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Kubrick translate Spanish

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I'll get you for that, Eversley! I'll get you if I have to travel to the four corners of the earth!
También han dicho que mi película "2001, Odisea del espacio"... se parecía a la de Stanley Kubrick.
Oh yes, well, I mean, there were some people who said my film'2001 - A Space Odyssey', was similar to Stanley Kubrick's.
También han dicho que mi película "2001, Odisea del espacio"... se parecía a la de Stanley Kubrick.
Kubrick was misunderstood.
Kubrick fue malentendido.
Do you suppose Stanley Kubrick gets depressed?
¿ Crees que Stanley Kubrick se deprime?
Do you carry all of Stanley Kubrick's films? You do.
Iba, pero prefiero hacer esto.
- Yeah. Was she... - Then?
Sí. ¿ Ustedes llevan todas las películas de Stanley Kubrick?
The producers would like to acknowledge and pay tribute to Stanley Kubrick, Kirk Douglas and all those who were involved with the making of the film classic "SPARTACUS."
Los productores quisieran reconocer y rendir tributo a Stanley Kubrick, Kirk Douglas y todas las personas involucradas en la realización del clásico filme "Espartaco."
Scorsese, Kubrick. Those are directors. I can't believe you're a Spielberg fan.
Scorsese, Kubrick, esos son directores, no puedo creer que Spielberg te alucine.
- Stanley Kubrick.
- Stanley Kubrick.
- Waters, Suzuki. Kubrick, Fellini, -
Waters, Suzuki, Kubrick, Fellini, -...
- Yeah. Nobody banned that apart from Stanley Kubrick, who made it.
Nadie lo prohibió, excepto Stanley Kubrick, su creador.
Because I would use the position to let young women all over the universe know that beauty is more than just skin deep.
¡ Hey, regresa! Este lugar me molesta mucho. ¡ Es Kubrick conoce a Fellini conoce a Ringling Brothers!
Kubrick, when he did Spartacus, didn't have toys like this.
Cuando Kubrick hizo Espartaco no disponía de ella.
This film is about the life and work of Stanley Kubrick :
Este film es sobre la vida y obra de Stanley lKubrick :
But Kubrick himself was intensely private :
Pero lKubrick fue muy reservado :
Stanley Kubrick was born in New York on the 26th of July, 1928.
Stanley lKubrick nació en Nueva York el 26 de julio de 1 928.
Kubrick shot several features on boxing for'Look'one on the rising young fighter Walter Cartier.
lKubrick hizo obras sobre boxeo para Look. Una de ésas fue sobre el joven W. Cartier.
Following'Day of the Fight', Kubrick quit his job at'Look'and devoted himself to making films.
Tras Day of the Fight, lKubrick dejó Look y se consagró al cine.
In 1953, Kubrick's father cashed in his life insurance to help his son make Fear and Desire a film about a fictitious war.
En 1 953, el padre cobró su seguro de vida para ayudar al hijo con Fear and Desire sobre una guerra ficticia.
It was Kubrick's first feature.
Fue su primera película.
Kubrick would later withdraw the film from circulation.
Más tarde, lKubrick lo sacó de circulación.
'Killer's Kiss'revealed Kubrick's extraordinary ability to play with light.
Killer's Kiss reveló su gran capacidad para jugar con la luz.
The release of'Killer's Kiss'brought Kubrick to James Harris'attention an up-and-coming producer who had access to finance.
El lanzamiento de Killer's Kiss llamó la atención de James Harris un productor prometedor que podía financiarlo.
They teamed up to form Harris-Kubrick Pictures.
Formaron "Harris-lKubrick pictures".
'The Killing'was not a commercial success but it did succeed in building Kubrick and Harris'reputation.
No fue un éxito comercial pero sí forjó la reputación de lKubrick y Harris.
If Kirk wants to be rewarded for his courage, which I'd be the first to make a film like that without Jesus but with Kubrick is already a tremendous achievement.
