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Killick translate Spanish

40 parallel translation
The harbormaster'll get you a list... what ships come into, and go out of Killick-Claw.
El patrón del puerto te dará una lista de barcos que entran y salen.
The postman has landed in the clink for throwing the mail in Killick-Claw Harbor.
El cartero está en la cárcel por tirar el correo en el puerto.
"There's a 1904 photo hung in the Killick-Claw Library."
"En la biblioteca de Killick-Claw hay una foto de 1904."
Killick, an extra ration of rum for these men.
Ración extra de ron para estos hombres.
Killick there. Douse your light.
Eh, Killick, apague los faroles.
Thank you, Killick.
Gracias, Killick.
And by way of anticipation of this event, I have asked Killick to prepare something special.
Y, para celebrarlo por anticipado, le he pedido a Killick que prepare algo especial.
- Killick. Killick there.
- ¡ Eh, Killick!
Eh, Killick.
Killick there. What do you have for us tonight?
¿ Qué nos tiene preparado hoy?
It's like Killick says.
Killick tiene razón :
- Come on, Killick, you too. Get dressed. - Oh, God.
Killick, vístase usted también.
- Thank you, Killick.
- Gracias.
Killick. Killick there.
Eh, Killick.
Keane, Kettle, Killick.
Keane, Kettle, Killick.
William Killick.
- William Killick.
There was a young hero called Killick who marched to the top of a... hillick.
Había un hombre llamado Killick... que subió a la cima de una... colinick.
On the house, Captain Killick.
- La casa invita, Capitán Killick.
Go home, Captain Killick.
Váyase a casa, Capitán Killick.
Don't bother with them, Captain Killick.
No se enoje con ellos, Capitán Killick.
Captain Killick, it's the police. Open up.
Capitán Killick, es la policía. ¡ Abra!
Used to lay minefields, Captain Killick.
El Capitán Killick era quien colocaba las minas.
Why don't you take the witness box and sing Killick's praises to his judgeship?
¿ Por qué no sube al banquillo de los testigos y le canta loas sobre Killick al jurado?
Are you telling me Captain Killick didn't know he had to hand in his weapons?
¿ Me está diciendo que Killick no sabía que tenía que entregar sus armas?
Captain William Killick is an expert marksman.
El Capitán William Killick es un tirador experto.
Captain Killick and I were no more than acquaintances.
El Capitán Killick y yo éramos... no más que conocidos.
Captain Killick was stone-cold sober on the night of the shooting, and it is my firm belief that he tried to kill me, that he tried to kill my wife, and that he tried to kill my son.
El Capitán Killick estaba decididamente sobrio la noche del tiroteo... y creo firmemente que intentó matarme... que intentó matar a mi esposa, y que intentó matar a mi hijo.
It is, however, your peers who judge you, Captain Killick, and not I.
Sin embargo, son sus compañeros quienes le juzgan, Capitán Killick, no yo.
Katie and James Killick.
Katie y James Killick.
- Killick, stop them at the elevator.
- Killick, detenlos en el ascensor.
Carl Killick.
Carl Killick.
Killick, take one of the hostages outside.
Killick, lleva uno de los rehénes afuera.
Killick, take her back inside.
Killick, metela dentro.
Killick, he's trying to burn the place.
Killick, está tratando de quemar el lugar.
Killick, report!
Killick, reportate!
Killick, what the hell is happening?
Killick, ¿ Qué demonios esta pasando?
Killick can't come to the phone.
Killick no puede tomar el teléfono imbecil.
You know, Fycorps, Killick Company, Hemmings.
Fycorps, Killick Company, Hemmings.
All with him, aren't they? The whole bloody village.
En la cabaña del Capitán Killick...
The walls were asbestos, Captain Killick.
Las paredes eran de asbesto, Capitán Killick.

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