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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / It's all right with me

It's all right with me translate Spanish

391 parallel translation
All right. It was under Musashi's orders that you met with him.
Me he hecho a la idea de que estaré casada con él toda mi vida...
Well, if you enjoy that sort of thing, it's quite all right with me.
Bueno, si le gustan esas cosas, por mí está bien.
It's all right with me.
No importa.
But it's all right with me, and you can go if you don't like it.
Pero es de mi agrado, y puede largarse si no le gusta.
It's all right with me, Rembrandt.
Conforme por mi parte, Rembrandt.
Well, if Pete wants you here, it's got to be all right with me.
Si Pete te quiere aquí, tengo que estar de acuerdo.
It's all right. it's just a few things I want to take along with me.
Está bien, sólo quiero llevarme algunas cosas.
After he's made it all right with that place, I'm going to stay with him till I can look around.
Cuando lo haya arreglado todo con ese sitio, me quedaré con él hasta que pueda valerme por mí mismo.
It's all right with me.
Por mí no hay problema.
This is only the juvenile court, but it's dignity must be maintained. It's all right with me.
Esto es el Juzgado de Menores, pero debo mantener su dignidad.
Okay, baby, it's all right with me.
Bueno, amigo, por mí está bien.
- It's all right with me though.
- A mí también me gustó.
It's all right with me.
A mí no me importa.
Sure, it's all right with me.
No hay problema.
Vale para mí si está bien para ustedes, caballeros.
It's all right with me.
Por mí, vale.
It's all right with me.
No hay problema conmigo.
It's all right with me.
Me parece bien.
It's all right with me.
Por mí, bien.
It's all right with me.
Está bien para mí.
It's all right with me.
Estoy bien.
Honey, if that's what you believe, it's all right with me.
Cariño, si eso crees, no tengo problema.
It's all right with me.
Yo no tengo inconveniente.
Well, it's all right with me.
Por mí, está bien.
It's all right with me, so long as it isn't you.
Por mí está bien, siempre que no seas tú.
- It's all right with me.
- Yo, de acuerdo.
Well, it's not all right With me.
Bueno, no está bien para mi.
It's all right with me if It's all right with the phone.
Por mí no hay ningún problema. Y también podrá utilizar el teléfono.
If it's all right with you, cutie, I'll take a rain check.
- Si no te importa, lindo, me la debes para otra ocasión.
- It's all right with me, too.
- Está bien para mí también.
No me importa.
It's all right with me as long as I can catch the midnight plane.
Por mí no hay problema, mientras pueda agarrar el vuelo de medianoche.
- All right, but Danny's got to do it with me.
- Bien, pero Danny debe bailar conmigo.
Just for old times'sake, I'll send the chairman of the bus committee up, and if you can persuade him, it's all right with me.
Solo por los viejos tiempos... le enviaré al presidente del comité de autobuses... y si usted puede persuadirle, todo estará arreglado conmigo.
It's all right with me.
No pasa nada.
It's all right with me.
No tengo problema.
Maybe you think it's easy being helpless waiting for Pearl to dress me and feed me sitting around all day, wondering what a guy with no right arm is good for.
No es fácil ser un inválido. Vestido y alimentado por Pearl y preguntándome para qué sirve un hombre con un solo brazo.
If he wants to be kind, it's all right with me.
Si va a ser amable, qué bueno.
It's all right with me if you want to be stubborn.
Allá usted si se empeña.
But if that's your story, it's all right with me.
Pero si ésa es tu coartada, me parece bien.
- If it's all right with you... - I'd like to find out some more about this Vanderhoefen guy.
- Si le parece bien... me gustaría averiguar más sobre Vanderhoefen.
You like Steve, and you're wondering... whether it's all right for you to be out with me, aren't you?
Steve te agrada, y te preguntas... si está bien salir conmigo, ¿ verdad?
It's all right with me, but Fran here, well...
No por mí, por Fran..
It's all right with me.
Está bien.
All right. If that's all the appreciation you've got of what your customers want... - it's jake with me.
Si así valora lo que sus clientes quieren, me parece bien.
If you wanna hold the fort while I ride off on your little horse... it's all right with me.
Hablando de manos...
It's all right with me if you want to interpret your life through fingernail parings, but that's got nothing to do with me.
Me parece bien que quiera interpretar su vida... según las uñas, pero eso no tiene nada que ver conmigo.
- All right, that's the way it is with me.
- Bueno, lo mismo me pasa a mí.
But right then it gave me a nasty feeling to be thinking about them at all... with that briefcase right behind my head that had her father's signature in it... and what that signature meant.
Pero me sentía incómodo pensando acerca de ellos... ya que tenía el portafolios atrás con la firma del padre... y sabiendo lo que esa firma representaba.
It's all right with me if it's all right with Dave.
A mí no, siempre que a Dave le parezca bien.
I remember you. You're all right. She can come, it's okay with me.
Ya me acuerdo de usted, y me gusta, puede venir.

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