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Lay it on me translate Spanish

381 parallel translation
Lay it on me!
¡ Si al cabo aquí está su chapo!
Lay it on me.
- I'll really tell you. - Lay it on me.
Pues de veras te lo dire.
- Lay it on me, daddy-o
- Hazlo, hombre
All right, lay it on me.
Muy bien, dame.
Lay it on me.
There we go, lay it on me.
Eso es, dame.
Lay it on me.
Colócala sobre mí.
- Go ahead, lay it on me.
- Anda. Dámelo.
Come on, baby, lay it on me.
Anda, actúa para mí.
- Lay it on me.
- Vamos, actúa.
If you don't lay it on me, I'll never get right, Mr. Oman.
Si no me acusan, no podré volver a enfrentarme conmigo mismo, Sr. Omán. ¡ Nunca!
Chócala, amigo.
Lay it on me.
- Come on, lay it on me.
- Vamos, muéstrame.
Stars and Stripes. - Lay it on me.
- Look, don't lay it on me!
- ¡ No me culpes a mí!
Now, let me lay it on the line for you.
Déjame refrescarte la memoria :
But it's healthy. But you're not sick, those gambs of yours are my bread and butter. Now remember we get breakfast free here with our roommates, so we eat plenty of that to lay off on the other meals.
Verá, después de la última guerra, decidieron que esas montañas debían ser arrebatadas a mi país, y yo me fui con ellas.
At the time it was a sacrilegious thing to lay a hand on another person's destiny.
Me dijo que era un sacrilegio torcer el destino de una persona.
Far be it from me to start any trouble, but I'll lay you 8-to-5 right now that kid's going to move in on your gal.
No quiero causar problemas, pero te apuesto 8 a 5 a que el chico quiere a tu chica.
And inside it, I do as the capitalists do... pinch what I can lay me hands on.
Y dentro de ella, hago lo que todo capitalista : echar mano a todo lo que puedo.
What do you want me to do? Lay it on the floor?
¿ La arrastro por el suelo?
Like Tony says, I'm gonna lay it right on the line.
Como dice Tony, no me voy a pasar de la raya.
I'm leaving tonight instead of tomorrow because it is one time less I will ever have to lay eyes on him or he on me.
Me voy esta noche y no mañana porque así no tendre que verle una vez más ni él a mí.
- lf it's okay I'd rather lay me eyes on some of the thoroughbreds first, yearlings preferred.
- Si le parece prefiero mirar primero a los purasangre, en especial los potros.
Let me lay it on the line. I'm going to have to keep running. I'm going to have to keep running all my life.
Voy a tener que seguir escapando toda la vida..., porque cuando me cojan me van a ahorcar.
She did it on purpose, so I'd have to ring and give her another excuse to lay into me.
Lo ha hecho a propósito, para obligarme a llamar y darle otro motivo para ponerse en contra mía.
If he thinks I've talked to you, he'll know he can't lay a hand on me without proving it's true.
Si cree que hablamos no podrá tocarme sin demostrar que es cierto.
Well, you lay one hand on me and I'll report you to the child labor board. It is? I'm leaving and that's final.
Si me pone un dedo encima, la denuncio.
Can't quite lay me hands on it.
No lo encuentro.
It is impossible for you or me to lay a finger on it without legal action.
Nos es imposible tocarlo sin seguir el procedimiento legal.
Lay out a solution of the campaign and hand it to me on a silver platter.
Salvar la campaña y servirme la solución en bandeja.
But first swear to me you won't lay a finger on anyone. Swear it!
Pero antes jura que no levantarás un dedo contra nadie. ¡ Júralo!
Go ahead, lay one on me, because that's what you always wanted, isn't it?
Adelante, dame uno, porque eso es lo que siempre quisiste.
You lay a finger on me, Robert Drummond... and I'll bite it off.
Usted me pone un dedo encima, Robert Drummond... y lo voy a morder como minimo.
It wil I g ive me time to lay a flower on Robert's grave.
Ni lo sueñe. Dex, encárguese de la maleta, nos vamos al aeropuerto.
It took quite a lot of time and ingenuity to lay my hands on them.
Me ha costado mucho tiempo e ingenio.
Lay a hand on me and you'll answer for it.
Atrévase y ya verá.
It's a holy right for a mercenary. - Lay your head on that log, you snake!
¿ Adónde me lleva?
I imagine her hand on the table, and I lay my head on it.
Me la imagino con su mano en la mesa, y yo apoyando mi cabeza así.
Let me lay it on the line.
Que quede claro.
Louise, you called me because... either you don't want to do it, and you want me to stop you... or you want to lay the guilt of it on me... and I'm not buying either one.
Louise, me llamaste porque o bien no quieres hacerlo, y quieres que te lo impida, o quieres echarme a mí la culpa, y no estoy dispuesto a nada de eso.
What I'll lay on you seems so far-fetched, I can't even believe it myself.
Lo que te voy a decir suena tan increíble que ni yo mismo me lo puedo creer.
Nobody gonna lay down the law on me, God damn it! Son of a bitch.
Nadie va a establecer leyes para mí, ya lo verán.
Lay it on me.
- Dámelo a mí.
Let me lay it on you, Willie.
Deja que te lo explique, Willie.
Give me a hand to lay her on that couch. - It's nearer the vents.
Ayúdame a recostarla allí, cerca de los conductos de aire.
But if you lay one hand on my Myrna... I'll tear your head off and shit in it.
Pero si pones una mano encima de mi Myrna te arrancaré la cabeza y me cagaré encima.
I'll lay it on the line for you.
No me andaré con rodeos.
- Don't lay it all on me, okay?
- No me lo cargues todo a mí.
on me 427

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