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It's like i told you translate Spanish

350 parallel translation
It's just like I told you, he's coming by plane.
Es tal como te dije, viene por avión.
I told you, Sugar. It isn't what you like to read. It's what the public likes to read.
No son para leerlas tú, es lo que al público le gusta leer.
You know, all that stuff I told ya about bein'hard, dishing'it out, takin'it? Well, that's swell for someone like me... but not you, honey. - Yeah.
¿ Recuerdas lo que te dije sobre ser duro y andar a los puñetazos?
I is sorry, gentlemen, but it's just like I told you.
Sabes que me voy a casar con Ricky.
I is sorry, gentlemen, but it's just like I told you. Mr. Romero ain't seeing nobody today.
Lo siento, caballeros, se los dije desde un principio.
It's about your appeal. Well, I don't like to say, "I told you so," But I feel kind of high today.
No me gusta decir eso de "ya te lo dije", pero hoy soy feliz.
It's like I told you.
Es como te dije.
It's like I always told you.
Es lo que siempre te dije.
It's just like I told you, Mr Jesse.
Como dije, habló de, que vivía con miedo
It's like I told you. Once you let yourself go, you can't stop.
Ya te lo dije : cuando eres así no puedes parar nunca.
It's like I told you.
Te lo dije.
- What about it? It's like I told you.
- Haré lo que te dije.
But it's like I told you, Murdock is the champ, not me.
Pero como le dije, Murdock es el campeón, no yo.
Pappy, it's like I told you down at the barracks :
Pappy, es como te dije en los barracones :
It's like i told you i had cancer or something. You wouldn't just laugh it off and ditch me. That's exactly what he's gonna do!
Si te dijese que tengo cáncer, no te reirías ni darías media vuelta.
No sir... it's just like I told you Tucker... I don't need no extra help.
No señor, ya le dije que no necesito ayuda.
Like I told you before, it's wrong for a man to get too big for his breeches.
Está mal tener más orgullo del que puede permitirse.
Like I told you, it's coming up for snow.
Como le digo, va a nevar.
But, it's like I told you, strictly for gates and gut-busters.
You see, it's just like I told you.
Ve, es como le dije.
You see, Steve, it's like I told you up on the roof at our place.
Mira, Steve, es como te dije en el tejado de nuestra casa.
It's like I told you, the first one is easy.
Ya te lo dije, la primera es fácil.
I'm sorry about last night, but it's like I told you, honey.
Lo siento por lo de anoche, pero, es como te dije, querida.
It's like I told you this morning, Mrs. Jessup. When he left yesterday he warned us not to expect him.
- Como le he dicho esta mañana, ayer nos avisó de que hoy no le esperáramos.
It's an ambush at High Peak, just like I told you.
luna emboscada en High Peak! ital y como Ie dije!
It's finished, Frankie - like I told ya. I gotta talk to you, Molly.
- Tengo que hablar contigo, por favor.
It's like I told you, Laurey, I get sorry for'em. It's like I told you, Laurey, I get sorry for'em.
Ya te dije, Laurey, me dan pena.
It's like I told you. I've been busy lately.
Ya te lo dije, he estado ocupado.
See, Commissioner, it's like I told you. You gotta use force.
Ya se lo dije, hay que emplear la fuerza.
It's just like I told you. Toro is an amateur.
Ya le dije que Toro es un amateur.
Honey, it's like I told you : This town is knee-deep in money.
Carino, es como te dije, esta ciudad es una fuente de dinero.
Yeah. And what's more, it's like I told you, Marie.
Sí, y seguro que lo que te digo es cierto.
Like I told you, Julian, it's going to be a tough one.
Te lo dije Julian, va a ser un día duro.
You know, it's just like I told my old lady last night.
Ya sabes, es como le dije a mi mujer la noche anterior.
At first I told you it looked like poor aunt Minta's cousin's house.
Antes te he dicho que me parecía la casa de la prima de mi pobre tía Minta.
- No, it's like I told you...
- No, es verdad lo que te he dicho.
Look, I know you feel bad about the Clevengers. But it's like Esketh told Hoss and me.
Si está así por causa de los Clevengers... sepa que ellos no estarían así.
The chap didn't chicken out. He told her : "It's stolen money, I'm a hood, but I like you."
El tipo va y, como si nada, le dice a la chica : "el dinero era robado, pero te quiero."
Like I told you, it's the man, not the family.
Como te dije, es el hombre, no la familia.
It's like I told you :
Lo que te he dicho ;
Like I told you before, it's hard luck.
Como ya te dije, son cosas de la vida.
It's like I told you.
Como lo he contado.
- It's not like I never told you.
- No es que te lo haya dicho.
Like I told you, if it's just to have some fun, sure, right away. I wouldn't hesitate.
Como te dije, si lo nuestro fuese solo diversión, de acuerdo, adelante No lo dudaría.
It's just like I told you.
Te lo acabo de decir.
It's just like I told you at the meeting - our - our dear neighbor, old Mrs. Lautmann, whom God has seen fit to let live till the admirable age of 78 years, has found the most just and honorable "arisator"
Es como te dije en la reunión, nuestra querida vecina, la vieja Sra. Lautmann, a la que Dios ha permitido vivir hasta la edad admirable de 78 años, se ha encontrado con el "arianizador" más justo y honorable
Oh, it's like I told you, sir. It's...
Pero como le he dicho, señor...
I told you I don't like you working at night. It's not good for your health!
Le dije que no me gusta que trabaje de noche, es malo para su salud!
Yes, that's true, I told you I'm not interested in your past, but it was because I thought you were pure like a lily!
Sí, es verdad, te he dicho que no me interesa tu pasado, pero porque te creía pura como un lirio.
It's just like I told you.
Es lo que le estaba diciendo.
Like I told you, I got the territory and I run it, that's all.
Como le dije, tengo el territorio, y lo dirijo, eso es todo.

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