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It has been too long translate Spanish

100 parallel translation
Indeed, it has been too long delayed already.
De cualquier modo se está retrasando.
It has been too long.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
- It has been too long.
- Pasó demasiado tiempo.
How good it is to see you! It has been too long.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
It has been too long, my brother.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, hermano mío.
It has been too long, Delenn.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, Delenn.
It has been too long since you last fought at my side.
Ha pasado tiempo desde que luchamos juntos.
It has been too long since you felt a man's touch.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo sin que sientas el calor de un hombre.
It has been too long since you have faced a slayer.
Hace demasiado tiempo que no se enfrentan a una cazavampiros.
- Rafael, it has been too long.
- Rafael, hace tanto tiempo.
- It has been too long, my old friend.
- Ha pasado mucho tiempo, viejo amigo.
- It has been too long, old friend. - It is fortunate you are here.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, viejo amigo Es afortunado que estés aquí
My dear, it has been too long.
Querida, ha pasado tanto tiempo.
It has been too long.
Ha sido mucho tiempo.
It has been too long.
Tanto tiempo sin vernos.
It has been too long, Gaia.
Largo tiempo sin verte, Gaia.
It has been too long, Gaia.
Ha sido demasiado largo, Gaia.
But when you can't, when there's too many, when it has been too long...
Pero cuando se puede, Cuando hay demasiado, cuando ha pasado mucho tiempo... es cuando se pone de miedo.
- It has been much too long.
- Ha pasado demasiado tiempo.
yes, I've come to you you haven't been here for a long time it had been too long forgive me, I know I no longer have the right then you must forgive me it is I who has to right no... to shy away from you
Sí, he venido a verte. Hace mucho que no nos veíamos... ¡ demasiado!
It is the destiny of Ithaca which has been too long without a king.
Es la suerte que corre el reino de Ítaca, tras demasiados años sin un rey.
Yes, it has been a long time - too long - which, indeed, prompts this call.
OH, ya veo.
The blues are because you're getting fat or it's been raining too long.
Los negros son porque has engordado o lleva mucho tiempo lloviendo.
Miss Wright, it has been much too long since we could enjoy a lady's presence.
Srta. Wright, hace tiempo que no disfrutábamos de la presencia de una dama.
I think you've been at it too long.
Creo que le has dado demasiadas vueltas.
It's been too long.
Has ido muy lejos.
It has been surmised that perhaps my lord was like a wild animal that had been kept too long.
Tal vez se sospechó que mi señor era como un animal salvaje que estuvo encerrado demasiado tiempo.
Look, he has lost too much blood... this wound's been open too long for me to heat-suture it.
Oigan, ha perdido mucha sangre... la herida ha estado abierta mucho tiempo.
It has been a long time since I have been this happy too.
Hace mucho tiempo que no me sentía tan feliz.
You've been a goody-goody too long and now it's time to pay the price.
Has sido un santurrón demasiado tiempo y ahora es el momento de pagar el precio.
They say it comes when you've been on the road too long and pushing'too hard, when you get greedy.
Dicen que pasa cuando has manejado mucho, cuando te ataca la codicia.
We opened up his chest to repair the artery. But his heart has been deprived of oxygen for too long and it wasn't beating.
Le hemos abierto el tórax para reparar la arteria, pero su corazón había estado privado de sangre demasiado tiempo y no volvía a latir.
it has been in the tank too long
es porque ha pasado demasiado tiempo en el acuario.
It has been far too long, Master Kenobi.
Ha pasado demasiado tiempo, maestro Kenobi.
It's because you've been away too long
Es porque has estado lejos mucho tiempo.
It has been way too long, Jo.
Has estado fuera demasiado tiempo Joey.
It has been way too long since these guys have gotten together.
Hace demasiado tiempo que no se juntan estos tipos.
You've been taking credit for being the best duelist for way too long. And to tell you the truth I'm sick of it.
Te has llevado el crédito de ser el mejor durante demasiado tiempo... y para ser honesto, estoy harto de eso.
It's been too long. Too much has happened.
Pensaba que podría, pero ha pasado mucho tiempo.
I believe it has already been too long.
Creo que ya han estado demasiado tiempo.
It's just you've been around here too long.
Pero has estado por aquí mucho tiempo.
It has been way too long since we all hung out together. And this is the first time we're all drinking together.
Pasó demasiado tiempo desde que nos divertíamos juntos y esta es la primera vez que todos tomamos.
It has been way too long and life just always seems to get in the way with us.
Y ha pasado demasiado tiempo. Y parece que la vida siempre se interpone.
But isn't it actually symptomatic of a much greater dynamic... We want to rediscover a world that for too long has been ignored.
Pero es sintomática de una dinámica mucho más grande Queremos redescubrir un mundo ignorado por largo tiempo.
It's been in peace for too long, no one can remember who has once been the toughest one
Llevamos mucho tiempo en paz, nadie recuerda ya quién es el más duro.
It has been peaceful for too long, it's time to heat it up.
Llevamos en paz mucho tiempo, ya es hora de armar un poco de jaleo.
The Foreign Legion. For a century it has been taking in the world's reprobates, no matter what their past. As long as it's not too'shady'.
La Legión Extranjera, desde hace siglos recibiendo a los inadaptados del mundo sin importar su pasado, mientras no sea muy oscuro.
For too long, e.D. Has been Viewed as a physical problem. And it's been treated with pills
Por mucho tiempo, e.D. ( Disfunción eréctil ) ha sido visto como un problema físico y ha sido tratado con píldoras y ungüentos y artilugios con correas que se rompían.
It has been far too long since we danced together.
Ha pasado demasiado tiempo desde que bailamos juntos Se me había olvidado lo bueno que eras
I saw his balls comin'at me, and, uh, it has been a long time, and I don't have the best control, and I ended up just splatting him right in the face, and his dad didn't take too kindly to that.
Vi sus bolas viniendo hacia mi, y, uh, y ha pasado un largo tiempo, y no tengo el mejor control, y terminé aplastándoselos justo en la cara, y su papá no tomó muy amablemente eso.
It has been way too long and We're away from your friends. Hey!
Ya fue mucho tiempo y estamos lejos de tus amigas.

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