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It won't make any difference translate Spanish

126 parallel translation
Siento no haberlo hecho.
It won't make any difference for him.
No cambiará nada para él.
Read it tonight when you're through working. It won't make any difference then.
Léala esta noche, entonces no importará.
Uh-oh Frankie's got a bad cut over one eye there but Gerry Connors, his manager, has told me that it won't make any difference.
Frankie tiene una cortada seria sobre un ojo... pero Gerry Connors, su mánager, me dijo que eso no hará ninguna diferencia.
Since they were good and they're still good they have to be good. And then it wouldn't make any difference if I hadn't won the Maxford House contest. - Would it?
- Bueno, digo... dado que eran buenas y aún lo son... tienen que ser buenas... y entonces habría diferencia... si gané o no el concurso Maxford House, ¿ no?
No matter what I find out, it won't make any difference.
No me importa lo que descubra. ¿ Cuál es la diferencia?
My being in the army, a buck private, that won't make any difference, will it?
Estar en el Ejército como soldado raso... no cambiará las cosas, ¿ o sí?
If she's in there, it won't make any difference about warrants.
Si ella está ahí, da lo mismo no tener un permiso.
I'm sure it won't make any difference to Elaine.
Estoy segura de que a Elaine le va a dar igual.
It won't make any difference to me.
No cambiará nada para mí.
- It won't make any difference.
- No importa. - De acuerdo.
If my mother does come back on Monday, it won't make any difference to us, will it?
Aunque mi madre vuelva el Lunes no habrá diferencia entre nosotros, ¿ no?
Doesn't matter. It won't make any difference.
No importa, no hay nada que hacer.
But it won't make any difference if you do.
Pero eso no cambiaría las cosas.
It won't make any difference in the long run. I'll get him.
No me importa, tarde o temprano, le cogeré.
It won't make any difference.
No cambiará nada.
So, Lars, it shouldn't make any difference if they won't play with you.
No te preocupes si no quieren jugar contigo.
But if you're not, it won't make any difference.
Pero si no es así, no cambiará nada.
It won't make any difference to me.
No hay diferencia para mí.
Not at all Mister Croft, but it won't make any difference, you know.
Claro que no, Sr. Croft, pero eso no lo hará diferente.
I suppose it won't make any difference what I say.
Supongo que no te haría cambiar de opinión.
Thanks, but it won't make any difference now.
Gracias, pero ahora eso no importa demasiado.
- Monsieur Bushell... - He asked you first'cause he's French, and he thought he ought to, but it won't make any difference.
Te ha pedido permiso porque es francés y porque era su deber, pero...
That's what he wants you to do, for you to do the job, but it won't make any difference.
Pero le advierto que es lo mismo.
You might as well be prepared for the worst but it won't make any difference to someone who really loves you!
Si él la quiere de verdad.... estará a su lado sea cual sea su aspecto.
It won't make any difference if we hit a mine.
No hará ninguna diferencia si golpeamos una mina.
It won't make any difference.
Eso no va a cambiar nada.
Please believe me. I'll kill you, too. It won't make any difference.
Créame, Sra. Lampert la mataré a usted también, uno más no me importa.
Won't make any difference. Shoot it off, I'll still get you. Shoot out my eyes, I'll still find you!
No sería diferente, le mataré. ¡ Aun con los ojos cerrados le encontraré!
At this point, if anyone attacks me it won't make any difference in making the Shogunate an enemy of the Emperor.
En este punto, si alguien me ataca no supondrá ninguna diferencia a la hora de convertir al Shogunato en enemigo del Emperador.
- It won't really make any difference.
- Eso no cambiará nada.
( Man ) It won't make any difference.
Eso no cambia las cosas.
If we can't maintain orbit after that time, it won't make any difference.
Si no mantenemos la órbita después de eso no importará mucho.
It won't make any difference.
( Entran dos policías ) Muy bien.
It won`t make any difference to you, dealing with the new owner.
Se ganó el `t hacer ninguna diferencia para usted, tratar con el nuevo propietario.
That means buying up Meadowood and rezoning it for industrial use so the noise won't make any difference.
Significaría comprar Meadowood y convertirlo en una zona industrial donde el ruido no sea un problema.
It won't make any difference...
No conseguiréis nada...
It won't make any difference.
No creo que importará.
Well an hour or two won't make any difference will it?
- Pero ahora haría alguna diferencia? Confían en mi.
Won't make any difference then who or what you are, you'll be for it.
No habrá diferencia entonces quién o qué eres tú, vas a tener problemas.
But don't worry. It may look like we're rushing things a bit, but the fact is if you're going to walk and talk at the same time, it's necessary that we find somebody that if you do fall on your ass, it won't make any difference.
Puede parecer que estamos apurando un poco las cosas, pero el hecho es que si vas a caminar y hablar al mismo tiempo, es necesario que encontremos a alguien que si te caes de culo, no note la diferencia.
It won't make any difference, bro.
Si encuentro trabajo.
It won't make any difference. Not now.
Eso no servirá para nada, ya no.
I killed Ashley and Wentworth. Another killing or two won't make any difference. It would make me happy.
Ya maté a Ashley y a Wentworth, uno o dos asesinatos más no tienen importancia, y a mí me haría feliz.
It won't make any difference.
No haría ninguna diferencia.
I may as well tell you. It won't make any difference.
También puedo decirle, que esto no tiene ninguna importancia.
It won't make any difference to my credibility... or reputation.
¿ Quieres que yo vaya? No afectaría mi credibilidad ni mi reputación.
It won't make any difference to you, dealing with the new owner.
Te dará igual hacer un trato con el nuevo dueño.
It won't make any difference. He'll just start all over again.
No servirá de nada, porque volverá a empezar de nuevo.
It won't make any difference.
Ya es irreversible.
Yes, but it won't make any difference.
Si, pero dará igual.

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