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Jodio translate Spanish

80 parallel translation
Or was it the Devil who screwed me?
¿ O fue el Diablo quien me jodio a mi?
That cancer really knocks the shit out of you, man
No te imaginas como el cancer me jodio a mí.
Looks like he fucked us, Commander.
Parece que nos jodio, Comandante.
- Well he screwed us by making something up, I say we do the same thing!
- ¡ El nos jodio inventando algo, y nosotros haremos lo mismo!
Uh, I don'tthinkthat you really classify... someonewhoyoujust perpetrated a killingwith a completefucking stranger!
Uh, yo no pienso eso tú realmente clasificas... Alguien con el que has perpretado una matanza como un completo jodio extraño!
- This thing with Farva screwed our pooch. - What?
Lo de Farva nos jodio.
Fucked him up, man.
Lo jodio, hombre.
Fucked him up.
Lo jodio.
Vern, Beecher fucked up your parole.
Vern, Beecher jodio tu condicional.
Gilligan screwed it up.
Gilligan la jodio.
He totally screwed you over.
Él te jodio totalmente.
He's not the only one who screwed us.
Él no es el único que nos jodio.
Did she get drunk... and puke all over the place, have sex?
Ella se embriagó... y jodio todo el lugar, tuvo sexo?
You're a fucking fag.
Eres un jodio marica.
Park Tae-ho fucked us up.
Park Tae-ho nos jodio.
Dude, it's been 12 hours.
Hey, fuiste el unico que jodio el trato...
Hey, you're the one that screwed us by not losing weight, Butters.
Hey, fuiste el único que jodio el trato al no perder peso Butters.
Your family fucked-up or something?
¿ Tu familia te jodio o algo parecido?
The priest screwed you.
Te jodio el cura.
I have been ran over with one of your tractors!
¡ Me jodio uno de sus tractores!
( laughs ) I don't want to fall prey to the same person who screwed me over in Australia.
No quiero convertirme en presa de la misma persona que me jodio en Australia.
He fucked my wife.
- Él Jodio con mi mujer.
- And they him.
- Y ella jodio con él.
You fucked my wife.
Jodio con mi esposa.
Try thinking for once. The van's fucked! Bollocks, no, it's not!
Lo estoy pensando la van se jodio xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx
He had everything until he got hurt.
- El lo tenia todo hasta que se jodio.
It's gone now, but did you see his face?
Ya se jodio pero ¿ le viste la cara?
Yeah, the thing is, Aston Martin messed up. When they said it's a thoroughbred, it's an all-new car, it isn't.
Si, pero el tema es, Aston Martin la jodio cuando dijeron que era un pura sangre, un auto nuevo, por que no lo es.
The son of a bitch set him up too.
El desgraciado nos jodio también.
To hell with her.
Te jodio. Jódela.
I don't give a damn about him, either. You see, because he fucked me over with his escape plan, man.
El no me importa tampoco, por que me jodio con el plan de escape, Ihombre.
If, in years to come, it turns out the daycare screwed her up, she's always got you for counseling.
Si, en los proximos años, resulta que la guarderia la jodio ella siempre te tiene para que le aconsejes.
the police mess up our business frantically.
La policía nos jodio el negocio drasticamente
She screwed me over, now it's her turn.
Ella me jodio y ahora le toca a ella
Joey, we have problems. - Why? That bastard, fucking Nicky Roman.
Porque el maldito nos jodio
In fact, right before he died, he told me dialogue speeds up I was his favorite child, which really pissed my sisteroff.
De hecho, justo antes de morir me dijo que yo era su hija favorita cosa que jodio a mi hermana.
Why this loyalty to a government that screwed you over?
¿ Por qué esta lealtad a un gobierno que le ha jodio?
That dufus fucked us.
El dufu nos jodio,
He fucked us, Chouchou!
Nos jodio, Chouchou.
The bus blew up.
El bus se jodio.
Guess who got screwed?
adivina quien se jodio?
The shit-stirrer who sent you the photos, perhaps?
Quien jodio las cosas mediante el envío de las fotos?
The money. Yes. The hotel's fucked up and let half our rooms go.
el dinero si el hotel la jodio y perdio la mitad de nuestras habitaciones
But she went to jail and everything got fucked.
Pero ella fue a la cárcel y todo se jodio.
- I'm fucked.
Estoy jodio.
They transferred him out here'cause he fucked something up.
ellos lo transfirieron lejos de aqui porque el jodio algo.
We'll go to bed then.No! You didn't have a problem yesterday. Before she fucked with your head.
Iremos a la cama entonces, no tenias problemas ayer, ella te jodio la cabeza!
Why don't you ask the guy who screwed up if it bothers him?
¿ Porque no le preguntas al tío que lo jodio si no le molesta?
"Mummy fucked me up."
"Mi mami me jodio"
The jerk that screwed us on those convertibles we boosted.
El capullo que nos jodio con esos convertibles que robamos.
It is the same.
siempre es lo mismo con tus palabras pero él lo jodio.

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