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It wouldn't hurt translate Spanish

622 parallel translation
That would hurt your pride, wouldn't it?
Eso podría dañar a su orgullo, ¿ no?
If I did, it wouldn't hurt you.
. Si eso hiciera, no los lastimaria.
Wouldn't hurt me any to have a new kind of man added to my record, would it?
¿ No estaría mal añadir un nuevo tipo de hombre a mi historial, verdad?
Si acariciarlo pudiera hacerle daño, no estaría aquí ahora.
It wouldn't hurt you to try and see if you could.
No te hará daño intentarlo.
It wouldn't hurt to just sit with us a for a little, no?
No será aburrido sentarse con nosotros un rato, ¿ verdad?
You know, it wouldn't hurt me to rush around a little less, only...
Sabes que no me importaría trabajar un poco menos, sólo que...
It wouldn't hurt to try for a while anyway.
No estaría mal intentarlo.
"A, B, C, D, E" doesn't make sense. Maybe he was practicing his alphabet. Looked like it wouldn't hurt him.
Puede que revisara el alfabeto no le vendría mal
It wouldn't hurt you even if it did.
No te lastimaría aunque se disparara. Mira.
It wouldn't hurt to try, would it?
Por probar no perdemos nada.
It wouldn't hurt you to take orders from your grasshop your conscience, if you have one.
Más te valdría obedecer a tu saltamon... A tu conciencia. - Si la tuvieras.
- It wouldn't hurt anybody, would it?
- No dañaría a nadie, ¿ cierto?
Oh, Vicky, wouldn't it be wonderful if I had never done anything to hurt you?
Oh, Vicky, ¿ que maravilloso sería si nunca hubiera hecho nada para herirte?
But, doc it wouldn't hurt to see what Mrs. Walters can do, would it?
Pero Doctor no le hará daño ver lo que Mrs. Walter puede hacer, ¿ No?
Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a few roses on it.
Bueno, no me importaría ponerle un par de rosas.
It wouldn't hurt him.
No le haría ningún daño.
- It wouldn't hurt her much.
- No Ia Iastimaría mucho.
Oh, I guess it being a special occasion it wouldn't hurt.
Creo que en esta ocasión especial no me hará mal.
It wouldn't hurt for the men to remove their hats.
No les haría mal a los caballeros quitarse el sombrero.
You told me it wouldn't hurt.
- Dijiste que no dolería.
- It wouldn't hurt to check it.
No está de más investigarlo.
It wouldn't hurt anything to hear what the guy has to say, would it?
¿ Y qué? ¿ Haría daño oír al tipo?
It wouldn't hurt half as much.
No dolería ni la mitad.
I guess it wouldn't hurt anything to run over there and have a look around
- ¿ Dónde viven? - Calle Holt, 225. En el quinto, encima de mi casa.
- You said it wouldn't hurt me.
- Dijistes que no me doleria.
It wouldn't hurt just to take her along.
- No pasará nada si nos acompaña.
- It wouldn't hurt.
- No estaría de más.
I know he's your boss, but it wouldn't hurt.
Es su jefe, lo sé. Pero eso no es un crimen.
I told her it wouldn't hurt.
Le dije que no le dolería.
It wouldn't have hurt anybody.
No dañaría a nadie.
It wouldn't hurt to give him a position.
No costaría nada darle un puesto.
It wouldn't hurt.
No me habría hecho daño.
Then I thought it wouldn't hurt me to eat a fig just before I died.
Después pensé que no me haría daño comer un higo justo antes de morir.
And it wouldn't hurt you to help me with the trailer.
Y no creo que te haga daño si me ayudes con la caravana.
Well, it wouldn't hurt you to learn some manners, too.
A ti tampoco te iría mal tener más modales.
But it still wouldn't hurt to have a check-up.
Pero aun así no te haría daño un chequeo.
It wouldn't have hurt ya to wait a coupla days, Frank.
No te habría perjudicado esperar un par de días más.
- No, it wouldn't hurt.
- No nos vendría mal.
I could leave it in water overnight, and it wouldn't hurt.
Que podría meterlo en agua por la noche y que no se estropearía.
Because it wouldn't hurt to do.
Un refugio de madera bastará...
It wouldn't hurt to have the doctor take a look at you.
Sería bueno que te vea el doctor.
It wouldn't have hurt me to come to his church once in a while.
No me habría sido difícil ir a su iglesia de vez en cuando.
It wouldn't hurt you to work inside for once.
No te haría mal trabajar un poco en casa.
It wouldn't have hurt you to come to supper.
No tenía que herirte que fueras a comer.
It wouldn't hurt you two girls to stay home once in a while....
A ustedes dos no les haría daño quedarse en casa de vez en cuando...
A bomb would blow him and his records and the barge to kingdom come, yet it wouldn't hurt anyone else.
Con una bomba volará en pedazos él, su barcaza y sus archivos. Y no dañará a nadie más.
- It wouldn't have hurt to say something...
- No perdíamos nada diciéndolo...
It wouldn't have hurt her to have had some sort of dreadful, shocking experience... when she was little, something rather nasty she saw in the attic.
No estaría mal que hubiera sufrido algún shock de pequeña. Que hubiera visto algo feo en el ático.
I guess it's dark enough, I can go outside now, it wouldn't hurt my eyes none.
Como es de noche, no creo que salir me haga daño en lo ojos.
It wouldn't hurt me, either.
No me hará daño tampoco.

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