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Me included translate Spanish

363 parallel translation
Sooner or later she claims her dues from everyone, me included!
¡ Tarde o temprano las cuentas se las pasará a todos, incluido a mí!
Me included?
- ¿ Yo incluido?
We were hasty in thinking you took up with Sam Blake, all of us, me included.
Nos precipitamos al pensar que te habías unido a Sam Blake, todos, incluso yo.
If you quit now, you lose face, and so do all the Saharans, me included!
Si renuncia ahora, quedará en ridículo y Io harán todos en el Sahara, incluso yo.
Most of the staff is ready to quit, me included.
Yo incluido. "Líneas literarias" siempre ha sido una revista seria.
The old man'll kill anybody that moves without his OK, me included.
Matará a cualquiera que desobedezca.
But anyone, me included, could knock on the door of the German Embassy, and when I come out, I could be a rich man if I had these papers?
Contéstenme a esto : ¿ cualquiera, incluido yo podría llamar a la puerta de la embajada alemana y al salir ser un hombre rico en caso de tener ese documento?
That's why Teacher asked me to modify it, so you said that the orange juice scene must be included!
Me dijo que la Escritora Jung pidió que yo hiciera la modificación... y que como fuera teníamos que poner jugo de naranja en el guión.
Espero que esa invitación me incluya Sra. Brennan.
- You know what I mean? - Included!
¿ Me entiendes?
I didn't know that included me.
No pensé que me incluyera.
It may be that, once in a while, I included myself with the people.
Puede que de vez en cuando me incluyese en el pueblo.
- Present company included.
- Me doy por incluido.
The cost of that will be included in the nice dinner you're going to buy me.
El precio de esto estará incluido en la cena que me va a pagar.
I do not think he included me.
- Creo que a mí no me incluía.
I'm flattered to be included.
Claro que sí. Me halaga su invitación.
That included me, of course... although he didn't mean it that way.
Eso me incluía a mí, por supuesto.
I wish to know why I was included in the detail.
Deseo saber porqué me incluyó en el operativo.
If you'll request that I be included in your discharge, Sir?
Quisiera pedir que me incluyan en su destitución, señor.
And Mr Marshall, I've been instructed to tell you that you're included in the invitations.
Sr. Marshall, me han ordenado decirle que está Vd. invitado.
At the last couple of briefings, everybody's been included in the act but me.
En las últimas reuniones... incluiste a todos en el golpe menos a mí. - ¿ Dónde entro yo?
I'm not included in very much, either by the senators or the president.
No me han incluido mucho, ni los senadores ni el Presidente.
Mayn't I be included?
¿ No me cuentan?
And Sundays included, and I don't give a damn where you live!
Incluso domingos. ¡ No me importa dónde vivan!
I'm flattered to be included in your celebration, Daniel.
Me halaga estar invitada a tu celebración, Daniel.
That is not included.
¿ Por quién me ha tomado?
He wanted me to be included.
- No quería mezclarme.
Lf, of course, there are facts not included in your confidential report which point to Fennan's suicide for reasons other than his interview with you, I shall be happy to hear about them. Are there?
Si, por supuesto, hay algùn hecho que su informe confidencial no incluya... sobre que el suicidio de Fennan se debe a otros motivos y no a su entrevista, me encantaría conocerlo. ¿ Hay alguno?
I didn't realise they included bird-watching.
No me he dado cuenta de si incluía la observación de las aves.
Even without teeth, breakfast at the Beardsleys'included... 5 pounds of bacon... 2 gallons of oatmeal... three dozen eggs... and 40 pieces of toast, unless I missed. And that was only to hold them until lunch.
Dientes o no, desayuno en casa de los Beardsley incluía 2 kilos de tocino 4 litros de avena, 3 docenas de huevos 40 pedazos de tostadas, a menos que se me cayeran y eso es solo para aguantar hasta el almuerzo.
He brought me and Mary back from Italy because we were the only ones... in his department that he could trust, yourself included.
Nos trajo a mí y a Mary de Italia porque éramos los únicos... en su departamento en quienes podía confiar, usted incluido.
I packed everything, children included, and moved in with my sister.
He recogido todo, incluyendo a los niños y me he ido con mi hermana.
Captain, since I was included in the invitation to make contact, I must beam down with you.
Capitán, dado que también me invitaron a entrar en contacto debo ir con usted.
He asked if I'd gone mad : Those in green trousers were Czechs, and shouldn't be included in the list of deaths.
Y me preguntó si acaso me había vuelto loco, que la gente de los pantalones verdes eran checos, que no tenía que haberlos puesto en la lista de muertos.
Eighteen months in Ethiopia, malaria and dysentery included.
18 meses en África, me agarré malaria y disentería.
I was feeling lonely in my lodgings in Victoria and I remembered that among the six words I exchanged with a certain delightful Fraulein Bellamy were included the names Schubert and Goethe, who between them produced some of the finest Leider sounds...
Me sentía solo en mi residencia en Victoria... y recordé que entre las seis palabras que intercambié... con cierta encantadora Fraulein Bellamy... se incluían los nombres de Schubert y Goethe... que produjeron algunos de los mejores lieder...
I must say I thought it rather an honor for the late master to be included.
Me pareció un honor que incluyeran a mi finado amo.
It never occurred to me that Downtown L.A. Included the concession at the stadium.
No se me ocurrió que el centro incluye la concesión del estadio.
I've been mostly placed in the position of being left alone like a fifth wheel... and not being made to feel like I'm included.
Me has relegado a la condición de persona indeseable... y no me has hecho sentir parte del grupo.
If humidifier and wind tunnel are included in the next model there won't be any point going to Deauville's course.
Como el próximo modelo se perfeccione, en Deauville ya no me ven el pelo.
Siempre me incluyen en todo.
And as for myself in particular, I suspect that the circumstances of that time were the apprenticeship that... enabled me to make my way so instinctively through the subsequent... chain of events, which included so much violence and so many breaks, and where so many people were treated so badly
En lo que a mí se refiere, supongo que fue a partir de las circunstancias de aquel momento... que fui siguiendo con toda naturalidad el encadenamiento de tantas violencias... y de tantas rupturas, en las que tan mal se trató a tanta gente ;
You've included me in your tight little circle of friends and I appreciate that.
Que me has incluído en tu pequeño círculo de amigos y aprecio eso, Apollo.
- Me and you included.
- Incluyéndonos a ti y a mí.
She has included me in the most generous invitation though utterly unknown to her before.
Me ha incluido en la más generosa invitación Aún siendo un total desconocido para ella.
Me included.
Yo incluida.
It included others as well. And this gave me hope.
Aparecían personajes nuevos, y esto me daba un poco de esperanza.
- The dogs of Lucifer. You have a crazy included.
Me parece, que me habéis traído a un loco.
I'm included in the Archdukes schemes.
- Me ha mezclado en sus planes.
So I called up again to Fredy and, uh, explained to him that, as far as this transport is concerned, included him,
Al día siguiente la Resistencia me confirmó que los iban a gasear. El comando especial había recibido el carbón para quemarlos, sabían exactamente cuántos y quiénes iban a ser gaseados...
When I was issued my Lila Lee sales kit, it included a shade of lipstick that drove my customers wild.
Cuando me dieron mi equipo de ventas... incluía un tono de pintalabios que volvía locas a mis clientes.

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