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Judson translate Spanish

323 parallel translation
Well, Mrs. Judson, those stories are very much exaggerated.
Bueno, Sra. Judson, esos cuentos son bastante exagerados.
Why, Mrs. Judson, this is one of the big moments of my life.
Sra. Judson, es uno de los grandes momentos de mi vida.
I'm Andrew Judson of the Judson Pure Food Corporation.
Soy Andrew Judson de la Compañía de Alimentos Judson.
Bring Mrs. Judson, of course, yes, if you think she'll be amused.
Traiga a la Sra. Judson, claro, sí, si cree que le divertirá.
I want you to tell me all about Pure Foods.
Quiero que me cuente de Alimentos Judson.
Well, Mrs. Judson,
Bueno, Sra. Judson,
The Judson Pure Food broadcast.
La transmisión de Alimentos Judson.
Mrs. Judson's in there with him.
La Sra. Judson está adentro con éI.
Now, Aunt Jenny is going to tell you all about lovely Oatina, made by the Judson Pure Foods Company.
Ahora, la tía Jenny les contará todo sobre la deliciosa Avena Oatina, fabricada por la Compañía de Alimentos Judson.
This program has come to you through the courtesy of the Judson Pure Foods Company, sponsoring Oatina.
Han oído este programa por cortesía de la Compañía de Alimentos Judson, patrocinando su Avena Oatina.
Goodbye, Mrs. Judson.
Adiós, Sra. Judson.
Pure Foods!
¡ Alimentos Judson!
Mr. Judson and I want you to continue as Aunt Jenny.
El Sr. Judson y yo queremos que continúes como la tía Jenny.
If the Judson Pure Food hour is to continue,
Si la hora de Alimentos Judson ha de continuar,
I'm telling bedtime stories for the Judson Pure Foods Company.
Cuento historias para la hora de dormir para la Compañía de Alimentos Judson.
My dear Mrs. Judson, I have had 100 women up here the last three days, each one worse than the one before.
Mi querida Sra. Judson, hemos tenido 100 mujeres aquí en los últimos tres días, cada una de ellas peor que la anterior.
Andrew Judson!
- ¡ Andrew Judson!
That's Mr. Judson.
Es el Sr. Judson.
That will do, Miss Judson.
Suficiente, Srta. Judson.
If you're calling me a good woman cos you don't know my name, it's Judson.
Yo. Es excelente, mi buena mujer.
Delighted to make your acquaintance, I'm sure. - And who am I... - Pardon me, Colonel.
No me llame buena mujer, mi nombre es Judson.
I've got it up to "Colonel Marmaduke Ruggles, British Army retired."
Judson. Encantado de conocerla, Sra.
Oh, Colonel, your knowledge is surprising. I don't see why you should say surprising, Mrs Judson.
Y siempre se lleva la tetera a la hervidera y no a la inversa.
And I'd have you know, Mrs Judson, that it isn't just keeping a man buttoned up, it's heredity and loyalty, and I suppose you could call it habit if you wanted to.
. Bueno, me desilusionó. Y yo sería el primero en desilusionarlo.
The People of the State [HORN HONKS] v. Judson Stacey.
El pueblo del Estado contra Judson Stacey.
- Judson.
- Judson.
- What are you shaking about, Judson?
- ¿ Por qué estás temblando, Judson?
Mr Judson and Mr Henckel have duty in the morning and wish to say good night.
Judson y Henckel tienen el turno de cubierta por la mañana y quieren decirte buenas noches.
- You look handsome, Judson.
- Qué apuesto te ves, Judson.
Over here to Dr. Judson, she might've died.
con el Dr. Johson, habría muerto.
Brenner's just got Judson the butler under arrest.
Sí. Brenner acaba de detener al mayordomo.
Dragged to the gallows wearing the very pin stripes suit in which he shot his employer... Wilbur Judson today pay...
"Arrastrado a la horca con el traje con que mató a su jefe, Judson..."
Yeah, but look, is my fault that the police clear Judson?
¿ Es culpa mía que soltaran a Judson?
First it's Judson, then Harry, now Ted Allison. Look Haley... I don't know where you buy the stuff that you drink... but if you call me again and tell me that the real murderer is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I'll, I'll... whether reporting...
Mira, no sé dónde compras ese licor que bebes pero luego me dirás que le mataron Blanca Nieves y los 7 Enanitos.
Hey, Justin you look like a bright boy.
- Mi ortografía es pésima. Judson, pareces listo. ¿ Por qué no te metes en el registro de tumbas?
You're ignorant, Justin. All right.
- Eres un ignorante, Judson.
Hey, Judson?
- Next time they make you a civilian, Judson, try a camp in the woods.
- Un hombre sano. - Cuando te hagan civil, acampa.
Give us a butt, Judson, we'll tell you all about the birds and the bees.
- Danos un pitillo y te lo contamos. No tengo.
He's a crumb, isn't he, Judson?
- Es un mequetrefe, ¿ verdad?
- Buenos días, Judson.
Wonderful day, isn't it, Judson?
Y lo que queda. Llega 20 minutos tarde.
- Oh, that was Elmo. Mr Judson.
¡ Qué gracioso!
Oh, excuse me, Colonel, while I go and heat the water for the tea.
El Sr. Judson.
Ah, Mrs Judson, it would be difficult to describe the intense satisfaction I have always derived from cooking.
Se le ve tan cómodo en la cocina.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure, Mrs Judson.
No, no
You can go now, Judson.
Puede irse, Judson.
And you're not Judson the Butler either.
Y tampoco Judson, el mayordomo.
Judson didn't kill Dilling.
Judson no mató a Dilling.
Ted Alison? Oh, Where did he come from?
Primero era Judson, luego Harry, ahora Allison.
Morning Judson.
- Doctor.

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