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It won't help translate Spanish

759 parallel translation
It won't harm the hotel direction, and it will help you!
¡ A la dirección del hotel no va a hacerle daño y a ti te viene bien!
I hope you won't mind... but I can't help telling you how exciting it is seeing you right here.
Espero que no le moleste... pero no puedo dejar de decirle lo emocionada que estoy de verla aquí.
Puedes no venir a mi esta noche o en la noche de mañana, pero vendrás, no puedes evitarlo.
It won't help.
No servirá de nada.
Jennifer, you mustn't talk yourself into such false feelings you won't be able to help Irene with that attitude false feelings, is that what you call it?
¡ Jennifer, no tienes que enredarte en esos sentimientos falsos! ¡ Con esa actitud no podrás ayudar a Irene! Sentimientos falsos... ¿ así los llamas?
Why ask? It won't help you any.
¿ Para qué preguntar si no te va a servir de nada?
Take it easy. Crying won't help.
Llorando no le ayudará.
I only understand that Betty was my sister that Vanning killed her, and that you won't help me do anything about it.
Yo sólo entiendo que Betty era mi hermana que Vanning la mató y que ustedes no ayudan a hacer nada al respecto.
It won't take long when there's a song to help you set the pace
No tomara mucho cuando hay una cancion que te ayude a organizar
I'll gladly give you his address, but it won't help.
Le daría su dirección con gusto, pero de nada le serviría.
That won't help, it's too late.
Eso no le ayudará, ya es demasiado tarde.
If I leave, I probably could have won the pot and if I stay, I might lose it... and if I don't go and help with the baggage, my wife will skin me alive.
Si me voy, quizá gané el pozo. Si me quedo, quizá lo pierda. Y si no ayudo con las maletas, mi esposa me desollará vivo.
We won't have to die in the cellar after all, Harry. Nor in any other place if I can help it.
Mira, Harry, se han ido.
It won't help a bit.
No servirá de nada.
It won't help for what ails you.
Pero no para la enfermedad que sufre Ud.
It'll be such a rush, we won't be able to help the customers.
Más tarde habrá tantos clientes que no podremos atenderlos.
I'm afraid I won't be able to be of much help to you without some idea of what it's about.
Me temo que no podré serie de mucha ayuda... si no tengo ni idea de qué se trata.
It won't help you to ruin me.
No lo ayudará arruinarme a mí.
- Not if I can help it, they won't.
- No si puedo evitarlo.
- Get some water, quick. - It won't help.
- Trae agua, pronto.
But she won't help you spend any of it.
Pero no les ayudará a gastárselo.
I'm not looking for scandal, as the prosecutor thinks. Yet I won't avoid it, if it can help bring the truth to light.
No persigo el escándalo, como pretende el señor fiscal, pero tampoco lo evitaré, si puede ayudarme a hacer resurgir la verdad.
The Cutlers won't pick the bones of this wreck, if I can help it.
Los Cutler no recogerán los restos de este naufragio si puedo evitarlo.
Now, listen, everybody, it's no good making martyrs of ourselves, that won't help us at all.
Actuar como mártires no nos solucionará nada.
Even if we find the answer to this, it won't help her much, I'm afraid.
Aunque hallemos la respuesta, temo que no la ayudará mucho.
I need some help on it, and some people won't help me.
Necesito ayuda, y hay gente que no me ayuda.
I mean, it can't. Well, it won't, lad, if I can help it.
No me ocurrirá nada si puedo evitarlo.
It won't help Kinkaid now to get yourself killed.
No ayudarás a Kinkaid si te matan.
A memory lapse won't help you out of it, so you'd better...
Una falla de la memoria no la sacará de esto, así que mejor...
You won't tear this up, till you help me fill it in.
No la romperás, hasta que me ayudes a llenarla.
- I do. It won't help you, it won't help you
No sirve de nada, no sirve de nada
Barbara knew we were seasoned gamesters. Yes, my dear, but I can't help thinking old Ralph won't like it.
Sí, querida pero no le gustará nada a Ralph.
It won't help.
No ayudaría.
He wouldn't say how long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can help.
No dijo lo que tardaría, pero dado que su tiempo es valioso será poco.
What's the good, if it won't help the show and I can't do what I can?
¿ De qué servirían si no fuesen buenas para el show?
You'll only harm yourself, and it won't help Ephraim.
Meg, tu novio no se cuida mucho.
It won't help you now.
Ahora no le ayudará.
You had it all worked out, but it won't help you much...
Has estudiado bien el golpe, pero te servirá de poco.
Yell your head off, Frank. it won't help you.
- Grita cuanto quieras, no te ayudará.
Won't you help me find it?
¿ No quiere ayudarme a encontrarla?
You must excuse me. It won't occur again, if I can help it.
Discúlpeme, procuraré no volverlo a hacer.
It won't happen if you'll help me.
No va a pasar nada, si me ayudas.
Jim, if you won't help the halls For themselves, then do it for me.
Si no lo haces por ellos, hazlo por mi.
It won't help!
No querrá hacer algo malo Sr. Carroll... ¡ Le digo lo que haré..!
It won't help you.
No le servirá de nada.
A stallion won't run his mares hard if he can help it.
Un semental intenta no hacer correr demasiado a su yegua.
* oh, won't somebody help me... * [Horn blows] * before it's too late? *
¿ Vendrá alguien a salvarme?
* * help me * * help me * * won't somebody help me * * before it's too late?
¡ Ayudádme! ¡ Quién vendrá a ayudarme! ¡ Alguien que me ayude!
It would please me if he married a tart, if the caravan should overturn, and he rots in a ditch. And I won't do a thing to help you.
Me alegro si se casa con una golfa, si la caravana vuelca, y se pudre en la cuneta. ¡ Mejor!
He's a lawyer himself but it won't help him. No?
Él es abogado, pero no le servirá de nada.
I got a lot of contacts to look up. Old leads. It won't help any with you tagging along.
He de buscar a los contactos, viejas pistas, vuestra compañía no me ayudará.

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