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It doesn't say that translate Spanish

486 parallel translation
I say that I'm alright because I'm alright, and it doesn't hurt because it doesn't hurt.
Dije que estoy bien porque estoy bien.
Simply because I don't say it the usual way and say the usual things doesn't mean that I mean it any the less.
Tal vez no use los procedimientos habituales, pero no por eso es menos cierto.
It doesn't say anything about that.
No dice nada de eso.
Come on, it doesn't say that.
- Vamos, no dice eso.
You hear your husband say that he doesn't like Kanichi. And you take his word at it's face value.
Oyes a tu marido decir que no le gusta Kanichi, y te tomas su palabra en serio.
That's what it says, but it doesn't say why.
Eso dice : no por qué.
Say, just because a guy takes off his shoes and socks to go wading, doesn't mean that he's planning to swim the Atlantic, does it?
Si un hombre se esfuerza por atravesar un riachuelo, No se atreverá a cruzar el Atlántico.
Well, for one thing, you might say'Thank you'but if that doesn't fit in with you plans, just skip it.
Dándome las gracias. Si le cuesta mucho esfuerzo, olvídelo.
I think you'd better have it from now on because now that we're both... as they say, one, it really doesn't matter which one of us keeps it, does it?
Creo que será mejor que lo tengas tu desde ahora en adelante porque ahora que los dos somos... realmente no importa quién de los dos lo conserve.
We can wait. You can say that because it doesn't affect you!
Eso lo dices porque a ti no te afecta.
That still doesn't say I did it.
Eso no significa que yo lo hiciera.
- Doesn't that say it? - Hmph.
¿ Eso no te lo dice?
I don't want to add to what you say but do you know what he always says about the meat? That it doesn't have enough blood.
Siempre se quejaba que la carne no era jugosa.
I can fix it for Joe to feel so good that when I say why doesn't he relax by taking me to the Ritz Roof, he says :
Consigo que se sienta tan a gusto que cuando le pido que me lleve al Ritz, me dice :
If anybody doesn ´ t like it that way, now ´ s the time to say so.
Y si alguien no está de acuerdo, éste es el momento de decirlo.
I'll say it doesn't, peeper. Talk up to us in that big voice of yours.
Claro que no, le toca hablar.
It's only that your story of the slip doesn't quite fit in with what they say.
Es sólo que su historia sobre el resbalón no se ajusta bien a lo que dicen.
Something that is so easy to say if one doesn't mean it.
Algo que es fácil de decir si uno es sincero.
If he doesn't want you Herreras on it, that's his say-so.
Si no quiere a los Herrera en ella, es asunto suyo.
For instance, if the boy tells the girl that he loves her, he just doesn't say it.
Por ejemplo, si el hombre le dice a la mujer que la ama, no sólo lo dice.
- I don't care if she smiles with her navel. That still doesn't say da Vinci painted it.
- Como si sonríe con el ombligo.
I said you could say it again. That doesn't mean you have to repeat it.
Te he dicho que puedes decirlo otra vez, no que lo repitas.
It doesn't say that.
¿ Ha dicho imposible por algo?
Now I'm a monster that if ever thinks something nice doesn't know how to say it.
Ya soy una especie de monstruo que cuando piensa algo bueno no sabe decirlo.
It doesn't mean - Say that again.
No porque esté...
You're being very generous to say that, Laura, but it just doesn't jive with the facts.
Eres muy amable diciéndome eso, Laura, pero no se ajusta a los hechos.
What matters is that you believe what you say, doesn't it?
Lo importante es que usted cree lo que dice, no es así?
It's not enough to say that a gun doesn't belong inside their cathedral.
No basta con decir que un cañón no puede entrar en la catedral.
Doesn't it strike you that your actions were, to say the least, unprecedented?
¿ No te das cuenta, Tom, que lo que haces es inaudito?
It doesn't even say that he has done it It does in my paper, uncle Charles
En mi periódico sí, tío Charles.
Si deseo lo suficiente, yo puedo desear todo lejos.
- You might say that, but it doesn't help with the salaries and wages total for the month.
- Podría ser pero eso no sirve para conseguir el total de las pagas y los salarios.
- It doesn't say that I've got it yet.
- No dice que ya lo tenga.
If it doesn't work like I say, we can come back here, I promise that.
Si no resulta como yo digo, regresaremos. Te lo prometo.
It was posted in Rome, but that doesn't mean to say that he posted it!
Fue publicado en Roma, pero eso no quiere decir que publicó it!
Say we put the unit back and it doesn't fail? That would pretty well wrap it up as far as Hal is concerned.
Si reinstalamos la unidad y no falla eso sería el final de Hal.
It's fair to say, isn't it, that a man like that doesn't think.
Es justo decir que un hombre como ese no piensa.
A person that decent women don't stop to say hello to, someone that men stop on the street as if they could take her to bed whenever they wanted! Well it's better that he doesn't return then..
Que las mujeres del pueblo no la saludan, que los hombres la van parando por la calle, le hacen proposiciones como si pudiesen llevársela a la cama cuando quieran.
Formal is when you get an invitation for a formal affair it says white tie or black tie ; it doesn't say that the girls or women wear any length they want.
Las invitaciones para las ceremonias formales especifican el color de la corbata, pero las mujeres no pueden llevar vestidos de cualquier largo.
Well, as they say, it's the only thing that I know... that you secure in a lifetime that doesn't depreciate.
Bueno, es la única cosa que seguro no se deprecia.
Why doesn't it say on his form - that he's a gorilla?
Por qué no decía en la solicitud que era un gorila?
And why doesn't it say that in the book?
Y ¿ por qué no lo dice en el libro?
It doesn't exactly say that, but someplace it has something about a chicken.
No dice eso exactamente... pero en algún lugar dice algo de un pollo.
Say that though we've both mobilized, it doesn't mean we'll fight.
Díganle que nuestras movilizaciones no significan que vayamos a luchar.
Right, then. If the master doesn't want to make an issue of it we'll leave it at that this once, and say no more.
Si el señor decide ignorarlo, no hay más que decir.
Doesn't it say that the informant gets a 20-ryo reward?
¿ Aquí no dice que el informador recibe una recompensa de 20 ryo?
And you're sick and tired of it. I've been trying to tell you that if you want to talk about what we do together, what works and what doesn't, you have to say more.
Y además estás harto y yo desde ayer no paro de decir que si quieres hablar de lo que hacemos juntos de lo que va o no va tienes que decir más cosas...
Marcy says that she loves him, but I think she has to say it, because... She doesn't realize how really alone she is.
Marcy dice que lo ama... pero creo que ella tiene que decirlo porque... no se da cuenta cuan sola ella está en realidad.
Well, if it wasn't for the fact that it doesn't make sense, I'd say it was a gigantic refrigeration unit.
Bueno, si no fuera por el hecho de que no tiene sentido,... diría que era una gigantesca unidad de refrigeración.
Well, this Alice Fisher that got killed yesterday... it doesn't say for sure in the paper whether she was his secretary or not.
Esa Alice Fisher que mataron ayer... en el periódico no deja claro si se trataba de su secretaria o no.
For the record, you can say that I predict an early end to the war... if it doesn't rain and we get all wet.
Que conste que vaticino una paz rápida si no empieza a llover y nos mojamos todos.

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