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It won't be enough translate Spanish

216 parallel translation
If your report itself is loud enough, it won't be necessary.
Si lo que tiene que informar es lo bastante escandaloso... no será necesario.
- It won't be enough.
- No bastará.
It won't be polite to ask you, but do you have enough money?
No es educado preguntarle, pero ¿ tiene suficiente dinero?
I say a man and a half won't be enough, better make it two to one.
¿ Me veo como una chica trabajadora? ¡ Mírate a ti misma! ¿ Me estás tomando el pelo?
When I get though telling it to those babies they won't be able to buy enough oil to lubricate a kiddy car.
Cuando acabe con esos bebés no podrán comprar aceite ni para lubricar un auto de juguete.
The way you're gulping it up, there won't be enough left to go around.
Si lo toma así, no quedará aire para seguir paseando.
If enough of us stick together, they won't be able to stop it!
Si estamos juntos. ¡ No podrán pararnos!
It won't work, and I'm dame enough to be glad of it.
No funcionará, y me alegro de ello.
If this keeps up, she won't be here long enough to use it.
Si esto continúa, no estará aquí el tiempo suficiente para usarla.
I won't be around long enough to repeat it.
Mira, nena, no tendré tiempo para hacerlo.
You won't be able to answer that because you have never paid enough attention to it.
No podrás contestar porque nunca has prestado suficiente atención.
It's such a pity that I only have this life because it won't be enough for what I have programmed.
Y es una lástima que sea sólo una, porque no va a llegar para Io que tengo aquí, en mi programa.
You can't say there won't be time enough for you to love your baby... and, if you're a good mother, to have it love you.
No puedes decir que no tendrás tiempo para querer a tu bebé... y si eres una buena madre, para que él te quiera a ti.
You won't be here long enough to get tired of it.
Usted no estará aquí tiempo suficiente para cansarse de ella
There won't be any middle if you lose it fast enough.
No será así si te apresuras a perder.
You afraid if you give it to me, there won't be enough left for you to get drunk on?
¿ Qué pasa? ¿ Temes que no te quede bastante para emborracharte?
This time, it won't be a good enough reason.
- Porque yo lo ordeno. Esta vez eso no bastará.
Ah, we won't be living in this joint long enough for it to matter.
Ah, no viviremos con esta unión.... mucho tiempo suficientemente Para que eso importe.
But I won't be proud of him for it. I've had enough speeches, Virginia.
Virginia, yo ya estoy harto de discursos.
Oh, it won't be long until you'll be old enough.
Oh, no tardarás mucho en tener edad para ello.
If it's not him, I don't care, but the rest of your life won't be enough to pay this off.
Si no es él, no me importa, pero a usted no le va a alcanzar su vida para pagar esto.
It won't be enough to tackle 6000 SS men.
que no serán suficientes para que podamos pelear contra 6000 hombres de la SS.
I know. Even if you win, it won't be enough for a motor.
Aunque ganases, no bastaría para comprar el motor.
That won't be enough, you shall pay for it...
Los errores no se deben reconocer, ¡ Hay que rectificarlos... con un baño de sangre!
Before long it'll burn so fast, I won't be able to chop enough even two-handed!
Al ritmo que arde, no seré capaz de cortar bastante leña ni con dos manos.
It won't be enough.
No será suficiente.
Our force won't be enough to cope with it.
Nuestras fuerzas no nos alcanzan.
There won't be any laws and men won't live long enough to... hang on to power, or to hand it on to their offspring.
No habrá ninguna ley y los hombres viviran muy poco... para mantenerse en el poder, para entregarlo a a su descendencia.
That won't be long enough either, but it'll have to do.
Tampoco para eso bastará, pero tendremos que hacerlo.
it won't be enough to practice free love, for us to be understood and imitated!
¿ qué cosa habremos demostrado? Y ni siquiera sabrán por qué habrán practicado el amor libre, estas familias de campesinos, jornaleros e iletrados.
It won't be soon enough.
Y no será suficientemente rápido.
You blow it and your budget next year won't be enough to build a paper plane!
Como meta la pata, el próximo presupuesto no le dará ni para hacer un avión de papel.
It's punishment enough that he won't be hired for the next season.
Ya es castigo que no le renovéis el contrato.
It won't be enough.
No va a ser suficiente.
Don Filippo says it won't even be enough.
Don Filippo dice que no será suficiente.
Won't it be enough to start campaigning, let people know I want the job?
¿ No bastaría con que la gente supiera que voy para primer ministro?
There won't be enough of The Stuff in it to get a grip on anybody's mind.
No hay lo suficiente de La Cosa para controlar la mente.
Well, if there's a nuclear war, it won't last long enough for the weapons to be tested.
- S ¡ se produce una guerra nuclear, no habría mucho tiempo para probar las armas.
It will be covered today, but it won't be enough.
Hoy estará nublado, pero no alcanza.
Soon there won't be enough of us left to call it group.
Pronto no habrá suficientes de nosotros para ser llamados un grupo.
This won't be enough. Of course it will.
10 dólares no es suficiente
I have a family, it won't be enough.
Tengo una familia, no nos bastará.
If we're gradual enough, it won't be such a shock. Hopefully, it'll just lose interest.
Si lo hacemos gradualmente, con suerte perderá el interés.
You won't be here long enough to make it worth the effort.
Te irás pronto. No vale la pena.
I'm kind of glad I won't be around long enough to see it all go.
Afortunadamente, no viviré lo suficiente para ver que todo desaparezca.
I won't be on it long enough to complain.
No pasaré tanto tiempo sentado.
The field modulator is operational, but it won't be enough.
El modulador de campo está instalado, pero no bastará.
You can send a snake for each and it won't be enough.
Puedes mandar una serpiente por cada uno y no serα suficiente.
It won't be enough.
Será suficiente.
If it goes off within this area, there won't be enough left of Babylon 5 to fill a thimble.
Si explota en este área no quedará nada de Babylon 5.
I did my best, Kitty, but it won't be good enough.
Hice lo que pude, Kitty, pero no será suficiente.

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