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Kitson translate Spanish

64 parallel translation
Mrs. Kitson, sir, Mrs. Craine's secretary.
La Sra. Kitson, señor la secretaria de la Sra. Craine.
Mrs. Kitson, we appreciate that as Mrs. Craine's secretary, she was able to, rely on your discretion in all things.
Sra. Kitson, sabemos que ella podía confiar en su discreción en todo.
Mrs. Kitson...
Sra. Kitson...
Mrs. Kitson, please.
Sra. Kitson... por favor.
She caught me looking over it, but we both pretended, nothing had happened.
Ella me pescó mirándola pero ambas hicimos... ¿ Sra. Kitson, había ahí un nombre una dirección?
Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Kitson were both Alicia's close friends, fiercely loyal and with no sympathy for Starr.
La Sra. Booth y la Sra. Kitson eran amigas intimas de Alicia tremendamente leales y con ninguna simpatía por Starr.
Probably the picture that Mrs. Kitson told us about.
Probablemente la foto de que nos habló la Sra. Kitson.
Mrs. Kitson, with the photograph.
La Sra. Kitson con la fotografía...
I expect it here... or at Kitson, the grove- - Anyplace they think a celebrity will show up.
Lo espero aquí o en el Kitson, The Grove... en cualquier lugar en el que crean que habrá una celebridad
There were specific traces In anna kitson that we also found In the oil of your fingerprint.
Había rastros específicos en el kit de violación de Anna que también encontramos en la grasa de su huella dactilar.
Kitson's taking a statement.
Kitson está tomando la declaración.
This past Saturday I attended Dennis Kitson's birthday party.
El sábado pasado fui a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Dennis Kitson.
"If found, return to Randy Kitson."
"Si lo encuentra, regréselo a Randy Kitson".
- Um, yes, we are looking for Randy Kitson.
- Sí, estamos buscando a Randy Kitson.
Jaff Kitson.
Jaff Kitson.
Jaffar Kitson, AKA'Jaff', moved to Leeds from London five years ago.
Jaffar Kitson, AKA'Jaff', trasladó a Leeds desde Londres hace cinco años.
I'm going to release Erin Doyle, tell her to contact us if and when Jaff Kitson gets in touch.
Voy a liberar Erin Doyle, decirle en contactar con nosotros si y cuando Jaff Kitson entra en contacto.
We need to find Jaff Kitson before he knows that we're on to him.
Necesitamos encontrar Jaff Kitson antes él sabe que estamos en él.
Ken, the search warrant for Jaff Kitson's flat?
Ken, el de allanamiento para Jaff Kitson del plano?
It seems Jaff Kitson refused to sign the consent form, but they granted it anyway.
Parece Jaff Kitson negó a firmar el formulario de consentimiento, pero reconozco que de todos modos.
We understand you bought this place from Jaff Kitson a few months ago.
Entendemos que compró este lugar de Jaff Kitson hace unos meses.
Monday night, Jaff Kitson, driving Richard Martin's black TT, drops Erin Doyle at home, leaving a gun with her.
Lunes por la noche, Jaff Kitson, conducción TT negro de Richard Martin, cae Erin Doyle en casa, dejando un arma con ella.
Then today, Jaff Kitson dumps the black TT at the airport.
Entonces hoy, Jaff Kitson vuelca el TT negro en el aeropuerto.
If Jaff Kitson killed Richard Martin, then why not just get rid of the weapon?
Si Jaff Kitson mató Richard Martin, ¿ por qué no acaba de deshacerse del arma?
What the hell is Jaff Kitson mixed up in?
¿ Qué demonios está Jaff Kitson mezclado en?
Jaff Kitson had an accomplice?
Jaff Kitson tenía un cómplice?
So who was driving your BMW with Jaff Kitson in the passenger seat?
Así que conducía su BMW con Jaff Kitson en el asiento del pasajero?
Jaff Kitson?
Jaff Kitson?
Jaff Kitson then dumped Richard Martin's stolen Audi TT before attempting to hide a gun which had been recently fired.
Jaff Kitson luego vierten robado Audi TT de Richard Martin antes de tratar de ocultar un arma que había sido disparada recientemente.
And why was Jaff Kitson cocky enough to swan around in his stolen Audi TT until today?
¿ Y por qué era Jaff Kitson bastante engreído Swan vueltas en su Audi TT robado hasta hoy?
Jaff Kitson nicked his car -
Jaff Kitson mellado su auto -
Have you seen Jaff Kitson or spoken to him since Monday night?
¿ Has visto Jaff Kitson o hablado con él desde la noche del lunes?
Jaff Kitson may have shot and killed this man.
Jaff Kitson puede tener disparó y mató a este hombre.
Jaff Kitson is a dangerous man.
Jaff Kitson es un hombre peligroso.
Now, we suspect that Jaff Kitson, or you, shot Richard Martin and stole his car.
Ahora, sospechamos que Jaff Kitson, o usted, dispararon a Richard Martin y le robaron su auto.
Mr. Kitson, open up.
Sr. Kitson, abra.
Got the warrant to search Jaff Kitson's flat.
Tienes la orden para registrar el piso de Jaff Kitson.
Jaff Kitson's laptop - see if there's a link to Richard Martin.
El portátil de Jaff Kitson, a ver si hay un enlace a Richard Martin.
Jaff Kitson and Al Jenkins, they're more than just business partners.
Jaff Kitson y Al Jenkins, son más que simples socios de negocios.
I hate to bring this up now, but you broke into Jaff Kitson's flat with no warrant, which meaning any evidence found on that laptop - could be inadmissible.
No me gusta hablar de esto ahora, pero rompiste en el piso de Jaff Kitson sin orden judicial, evidencias que podían encontrarse en la laptop... y que ahora podrían ser inadmisibles.
- She's been seeing Jaff Kitson.
- Ella ha estado viendo a Jaff Kitson.
Where's Jaff Kitson?
¿ Dónde está Jaff Kitson?
Jaff Kitson has taken my daughter somewhere, and I've no idea where.
Jaff Kitson se ha llevado a mi hija a alguna parte, y no tengo ni idea de dónde.
Why did you lie to us about buying the bar from Jaff Kitson when it was Al Jenkins that sold it to you?
¿ Por qué nos mentiste sobre la compra del bar a Jaff Kitson... cuando era Al Jenkins el que te lo vendió?
Yet you end up with the bar, Jaff Kitson ends up with the cash.
Sin embargo, terminas con el bar y Jaff Kitson termina con el dinero.
- No offence, but... but why would Al Jenkins replace a skilled businessman like Jaff Kitson with an unemployed amateur from Deptford?
- Sin ánimo de ofender, pero ¿ por qué Al Jenkins... reemplaza un experto hombre de negocios como Jaff Kitson... con un aficionado desempleado de Deptford?
Why would a policeman's daughter get involved with someone like Jaff Kitson?
¿ Por qué la hija de un policía se involucra con alguien como Jaff Kitson?
They're not Jaff Kitson's prints on the cartridge of the gun.
No son las huellas de Jaff Kitson en el cartucho de la pistola.
Our sole objective is to get Tracy Banks back and Jaff Kitson locked up on a safe conviction.
Nuestro único objetivo es conseguir a Tracy Banks de regreso. y a Jaff Kitson encerrado con una condena segura.
Please, sit down, Mrs. Kitson.
Por favor, tome asiento, Sra. Kitson.
Mrs. Kitson, was there a name, an address? I've told you all I know.
Le he dicho todo lo que sé.

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