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Jolene translate Spanish

380 parallel translation
Since when did Jolene Parker's case go from missing person to murder investigation?
¿ Desde cuándo el caso de Jolene Parker pasó de ser una persona desaparecida a una investigación de homicidio?
He killed Jolene Parker.
Mató a Jolene Parker.
Jolene Parker undoubtedly worked for the same organization as Tom.
Jolene Parker indudablemente trabajaba para la misma organización que Tom...
Daddy, you know Jolene?
Papá, ¿ te acuerdas de Jolene?
One drink, Jolene.
Un trago, Jolene.
Because I'm still your sweet, little innocent Jolene.
Porque sigo siendo tu dulce, pequeña e inocente Jolene.
Jolene's a colorful girl.
Jolene es una chica colorida.
Jolene and I have had a long, wonderful relationship.
Jolene y yo hemos tenido una relación larga y maravillosa.
What I'm trying to say is... is Jolene is... is my woman, and you shoulda kept your hands off her!
Lo que estoy tratando de decir es... es que Jolene es... es mi mujer ¡ y Ud. Tiene que quitarle las manos de encima!
Jolene es...
Jolene, that's disgusting.
Jolene, que desagradable!
Jolene... You give that back to me!
Jolene, devuelveme eso!
Open this door right now, or I'll never talk to you again.
Jolene abre esta puerta o no volveré a hablarte!
Now, Jolene, I could show you to clean up some casseroles when you through.
Ahora Jolene necestito que vengas a ayudarme.
Jolene is making the beds, Denise is taking a shower.
Jolene está haciendo la cama y Denise tomando una ducha.
I want you to take those tarps and cans down to the basement, like I told you... and stay there with Jolene.
Quiero que bajes todas estas latas al sótano como te dije. Y quedate ahí con Jolene, comprendes?
Jolene, cut that light off.
Jolene, apaga la luz.
Denise, Jolene and Danny.
Jolene, Denise y Danny.
We can see that, Jolene.
Lo veo.
Yeah? Jolene still visitin'her mama in Shreveport?
- ¿ Sigue en casa de su madre?
Jolene is tending'to somebody's needs, all right, but it sure ain't her mama.
Seguro que Jolene está cuidando a su mamá.
By the way, how is ol'Jolene?
¿ Cómo está Jolene?
Soon as I come home, I knew Jolene had been with another man.
Al llegar a casa supe que... Jolene estaba con otro.
It was Ed's idea - cartJolene off, bury her in the woods.
Fue idea suya coger a Jolene y enterrarla en el bosque.
Wasn't like it was with Jolene.
No fue como con Jolene.
Jolene, Joette, let's go in, girls.
Jolene, Joette? Pasemos.
Now, listen to me, Jolene.
Escúchame bien, Jolene.
Not to mention - Jolene, how old are you these days?
Para no mencionar - ¿ Jolene, cuántos años usted tiene estos días?
Jolene Millman, in Political Liaison, hit "reply," which...
Pero, Jolene Millman, de Política Exterior, puso "responder"...
Jolene Blalock as Subcommander T'Pol I can do anything
Que puedo hacerlo todo... "I can do anything".
Jolene, I don't know what you're babbling.
Jolene, no sé sobre qué balbuceas.
Good morning, Miss Jolene.
Buenos días, Srta. Jolene.
They took Jolene off in an ambulance.
Se llevaron a Jolina en una ambulancia.
Jolene Marlow.
Jolene Marlow.
You should hear him do "Jolene" - - amazing.
Deberias oírle cantar "Jolene" - - increíble.
I don't care who it is, Jolene.
No me importa quién sea, Jolene.
- Jolene.
- Jolenne
Jolene, you're a liar, because I can see right here, I see that Stacey Merkins is in suite 2939
Porque aquí veo que Stacey Merkin..... está en la 293,!
Jolene, did you read that piece-of-shit review that she wrote about me in your little magazine called Curve?
¿ Has leido ese trozo de mierda? Una crítica que ha escrito sobre mí en su revistilla llamada "Curve"... porque tengo una crítica en la revista Publishers Weekly
And do you know what Merkin means? Jolene?
¿ Y sabes lo que significa "Merkin", Jolenne?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.
Thank you, Jolene.
Gracias, Jolene.
What were you going to use the rope for, Jolene?
¿ Para que ibas a usar la cuerda, Jolene?
You're gonna be okay, Jolene.
Vas a estar bien, Jolene.
I'm Jolene.
Well, Jolene, a round of specials, please, and my third-wave emo punk here is gonna get the check.
Bien, Jolene, una ronda de platos especiales, por favor y mi amigo punk de tercera pagará la cuenta.
# Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
# Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
- Jolene...
Jolenne, eres una mentirosa

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