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It makes sense to me translate Spanish

260 parallel translation
It's just that it makes sense to me that way.
Para mí tiene sentido.
It makes sense to me, Mr. President.
A mi me parece razonable, Sr. Presidente.
- Yeah, it makes sense to me too.
- Sí, para mí también tiene sentido.
It makes sense to me.
Estoy de acuerdo con eso.
- It makes sense to me.
A mi si.
- It makes sense to me.
- Tiene sentido.
It makes sense to me.
Tiene sentido para mí.
- It makes sense to me.
¿ Entendiste? Me parece absolutamente lógico.
And it makes sense to me.
Y eso tiene sentido para mí.
You think it makes sense to me?
¿ Cree que yo entiendo?
I don't care whether it makes sense or not, I'm asking you to forget logic... and reason, won't you please stay?
No me importa, le pido que olvide la lógica. Por favor, quédese.
This makes less sense to me than it does to you.
Yo lo entiendo menos que usted.
It makes no more sense to me than Chinese music.
Tiene el mismo sentido para mí que la música china.
It even makes sense to believe in me now.
Tiene sentido incluso creer en mí ahora.
It makes sense that... They wouldn't come to me unless they needed something bad enough.
No recurrirían a mí si no necesitaran algo.
Well, then, why didn't he contact you? It makes no sense to me.
¿ Y por qué no se puso en contacto contigo?
To me it makes sense.
Para mí tiene sentido.
It makes no sense to me and I'm getting out!
Me parece que no tiene sentido y me iré.
It makes most sense for me to go, right?
Lo lógico es que sea yo quien se vaya, ¿ no?
It makes perfect sense to me.
Para mí tiene sentido.
It makes perfect sense to me.
No es raro.
It makes sense to be cautious but don't you even trust your own son
Eso me hace sentir que eres cuidadoso... pero no confiar ni en tu propio hijo.
Then it makes no sense to me at all.
Entonces no tiene sentido para mí.
You know, if I may say so, Louisa it makes perfect sense to me.
Ya sabes, si se me permite decirlo, Luisa tiene perfecto sentido para mí.
So until you can tell me something that makes one ounce of sense, then we're all going home, and that's all there is to it.
A menos que me diga algo que tenga sentido, nos iremos a casa. Nada de estudios.
Well, it makes perfect sense to me.
- A mi no me parecen tonterias.
No, it actually makes sense to me.
No, en realidad me parece razonable.
In the middle of all of this, I started to think about the one thing... that makes me feel really good and makes immediate sense - and it's you.
En medio de todo esto, he empezado a pensar en lo único que me hace sentir bien de verdad y tiene todo el sentido del mundo. Eres tú.
It makes no sense to me.
Para mí no tiene ningún significado.
Back here in the early days, they had a lot of green berets work with the Montagnards, and, I don't know, it all kind of makes sense to me.
Aquí, al principio, tenían a muchos boinas verdes trabajando con los Montagnards, y, no sé, pero todo tiene sentido para mí.
And it all makes sense, too. She forced Nick to stop seeing me.
Ella obligó a Nick a que me dejara.
So, um, the only plan that makes sense is to give it to Bud and me.
Pero recuerda, Peggy, los hombres son como los chicos. Tienes que tener sexo travieso, Sucio y degradante,
Am I supposed to recount all the points in my life leading up to this moment and just hope that it's coherent, that it makes some sort of sense to you?
¿ Tengo que relatarte todos los hechos de mi vida que me llevaron a esto y esperar que sea coherente, que le encuentres algún sentido?
Well, I hope this makes some sense to you. I'm not sure that it does to me, but maybe I'll do better next time.
Bueno, espero que te haya servido de algo, aunque no tenga mucho sentido.
For me, it makes sense of stuff, to think that every possibility is played out.
Para mí, tiene un sentido de plenitud, pensar que todas esas posibilidades se producen ahí afuera.
It all fucking makes sense to me now. All this time, people been telling me Tom Sheppard is so fucking raw. Too bad he started tripping when his friend died.
por fin le veo el sentido en todo este tiempo, me han estado contando lo puto inútil que es Tom Sheppard empezó a desvariar cuando su amigo murió tiene todo el talento, pero sin corazón estoy aquí pensando, mi hermano no puede ser este mierdas
Pearce, this will make no sense to you, as it makes no sense to me, but the moment I saw Lady Celia I was captivated by her.
Pearce, esto no tendrá sentido para tí... como no lo tiene para mí... pero desde el momento que vi a Lady Celia quedé cautivado.
I mean, now it all makes sense, why you were twisting my arm to get me to come over here.
Ahora todo tiene sentido. Porque estabas convenciéndome de venir aquí.
Well, I don't want to mention any names, but it makes perfect sense to me that all this stuff could have been left by someone as kinkified as you.
Bueno, no quiero mencionar nombres pero tiene mucho sentido que todo esto lo dejara alguien tan gatita como tú.
It makes more sense for me to go.
Pero tiene más sentido que vaya yo.
It all makes sense to me.
Todo tiene sentido.
It makes perfect sense to me.
Para mí, lo tiene.
It makes perfect sense to me.
Tiene sentido para mí.
Just as, in a way, I guess I'm... attracted to you. It makes sense.
me siento atraído por ti.
it all makes sense. But why did you give it to me?
Todo lo que decís tiene sentido. ¿ Pero por qué me la diste?
That makes sense. They do that all the time at the Washington Post. I know it was a stupid idea, but I really think this is the guy I'm supposed to marry.
lo hacen siempre en la postal de Washington se que fue una estupida idea pero creo realmente que con él me casare
It's the religious influence, and it's a pain in the ass. To me, it makes no sense.
Es por la influencia religiosa y es un asco.
The working week, weekends, vacations pay, plans for the future one's profession, nothing makes sense, and it seems to me it can't carry on like this much longer.
La semana de trabajo, los fines de semana, vacaciones, el pago, los planes de futuro profesional, nada tiene sentido, y me parece que no se puede sobrellevar todo esto por mucho tiempo.
You're attracted to me. Just as, in a way, I guess I'm... attracted to you. It makes sense.
Yo te atraigo, y en cierta forma supongo que tú me atraes a mí.
My doctor said that it no longer makes sense for me to avoid life.
Mi doctor me dijo que no tenia mas sentido para mi el evitar la vida.
I could have a member of my own firm to represent me but I think it makes sense to hire outside counsel.
Se que podría respresentarme alguien de mi bufete, pero creo que es mejor, contratar uno externo.

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