco tiempo y... trabaja para el gobierno, es deber de todos colaborar para... para...
Of course it's all right for a girl like you to stay at home. Well, we're rugged women.
Una chica como tú puede quedarse en casa, pero nosotras somos duras.
Tell me, Johnny, are you sure it ´ s all right for a girl to go into the YMCA?
asociación cristiana de JÓVENES baile de Año Nuevo Dime, Johnny, ¿ estás seguro de que está bien que una chica vaya a la ACJ?
It's all right for you to look up and trust in somebody.
Bien puedes mirar hacia arriba y confiar en alguien.
You see, Miz Hilton, it's this way... them uptown folks is all right in their way, but it's that lazy trash they got working for'em.
Verá, Sra. Hilton, pasa lo siguiente- - los altaneros son buenos a su manera, el problema es con los vagos que trabajan para ellos.
If any of you feel you're not up to this job, it's perfectly all right for you to drop out.
Si uno de ustedes no se siente a la altura de esta tarea, puede abandonar.
The run seems all right for me if it's okay for you.
El recorrido me conviene si te conviene.
It's all right for you, but I don't want any part of it.
Me parece muy bien, pero no quiero mezclarme.
- It's all right for you to talk!
- Es fácil decirlo!
I'm sick of this godforsaken hole. It's all right for you, you're rich. You've got your own business.
Está bien para ti, eres rico, tienes tu propio negocio.
It's all right, Jammey, you're still working for me.
Está bien, Jammey, aún trabajas para mí.
I'm very grateful to you for being so patient with me. It's all right, Matilda.
Le estoy muy agradecida, por ser tan tolerante conmigo.
It's all right for you to do it.
Está bien que lo hagas.
Uh, look, be a dear and wait for me outside, will you? It's quite all right.
Sé tan amable de esperarme fuera.
That's all right for you flying around on Mount Olympus or wherever you come from without a care in the world, but down here it's different. We're practical and efficient.
Para ti está muy bien eso de volar alrededor del monte olimpo sin preocuparte por nadie en absoluto,... pero aquí es muy diferente, somos prácticos y eficientes.
It's all right, it's time for bed now where you'll have beautiful dreams.
Ahora vamos a dormir. Y a tener lindos sueños.
- It's all right for you to make cracks.
- Está bien para usted hacer chistes.
It's all right for you to take that kind of a chance.
A Ud. no lo afecta arriesgarse de esa forma.
All right, now. It's time for you children to go to bed.
Niños, es hora de ir a la cama.
Oh, but it's all right for you to let people die!
¡ A ti sí que se te da bien dejar morir a la gente!
Well, just as long as you'd like them to be for the old red, white, and blue, it's all right with me.
Bien, mientras todo sea por la vieja Roja, Blanca y Azul... me parece perfecto. Bueno, Dr. Carver.
- Yes and I said, "it's all right, John, I was saving them for you anyway."
Y te dije : "Está bien, John,... lo estaba guardando para ti, de todas formas."
Mary, it meant a lot to me to see you in court every day, - knowing that you were rooting for me. - That's all right.
Verte en la sala todos los días ha significado mucho para mí, saber que estabas animándome.

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