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Lior translate Spanish

67 parallel translation
- I will leave with Lior for an hour.
- Me iré con Lior por una hora.
Lior already know the zone, we'll make it quick.
Lior ya conoce la zona, lo haremos rápido.
Let's go, Lior.
Vamos Lior.
- Lior?
- Lior?
Lior, did you hear me?
Lior, me has escuchado?
Lior, can you hear me?
Lior, puedes escucharme?
Lior, wake up!
Lior, despierta!
Vardale, that's Yossi, he was the Lior's commander.
Vardale, él es Yossi, El comandante de Lior.
he says that Lior was the best second in command he ever had.
El ha dicho que Lior era el mejor vice comandante que haya tenido.
Sorry, loved Lior.
Perdon, Lior.
Lior, Eviathar, get up!
Lior, Eviathar, levántate!
Lior has a key.
Lior tiene una clave.
Eviathar, Lior, get up!
Eviathar, Lior, levántate!
Lior, Eviathar, cherie, wake up. Wake up, baby.
Lior, Eviathar, cherie, despertar. ¡ Despierta, baby.
- Lior, cut it out, I'll give it back to you.
- Lior, ya basta, Te lo devolveré.
Lior, you come open the door!
Lior, se llega abrir la puerta!
Is Lior ready?
Lior es listo?
Lior, were are you?
Lior, donde estás?
And check on Lior, OK?
Y comprobar Lior, ¿ de acuerdo?
Lior, you're still in there? !
Lior, todavía estás ahí?
- Lior.
- Lior.
And Lior?
Y Lior?
Brother, it... It looks like that thing that the Minister at Liore had.
se parece a la piedra que tenía el Sumo Sacerdote en Lior.
The town of Liore has been dealt with all neat and tidy.
Ya he terminado de limpiar la ciudad de Lior.
I won't let Liore become another Ishbal.
No voy a dejar que Lior sea otro Ishbal.
Which is why you're setting Rose up to be some charismatic leader, and manipulating the people of Liore! ?
Eso no es excusa para que uses a Roze para controlar a la gente de Lior...
Scar-san is not going to sacrifice the people of Liore.
Él no quiere sacrificar a la gente de Lior.
Lt. Col. Kimbly, I want you to take the lead of Tucker-kun's Chimeras and infiltrate the city.
coge las quimeras del Sr. Tucker y dirígete hacia Lior.
Bring me the materials on the Liore riots!
¡ Quiero el informe del altercado de Lior!
Are we certain that the boy was connected with the uprising in Liore?
¿ Estamos totalmente seguros de que Edward tuvo algo que ver con el incidente de Lior?
Shou Tucker. I thought he ran away at Liore.
Shou Tucker... suponía que había escapado de Lior.
There's a rebellion starting up again in Liore.
Ha estallado otra guerra civil en Lior.
I, Armstrong, will fully cooperate with Lior's administration, and construct Centrals administration here.
Yo, Armstrong, cooperare completamente con la administracion de Lior, y construire una administracion de Central aqui.
Please respond, Lior!
Por favor responde, Lior!
? Is there also an earthquake at Lior?
Tambien hay un terremoto en Lior?
Lior and Central the two cities where the disaster occurred at the same time.
Lior y Central Los desastres ocurrieron en las dos ciudades al mismo tiempo.
It's just like Lior.
Es igual a Lior.
They seem to be the ones that appeared in Lior.
Parecen ser los que aparecieron en Lior.
It's with Lior Ashkenazi
Es con Lior Ashkenazi
ln order to report on the incidents in Liore, Ed and Al visit East City, where the Eastern Command Center is.
Ed y Al, viajan a Ciudad del Este, hasta los Cuarteles del Ejército, para reportar el problema de Lior.
Same with the bogus High Priest of Lior.
Al igual que con la del Padre en Lior.
You were Lior's commander in the army, right?
Usted fue comandante de Lior en el ejército, ¿ verdad?
Why didn't you say you knew Lior?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que conocías a Lior?
I came to tell you about my relationship with Lior.
Vine a contarles sobre mi relación con Lior.
Fullmetal Alchemist!
¡ Para! no podrás llegar a Ciudad Lior si sigues corriendo así. El alquimista de acero...
Lior, why did you lock the door? What's wrong?
Lior! ?

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