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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ J ] / Just stay out of it

Just stay out of it translate Spanish

260 parallel translation
- Not at all. Just stay out of it.
- No, déjalo estar.
Kindly play my music as I wrote it or just stay out of it.
Por favor toquen mi música como la he escrito, o simplemente quédense quietos.
She's so tight-fisted that I'd rather she just stay out of it.
Es tan agarrada que hubiera preferido que no se metiera en esto.
Just stay out of it.
No nos metamos.
You just stay out of it!
¡ Mantente al margen!
Just stay out of it or you'll be in trouble.
Manténte alejado de esto o tendrás problemas.
You just stay out of it!
¡ Tú ocúpate de lo tuyo!
Just stay out of it!
¡ Ocúpate de lo tuyo!
I tell you I can handle it. Just stay out of it.
Es mi trabajo, y no intervenga.
If you'd just stay out of it, Hawke.
Quédate fuera de esto, Hawke.
- Just stay out of it!
¡ No te metas!
Just stay out of it.
No te metas.
I didn't know you had so much loose cash. - Just stay out of it.
¿ Tanta solvencia tienes?
Just stay out of it, pal.
Solo aléjate, amigo.
I think we should just stay out of it!
Creo que no deberíamos meternos.
Look, just stay out of it, kid.
No te metas, chico.
He's a thief and a drunk. Just stay out of it!
Es un ladrón y un borracho. ¡ No te metas!
And Kelly's my stepsister, so why don't you just stay out of it?
Y Kelly es mi hermanastra. ¿ Por qué no dejas de meterte?
Why couldn't you just stay out of it?
¿ Por qué no podías quedarte fuera de esto?
Just stay out of it.
Tú no te metas.
Just stay out of it.
Definitivamente, no. No te metas. Y escúchame.
- Dawson, this is my father. I am begging you, just stay out of it.
Se trata de mi padre, te pido que no interfieras.
- Dharma, just stay out of it.
- Dharma, solo mantente al margen.
Why didn't you just stay out of it?
¿ Por qué te involucraste en esto?
- Just stay out of it.
- Tío, tú no te metas.
You just stay out of it, girl!
Mantente fuera de esto niña!
Women should just stay out of it!
Las mujeres deben estar al margen.
You don't know anything about this, Rena, so just stay out of it.
Rena, no sabes de esto así que no te metas.
- Just stay out of it, Ray.
- No te metas, Ray.
You just couldn't stay out of it, could you?
No podías permanecer al margen, ¿ verdad?
And you just stay out of the house until it's sold.
Aléjate de la casa hasta que se venda.
But I tell you one thing, though, it's getting easier...'cause she's getting weaker and I'm getting stronger... and one of these days, just like I tell you, I'm gonna come out and stay out.
Pero es cada vez más fácil. Se está debilitando y yo me hago fuerte. Y uno de estos días, voy a salir y me quedaré fuera, ya lo veréis.
I can't afford to stay out of work, it's just ridiculous.
Pero no puedo darme el lujo de no trabajar, es ridículo.
Well, it really reminds me of the Nazi period, when people just kept quiet in order to stay out of trouble.
Mira, esto me recuerda la época nazi, cuando la gente simplemente callaba para no meterse en líos.
Just tell him to stay out of it!
¡ Dile que se mantenga al margen!
We'll just stay here and keep the hell out of it.
Nos quedaremos aquí fuera de él.
The only time we've ever been able to stay in a hotel room We tore the shit out of it, but it just came natural.
La unica vez que estuvimos en un hotel la destrozamos, fue algo natural.
If it's more convenient, I could stay out here, And you could just pitch the rest of my dinner into my mouth.
Es más conveniente que me quede aquí y me lances el resto de la cena en la boca.
I think we should just stay out of it.
- Bien. ¿ Está Willie?
Just a minute, just a minute, just a minute. You stay out of it!
- Escuchen!
So if you got any other problems, whether it's raisins, prunes figs or any other dried fruit just keep it to yourself and stay out of my way, okay?
Si tienes algún problema con pasas, ciruelas, higos o cualquier otro fruto seco resérvatelo y no te cruces en mi camino.
Just stay out of my sight. Will you just cool it?
Estense quietos.
It just means you've got to work that much harder... try that much harder to stay out of trouble.
Simplemente significa que deberán esforzarse más esforzarse aún más para mantenerse alejados de los problemas.
Let's just get along here- - - Stay out of it, baldy. - Stay out of it, baldy.
- ¡ no te metas ¡, calvo.
It was THEM. It always is. Just try and stay out of trouble!
Siempre lo son. ¡ Mantente alejado de los problemas!
Richard, I know it's none of my business, I know the conventional wisdom tells me to just stay out of this, and I know there are 100 reasons for me to keep my mouth shut!
Sé que no me incumbe, y que hay 1 00 razones por las que debería callarme.
Look, it just means I'm gonna shampoo my hair... and stay out of your way.
Nada más significa que me voy a lavar la cabeza... y no te interrumpiré.
Well, you know, in the real world sometimes people have to do things that are not so enjoyable and accept things that are imperfect and compromise for reasons that sometimes people are too immature to comprehend, in which case they should just stay the hell out of it.
Sí, en el mundo real, la gente hace cosas que no disfruta acepta las cosas que no son perfectas y se comprometen por razones que los inmaduros no comprenden. En cuyo caso, no deberían meter las narices.
He just said I'd better stay out of it.
Sólo dijo que es mejor que me mantenga alejado.
Just this once, stay out of it. You're the second person to say that to me today.
Eres la segunda persona que dice eso hoy.
It's not noticeable, but just stay out of bright lighting.
No se nota, pero mantente lejos de la luz.

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