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It would be an honor translate Spanish

269 parallel translation
It would be an honor and a joy...
Será un honor y una alegría....
- It would be an honor if you came, Excellency.
- Excelencia, ¿ la quiere visitar? - Para nosotros sería un honor.
- It would be an honor.
Sería un honor.
It would be an honor, Your Excellency.
- Será un honor, Su Excelencia.
It would be an honor.
El lt sería un honor.
It would be an honor to come to dinner with me today.
Sería un honor si cenase hoy conmigo.
If your son takes my daughter's hand, it would be an honor.
Si su hijo acepta la mano de mi hija, sería un honor.
It would be an honor for the next senator from the state of Washington... to be your servant before the scales of justice.
Será un honor para el futuro senador del Estado de Washington patrocinarlo ante los estrados de la justicia.
Oh yes! Excuse me, I'm sorry, but... for me it would be an honor to be defended by a lawyer Count, but... some other time, huh!
- Eh sí, disculpe, lo lamento pero para mí hubiera sido un honor ser defendido por un abogado conde, pero otra vez será.
It would be an honor
Sería un honor.
It would be an honor if you'd allow me to escort you to the betting window.
Sería un honor si me permite que le acompañe a los vientanilla de apuestas
It would be an honor, your Excellency!
Tengo al hombre. ¡ García!
It would be an honor for me.
Será un honor para mí.
It would be an honor if you participate in this tournament and demonstrate your skill.
Sería un honor que participara en el torneo y nos mostrara sus habilidades.
Century Magazine? - Everyone it would be an honor, Mr. Johnson.
- Sería para mí un honor, Sr. Johnson.
Well, if my incredible good fortune should run out... it would be an honor to lose to someone of your skill.
Si mi increíble buena suerte se agota... será un honor perder ante alguien tan diestro.
It would be an honor if you'd contribute one. Alan, Mr. Steele's been travelling all day
Señor Steele, estábamos jugando a El Mejor Asesinato.
It would be an honor to assist Jonathan's widow in any way.
Sería un honor ayudar a la Viuda de Jonathan en cualquier forma.
It would be an honor to dance with you, Miss Carmichael... but, you see, Miss Cleary here has hired me for the whole night.
Sería un gran honor bailar con usted... pero la Srta. Cleary me contrató por toda la noche.
It would be an honor, Mrs. Fletcher.
Sería un honor, Sra. Fletcher.
It would be an honor for me.
Será un honor tremendo.
Sir, it would be an honor, if you would accompany my platoon.
Señor, sería un honor que acompañara a mi pelotón.
But in this case, it would be an honor.
Pero en este caso, será un honor.
I think it would be an honor for you to own some of my work.
Creo que sería un honor que fueras el dueño de una de mis obras.
It would be an honor, my lord.
- Será un honor, mi lord.
It would be an honor.
Sería un honor.
I want Jan to be godmother... And I would think it would be an honor... I mean, I want Tony to be godfather.
Quiero que Jan sea la madrina y creo que Tony debe sentirse honrado de ser el padrino.
Brother, it would be an honor.
Hermano, será un honor.
And it would be an honor if you would assist me.
Y sería un honor que me asistieras.
It would be an honor to speak with you, Doctor.
Será un honor hablar con usted Doctor.
It would be an honor to accompany you if you will have me.
Sería un honor acompañarlo.
It would be an honor to show you our cities.
Sería un honor mostrarle nuestras ciudades.
It would be an honor just to work with a news director of your caliber.
Sería un honor trabajar con una directora noticias de su calibre.
It would be an honor to meet him.
- Me gustaria conocerle.
It would be an honor to serve you, sir.
iPara mí sería un gran honor servirle, señor!
It would be an honor.
- Me honra su invitación.
It would be an honour to see a geisha truly portrayed on the screen.
Sería un honor ver a una geisha retratada en la pantalla.
I would deem it an honor if you'd at least stay the day and be my guest at the hunt.
Yo consideraría un honor si usted se quedara este día Y fuera mi invitada en la caza.
I understand! If Shigetomo made the statue, it would be another story, but this is too great an honor for an unknown youth.
Si Shigetomo hiciese la escultura, muy distinta sería la historia... pero es demasiado honor para un joven ignoto.
But for me to touch you it would be an honour.
Pero para mí tocarte sería un honor.
Maybe down there it would be useful, because an honorable man is respected there.
Tal vez allí sería útil, porque un hombre de honor se respeta.
It would be an honour if you came to see me.
Sería un honor si vinieras a verme.
It would be an honour.
Sería un honor.
It would be an honour and a privilege.
Sería un honor y un privilegio.
If the crew of the Enterprise-C had died defending a Klingon outpost, it would be considered an act of honour by the Klingon empire.
Si la tripulación del Enterprise-C muriera por defender a los Klingons, el imperio Klingon lo consideraría un acto de honor.
You would not consider it to be an honour?
¿ Y no lo consideraría un honor?
It would be an honour.
Será un honor.
It would be an honour.
Seria un gran honor.
- Miss Weathers, please... I would... It would be such an honour for me if I could just get a quote from you for my story.
Srta. Weathers, sería un honor para mí... si pudiese hacer una declaración para nuestro artículo.

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