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It wasn't a big deal translate Spanish

210 parallel translation
But it wasn't that big a deal.
Pero no se trataba de hacer el gran negocio.
It wasn't such a big deal.
¡ No ha estado tan bien!
It wasn't that big of a deal.
No fue para tanto.
I mean, to me it wasn't such a big deal.
Para mí no era tan complicado.
It wasn't a big deal.
No era gran cosa.
It wasn't that big a deal.
No fue gran cosa.
- For you it wasn't a big deal.
- Para ti no fue gran cosa.
I'll bet it wasn't such a big deal, huh, Caesar?
Apuesto a que no fue tan serio, ¿ verdad, César?
I'll bet it wasn't nothin to make it clean... after you made such a big fuckin'deal about it.
Apuesto a que fue fácil limpiarlo después del escándalo que armaste por eso.
It wasn't a big deal, huh?
No fué la gran cosa, no?
Now, I've justified this to myself in all sorts of ways. It wasn't a big deal, just a minor betrayal.
Me he auto justificado de muchas maneras no era la gran cosa, solo una pequeña traición.
It's strange. Before, I used to smile a Iot but I wasn't very happy. Now, the truth is my Iife is no big deal but I feel good.
( RÍE ) Fíjate, es curioso, antes sonreía mucho y en realidad era poco feliz, ahora no es que mi vida sea la bomba, pero me siento bien.
As I said, it wasn't that big a deal...
no es mucho problema...
It wasn't a big deal.
No es para tanto.
Later it wasn't such a big deal that you were a man, it was that I saw clearly that our relationship was doomed.
Luego, después, no era tanto el hecho de que fueras un hombre, sino que es que veía claramente que lo nuestro... ya no tenía remedio.
Because it wasn't a big deal.
Porque no tenía importancia.
As I said, it wasn't that big a deal...
Como dije, no es mucho problema...
Guess it wasn't that big a deal for him though, really.
Supongo que para él no fue tan difícil.
I didn't say anything because I thought she was experimenting or trying something new and she would do it one or two times and it wasn't a big deal.
No dije nada porque creí que estaba experimentando o probando algo nuevo. Que lo haría una o dos veces y que se le pasaría.
He got an erection, it wasn't a big deal.
Estaba excitado, no es para tanto.
It wasn't a big deal.
- No fue para tanto.
But that wasn't exactly true.. ] [.. because, even though I never made a big deal out of it,.. ] [.. he also had me.
Pero eso no era exactamente cierto porque, aunque yo nunca le di mucha importancia a eso,... él también me tenía a mi.
It wasn't a big deal, okay?
- No fue gran cosa.
It wasn't a big deal. I'm sure you did.
No fue gran cosa.
She was really cool about it. I told you it wasn't a big deal.
Bueno, finalmente hablé con Bobbi.
No pasó nada.
I don't know, but if it wasn't such a big deal, why didn't you say something?
No sé, pero si realmente no importa, ¿ por qué no dijiste algo?
It wasn't that big of a deal It wasn't that big of a deal to me to lose that challenge.
A mí no me importa tanto haber perdido el reto.
It just wasn't a big deal anymore.
Ya no era gran cosa.
He's a lot closer with her than me. So it really wasn't a big deal for him when I moved.
Mucho mejor con ella, asique no le importo cuando me mude.
It wasn't a big deal.
Nada importante.
-... about something like that. - Because it wasn't a big deal.
Porque no era importante.
It wasn't a big deal.
Sin importancia.
It wasn't a big deal, honey.
No era gran cosa, cariño.
Hey, look, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Hey, mire, no fue un incidente muy grande.
It wasn't that big a deal, Ephram.
No ha sido para tanto, Ephram.
- It wasn't that big a deal.
- No fue gran cosa.
It wasn't a big deal. - I got a missing girl, Mr. Kent.
- Alguien desapareció, Sr. Kent.
Uh, no, please. It wasn't a big deal.
No, por favor, no fue nada.
Sure, it wasn't a big deal, alright?
Sí, no era para tanto, ¿ no?
There was that one little thing, but it wasn't a big deal.
Se nos deslizó un error, pero no fue para tanto.
For as much as Daniel has expanded the myth of Laurie, it really wasn't that big of a deal, except in Daniel's mind.
Por mucho que él haya ampliado el mito de Laurie, no era tan grande, salvo en su mente.
It wasn't a big deal.
No era importante.
You know, Jake acted like it wasn't a big deal but I know that it couldn't have been easy.
- Gracias a Dios
I mean, it wasn't that big a deal.
No era la gran cosa.
- It wasn't a big deal.
- Probablemente porque no fue nada.
But it wasn't that big of a deal anyway.
Pero no era algo importante de todas maneras.
I figured it wasn't that big a deal.
Me imaginé que no era tan importante.
Come on. If he wasn't jealous, it wouldn't be a big deal.
Vamos, si no fuera tan celoso, no hubiera sido tanto problema.
Because it wasn't a big deal.
Porque no era importante.
So, it wasn't, it wasn't a big deal.
No es para tanto

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