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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ L ] / Lorelei

Lorelei translate Spanish

505 parallel translation
You charmed me like that Lorelei
Me hechizaste como aquella Lorelei
And within this dream of cake and cream Just who is the Lorelei?
'En este sueño de pastel y crema' '¿ Quién es la'lorelei'?
You the dame that sings at the Lorelei nightclub?
¿ Y es la mujer que canta en el cabaret "Lorelei"?
- Yes, I sing there.
Sí, canto en el cabaret "Lorelei".
- The Lorelei.
El "Lorelei".
I am specifically referring to one Erika von Schlütow, who works at a dive called the Lorelei, 15 Hagenbachstraße.
Me refiero específicamente a una tal Erika von Schluetow, que trabaja en un lugar llamado "Lorelei", Hagenbachstrasse, 15.
- Lorelei, how do you spell it?
¿ Cómo se escribe "Lorelei"?
- Lorelei?
¿ "Lorelei"?
A Congresswoman of the United States of America caught at the Lorelei.
Una representante del Congreso de los Estados Unidos detenida en el "Lorelei".
- Trouble at the Lorelei.
Ha habido disparos en el "Lorelei".
- The "Lorelei".
- El Lorelei.
I've heard the story of the "Lorelei".
He oído la historia del Lorelei.
The gold was onboard the "Lorelei"?
¿ El oro estaba a bordo del Lorelei? .
There were no survivors onboard the "Lorelei".
No hubo sobrevivientes del Lorelei.
Boys, I'd like you to meet Miss Lorelei.
Os presento a la Srta. Lorelei.
- Hello, Miss Lorelei.
- Hola, Srta. Lorelei.
Miss Lorelei, I want you to meet my mom and pop.
Srta. Lorelei, le presento a mis padres.
Miss Lorelei's doing a story for the American Weekly.
La Srta. Lorelei escribe en el American Weekly,
- Come on, Miss Lorelei, with us.
Venga, Srta. Lorelei.
I always figured Lorelei would end up with the Secretary of the Treasury.
Siempre pensé que Lorelei se casaría con el Secretario del Tesoro.
Remember, you're the chaperone.
- Viajas para cuidar de Lorelei.
And, Frisbee, wait for me on the pier. Lorelei...
Frisbee, espérame en el muelle.
- I want to talk to you. - Sure.
- Lorelei, quiero hablar contigo.
- Lorelei.
- Lorelei.
No, money is rather a hobby of Lorelei's.
No, para Lorelei el dinero es fascinante.
- But not afraid to show it to Lorelei?
- ¿ Y se fía de Lorelei?
Nobody talks about Lorelei but me.
No consiento que nadie hable mal de Lorelei.
- I've got to see Lorelei alone.
- He de hablar con Lorelei a solas.
Oh, Lorelei!
¡ Oh, Lorelei!
- Where's Lorelei tonight?
- ¿ Dónde está Lorelei?
She's afraid of catching cold.
Sí, pero Lorelei teme resfriarse.
Lorelei, they're coming...
Lorelei, vienen a buscar...
Come on in, you can hear better in here.
Entra, Lorelei, podrás enterarte de todo mejor.
- Let Lorelei talk for herself.
- Lorelei debe dar su opinión.
Oh, Lorelei, you didn't!
¡ Oh, Lorelei, no...!
¡ Lorelei!
Lorelei, wait!
¡ Lorelei, espera!
Lorelei, I...
Lorelei, yo...
- I'll give you a boost. - Lorelei?
- Tal vez consigas esfumarte.
Lorelei? Just a minute.
¡ Un momento, Gus!
- Lorelei?
- Lorelai.
But my friends call me Lorelei.
Claro que mis amigos me llaman Lorelei.
Dorothy would never speak to this man again if he did anything to hurt me, Lorelei.
Ella no volvería a dirigirle la palabra si hace algo para herirnos a cualquiera de las dos.
Anybody but that monster, Lorelei Lee.
Con cualquiera excepto Lorelei Lee.
But, Mr. Esmond, I am Lorelei Lee!
Pero, Sr. Esmond, ¡ si yo soy Lorelei Lee!
This is Lorelei.
Esta es Lorelei.
How do you think I feel with thousands of Lorelei Lees around me?
¡ Si aún no sé quién es la verdadera Lorelei Lee!
I should be jealous. The Lorelei is worth a Poitiers.
La Lorelei vale tanto como Diana de Poitiers.
True, for several days, it's as if the Lorelei is here.
Desde hace unos días, tengo la impresión de que la Lorelei está aquí.
These two white nostalgia-inspired tops with bright insets are Jolly and Lorelei.
Ahora dos creaciones Imec, de la serie "Retorno al pasado", Joly y Lorelei.
- Lorelei.

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