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It wouldn't be right translate Spanish

496 parallel translation
- I wouldn't be too worried about Derrick. - All right, let's do it. - Okay.
Y la respuesta es No.
It wouldn't be right!
No sería correcto!
It wouldn't be right, would it?
No, claro.
And it wouldn't be right.
Y no estaría bien.
Cariño, no es que no quiera es que no sería justo para ti casarte ahora.
And even if your daddy was half what you say... it wouldn't be right nor just to gamble two weeks good fishing... against a yarn give out by an upset boy.
E incluso si tu papá fuera lo mitad de lo que dices no sería correcto arriesgar dos semanas de buena pesca por una historia contada por un niño enojado.
It wouldn " t be right for you.
No sería adecuado para usted.
If you'd handled it all right, Jameson wouldn't be coming in.
Si hubiera hecho un buen trabajo, Jameson no vendría.
Wouldn't it be just swell if the earl should arrive right now?
¿ No sería genial que el conde llegara ahora mismo?
That'd be all right, wouldn't it?
¿ Eso valdría, no?
- But it wouldn't be right.
- Sí, pero no estaría bien.
We can't just go home and sleep. It wouldn't be right.
No nos conviene irnos a casa a dormir, dejándola suelta.
If it wasn't for that publicity stunt of yours she'd be right here, wouldn't she, sitting on top of the world?
¿ Si no fuera por esa publicidad no estaria ella aqui sentada en la cima del mundo?
It-tt wouldn't be right.
- No puedo. No estaría bien.
I see you've left a girl at home. It wouldn't be right for you to go home without your hair.
¿ Te gustaría estar calvo cuando vuelvas a verla?
- It wouldn't be right, would it?
- No sería correcto?
And he never knew, and the girl kept this bad thing locked in her heart that would be all right, wouldn't it?
Si él nunca lo supiera y ella mantuviera el secreto ¿ sería eso tan malo?
But the point is, my dear young lady that there wouldn't be any tunnel. ... if it weren't for the men who are risking their lives. ... in creating it right now.
La cuestión es que no habría ningún túnel si no hubiera hombres arriesgando su vida allí.
¿ por qué no quiere que lo sepa?
I don't say it wouldn't be a pleasure, mind you, but — we haven't got the right!
No digo que no sería un placer, pero no tenemos derecho.
Be nice to know right now how all this is going to end, wouldn't it?
Bueno, sería grato saber cómo va a terminar todo, ¿ eh?
It wouldn't be right.
No estaría bien.
Then it would be all right, wouldn't it?
- Entonces estaría bien, ¿ No cree?
I was thinkin'it wouldn't be right for me to ask the two eldest to take my name.
No creo que sea correcto pedir que los dos mayores adopten mi apellido.
You wouldn't be afraid of that fog if you went right out into it.
No te asustaría esa niebla si estuvieras dentro de ella.
It wouldn't be right, Phil.
- ¡ No puedo! Tengo que salvar a esa chica.
It'll be right here. Otherwise, Minify wouldn't have gone through all the trouble to get us the apartment.
Será aquí o Minify no nos tendría apartamento.
Since you're operating on the assumption Mr. Triton could be right, wouldn't it be a good idea to remove the flowers, eliminate the possibility of one being crushed underfoot?
¿ No sería buena idea tirar las flores, para eliminar la posibilidad de que una sea aplastada?
Right now, it wouldn't be worth your while... but when the pile's grown to 300 ounces, think of such things you will.
Ahora no te convendría, pero cuando haya 300 onzas, pensarás cosas así.
It wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be fair!
El niño también sufriría.
It must be right, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard to do.
Debe ser justo, de lo contrario, no sería tan difícil hacerlo.
Well, I guess it wouldn't be right if he was letting it roll off his back like it was nothing.
Supongo que no sería normal... si para él fuera como si nada.
- If it were deserted there wouldn't be any children, right?
- Si no hubiese nadie tampoco habría niños.
It's been all right up to here, but it wouldn't be from now on.
Hasta ahora todo ha ido bien, pero las cosas cambiarán.
I'm looking for a place to work and your mother Wants someone to help her the way you do. Wouldn't it be all right with you
- Escucha Michael, estoy buscando un sitio donde trabajar, y tu madre necesita ayuda.
That would be all right with you, wouldn't it?
Estás de acuerdo en eso, ¿ no?
It wouldn't be right to sell it.
No sería correcto venderlo.
I guess it'd be all right if you took her out, wouldn't you say?
Supongo que estará bien que salgas con ella, ¿ verdad?
- Oh, Melvin, after all, if it wasn't all right, he wouldn't be in there.
- Oh, Melvin, después de todo, si no estaba bien, no sería en ese país.
She has to work, not someone as beautiful as you, it wouldn't be right.
Ella tiene que trabajar, no una belleza como tú. Sería una injusticia.
That's right, if it weren't for Dr. Williams going on digging up the dough, we wouldn't be down here.
Si el Dr. Williams no consiguiera el dinero, no estaríamos aquí.
- Well, you see... What with Hamish missing, I thought you wouldn't mind and I told Mr MacGregor that it would be all right if he went to visit his cousin.
- Es que, verá... como Hamish no estaba, creí que no le importaría... y le di permiso a McGregor para visitar a sus primos.
But I can't marry you Eric, it wouldn't be right.
Pero no puedo casarme contigo, Eric, No estaría bien.
Well, it wouldn't be right if I didn't tell you what it was.
A pesar de todo, tengo que decirte que hay, sino sería muy inmoral.
Acepto que haya que ser discretos y no soltar prenda, pero no estaría bien quedarse con el dinero.
That'd be all right, wouldn't it, Mister?
Lo ha comprendido ¿ no es así, señor?
It wouldn't be right for you.
No sería correcto para usted.
And that means you wouldn't be here, because if you didn't have it, you'd be up there looking for it. Right?
Y entonces no estarías aquí, porque si no lo tuvieses, estarías buscándolo. ¿ Cierto?
If I said I'd stay with the side that was right, it wouldn't be much of an answer... because there's right on both sides.
Si dijese que estoy del lado correcto, no estaría dando una respuesta... pues quiero ser justo con ambos lados.
Because if you marry her because of a promise, it'll seem you're marrying her because you must, and that wouldn't be right.
Si te casas con ella porque lo prometiste, parecerá que lo haces contra tu voluntad y no sería justo.
It wouldn't be right.
- No estaría bien.

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