Si lKirk quisiera ser premiado por su coraje, yo lo premiaría. Hacer un film así, sin Cristo pero con lKubrick ya es un gran logro.
Director Stanley Kubrick...
El director S. Kubrick...
Despite Kubrick's youth he was now a recognized Hollywood director.
Pese a su edad fue reconocido como director de Hollywood.
'Lolita'works as the very first Stanley Kubrick film for me because I couldn't imagine anybody else making'Lolita'.
Para mí, Lolita funciona como el primer film de lKubrick pues no puedo imaginar a otro haciéndola.
To get a release, Kubrick had to re-cut'Lolita'.
Para estrenarla, lKubrick debió volver a cortarla.
There is acclaim in the film world for Kubrick director of Lolita, arriving with Mrs. Kubrick.
Ovación del mundo del cine para Kubrick, director de Lolita...
Kubrick's next film would prove even more controversial.
Su siguiente film fue más polémico.
That was the genius of Kubrick, but also his collaborators.
Era el genio de lKubrick, pero también el de sus colaboradores.
I can't remember any Stanley Kubrick movie that was released where there wasn't controversy.
No recuerdo un film de lKubrick que se haya estrenado sin controversia.
By that time I knew that Kubrick was the one.
En esa época supe que lKubrick era el elegido.
I knew that Kubrick- - We had to wait for a Kubrick film.
Debía esperar para un film de él.
By 1963, Kubrick had established so high a reputation that he could pick his next project without bowing to Hollywood dictates.
Hacia 1 963, lKubrick había establecido tal reputación que podía elegir su siguiente film sin aceptar los dictados de Hollywood.
Stanley Kubrick now began work on a film which would establish him as one of the great film directors.
lKubrick empezó un film que lo asentó como uno de los grandes.
As the space race came to dominate the popular imagination Kubrick captured the spirit of the times by collaborating on a film with the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke.
Cuando la carrera espacial dominaba, lKubrick capturó el espíritu de la época colaborando en un film con el escritor de ciencia ficción A. Clarke.
Before Stanley Kubrick and after Stanley Kubrick.
Antes y después de Stanley lKubrick.
Before Stanley Kubrick, music tended to be used in films as either decorative or as heightening emotions.
Antes de lKubrick, en los filmes, la música tendía a ser usada...
After Stanley Kubrick, because of his use of classical music in particular it became absolutely an essential part of the narrative intellectual drive of the film.
Después de él, por su uso de la música clásica en particular se hizo parte absolutamente esencial del viaje narrativo e intelectual del film.
When'2001'opened, like previous films of Kubrick's it split both the critics and the audience.
Al estrenarse 2001, como en sus filmes previos crítica y público se dividieron.
"Well, that's the end of Stanley Kubrick."
"Bueno, es el final de lKubrick".
Some turnaround for Kubrick, who had so upset the Catholic legion of decency with'Lolita'.
Un cambio para quien molestó a la legión de la decencia con Lolita.
As the film's director and designer Kubrick received his only ever Oscar.
Como director y diseñador lKubrick recibió su único Oscar.
I saw that Stanley Kubrick worked and lived his work seven days a week almost 24 hours a day.
Vi que lKubrick trabajaba los 7 días de la semana casi las 24 h.
Kubrick now turned to a mighty historical character whose triumphs, failures and personality fascinated him : Napoleon.
Luego fue un personaje histórico poderoso cuyos triunfos, fracasos y personalidad lo fascinaban :
By 1969, the Kubrick family was living close to the film studios in Elstree, Hertfordshire.
Hacia 1 969, los lKubrick vivían cerca de los estudios en Hertfordshire.
Stanley Kubrick was an enigma to many people.
Narrado por Tom Cruise lKubrick fue un enigma para muchos.
Kubrick had found privacy and tranquillity in England but this world was about to be torn apart by his next project :
lKubrick tuvo intimidad y calma en Inglaterra.

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