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Krishna translate Spanish

1,071 parallel translation
Did you just see a little Hare Krishna midget in a tree, floating?
¿ Viste a un pequeño Hare Krishna enano en un árbol, flotando?
You'd like to become a Hare Krishna?
¿ Por qué quieres ser un Hare Krishna?
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna.
You're gonna be a Krishna?
¿ Vas a ser un Krishna?
I tried to pawn her off on some Hare Krishnas, but I think she's the only thing they won't take at the airport.
Traté de empeñar su apagado en algunos Hare Krishna, pero creo que ella es la única cosa no van a tomar en el aeropuerto.
What's all this then? Hare bloody Krishna?
¿ Que son, monjes?
Krishna, the boss is coming.
Krishna, viene el jefe.
" They call me Chaipau here, not Krishna.
Acá me llaman Chaipau, no Krishna.
Ask for Krishna's mother, Sundari.
Pregunta por Sundari, la madre de Krishna.
Here for stealing butter like Lord Krishna!
¡ Por robar manteca como el Señor Krishna!
Krishna, teach me your kick.
Krishna, enséñame tu truco.
Krishna, is this right?
Krishna, ¿ así está bien?
Krishna, have I got it right?
Krishna, ¿ me sale bien?
Krishna, want to try?
Krishna, ¿ quieres intentarlo?
- Jehovah, Krishna, Lord of Lords....
- Jehová, Krishna, Señor de Señores...
Some hint that he might have come down as Krishna.
Se dice que quizá ha venido en la forma de Krishna.
I'm going to see Krishna?
¿ Podré ver a Krishna?
Krishna, why have you sent for us?
Krishna, ¿ por qué nos has llamado?
We must separate them from Krishna by cunning.
Con astucia los separaremos de Krishna.
Nothing can separate them from Krishna.
Nada los alejará de Krishna.
- Silence...
- Krishna.
Vyasa, which of us has invented the other? Krishna!
Vyasa, ¿ quién invento a quién?
He comes in embassy, sent by Yudhishthira.
- ¿ Krishna?
Let's seize Krishna and put him in irons! Yes.
Es nuestra oportunidad para hacerlo prisionero.
I already have all his armies, I will keep him prisoner! No! Krishna brings danger.
Sí, ya tengo sus ejércitos y ahora, a él.
Don't touch him!
No, Krishna trae peligro.
Krishna, I am not the master,
Eso es todo. Krishna, yo no soy el amo.
You don't know who he is?
¿ Quieres apresar a Krishna?
We're going to celebrate the great sacrifice of arms, and the eye that lights on everything will be yours.
Krishna haremos el gran sacrificio de las armas y el ojo que todo lo ilumina será tuyo.
If I can't touch your heart, the ruin of the earth is near. One thing is certain, Krishna.
Si no puedo tocar tu corazón la ruina del mundo está cerca.
We will make a great journey together.
Una cosa es cierta, Krishna : Haremos un gran viaje juntos.
Krishna is preparing your chariot, he's talking to your horses, he's checking your weapons. Everything is in your hands.
Krishna prepara tu carro, habla con los caballos revisa tus armas.
Arjuna, with Krishna at his reins, will give the signal, and the battle you wish for will begin.
Mis ejércitos hacen temblar a la Tierra. Arjuna, con Krishna en las riendas, dará la señal y dará comienzo la batalla que esperas.
He's led by Krishna, he's advancing between the two armies.
Arjuna. Krishna lo guía avanzan entre ambos ejércitos.
He's speaking to Arjuna.
¿ Qué hace Krishna?
Krishna tells him : don't withdraw into solitude. Renunciation is not enough.
Krishna le dice : "No busques la soledad"
Krishna led Arjuna through the tangled forest of illusion.
Para responder a su pregunta Krishna lo guió a través del bosque de la ilusión.
Greetings, Krishna.
Saludos, Krishna.
Krishna's friend.
El amigo de Krishna.
It's a prodigy of Krishna.
Es un prodigio de Krishna.
And Krishna?
¿ Y Krishna?
¡ Krishna!
Krishna, I've come to ask you to be our ally.
Krishna, vengo a pedirte que seas mi aliado.
- Krishna is on his way. - Krishna?
- Krishna viene en camino.
Krishna, do you believe in the possibility of peace?
Krishna, ¿ crees que la paz sea posible?
You want to take hold of Krishna?
Duryódhana, ¿ crees que estoy solo?
Krishna, lighten my eyes for a moment.
Krishna, ilumina mis ojos un instante.
Krishna, I did what I could.
Krishna, hice lo que pude.
Krishna, my legs grow weak.
Krishna, me fallan las piernas.

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