Most people don't translate Spanish
1,014 parallel translation
Most of the time, I don't like people.
La mayor parte de la gente no me gusta.
There's enough there to kill most of the people you don't like.
Hay suficiente como para matar a todos los que no te gustan.
Most people don't. My mom does.
- Supongo que sí, no se mucho de eso.
Most parents nowadays don't seem to care what sort of people their children go around with, but I'm not like that.
A la gente ya no le importa con qué personas vayan sus hijos, pero no soy así.
take it easy and be careful about many things about food and packs and don't carry with you beach umbrellas... don't take the wrong changing rooms, or footballs... and another thing most of all... don't bust other people's watermelons!
Hay que estar tranquilo y poner atención a muchas cosas, desde los paquetes con la comida, a no dejarse las sombrillas, a no equivocarse de casetas, de pelotas, y además otra cosa... principalmente... no romper las sandías a la gente.
You know, most of these people don't care.
¿ Sabe? A la mayoría de estas personas les da igual.
Most people don't know an emergency when they see one.
La mayoría no saben cuando es una emergencia...
I don't know, but I dance much better than most people.
No lo sé. Pero sí bailo mejor que muchos.
Probably the most demanding career you could choose. If you don't go on this time, we've tied up good people and priceless facilities...
Pero si reemprende una carrera que abandonó sin duda la más exigente que pudo elegir y no la continúa esta vez, dejará mal a las personas que le ayuden.
Most of you people hate it here, don't you?
La mayoría de ustedes odia este lugar, ¿ verdad?
- No. Most healthy people don't.
- Como a mucha gente sana.
You know, what most people don't appreciate... it's a tough business, show business.
La mayoría de la gente no aprecia... la dureza del negocio del espectáculo.
And most people have a picture of their wife and children on their desk... and I don't have a wife and children.
La mayoría de la gente tiene fotos de su esposa e hijos en su mesa... y yo no tengo esposa e hijos.
He don't like most people.
En general no quiere a la gente
I mean, most of the trouble in this world is because people don't sit down with one another and talk to each other.
Creo que la mayoría de los problemas en este mundo es porque las personas no se sientan y hablan unos con los otros.
Well, you'd have an old man named ben who knows tricks most people don't know and a little girl named jenny who loves him... and a journey into the heart of the twilight zone.
Un viejo llamado Ben que sabe un montón de trucos que la mayoría no sabe... una niña llamada Jenny, que lo adora... y un viaje al corazón de La dimensión desconocida.
I'm afraid most people don't.
Me temo que la mayoría no lo hace.
I don't know how it exists or where it exists. But there's another world, parallel to ours - the same people, the same places, most of the same chronology of events.
Pero hay otro mundo, paralelo al nuestro -... las mismas personas, los mismos lugares,... casi los mismos hechos cronológicos.
Most people probably don't know how hard you work to get what you want.
La mayoría de la gente no sabe cuánto cuesta conseguir lo que quieres.
Most people don't realise how much they help the patient's morale.
Casi nadie se da cuenta de lo mucho que ayudan a levantar la moral del paciente.
I don't cotton to most people.
No simpatizo con mucha gente.
And most of all, my son don't let anything make you change and don't ever abandon poor people who need you.
Sobre todo, hijo mío, que nada pueda hacerte cambiar y que nunca abandones a Los de abajo.
Don't forget you belong to the most intelligent people on earth.
Y no te olvides que perteneces al grupo de gente inteligente.
Most people don't believe they do the first time.
La mayoría no lo nota la primera vez.
Do you know, in most cases, people, they don't remember what time it is?
¿ Sabe que en la mayoría de los casos la gente no recuerda qué hora era?
I don't think most people can tell when it's white.
Cuando es blanca, la gente no se da cuenta.
Because I'm afraid most people don't eat like this nowadays.
Porque me temo que la mayoría de la gente no la come hoy en día.
Most people don't have anything on their minds, do they?
La mayoría de la gente tiene la cabeza hueca, ¿ no?
You know that most people, when they're around a murder, they just don't stop to do anything like that.
La mayoría de la gente, si hay un asesinato no se toma el tiempo de hacer esas cosas.
But don't you understand, there are people you love most... but there are other people you almost prefer being with.
Pero ¿ no lo entiendes, hay gente que más te gusta... pero hay otras personas a las que casi prefiere estar con.
But don't you understand, there are people you love most... but there are other people you almost prefer being with.
( Se ríe ) Mire. Wupp! Así que usted quiere dar una verdadera idea, ¿ eh?
Most of the time I don't mind leaving you people to work your problems out yourselves but I won't stand still for any hatchet work on any side of town.
La mayoría de las veces no me importa dejar que Uds. resuelvan sus problemas solos pero no soportaré que armen líos en ningún lado del pueblo.
I'm afraid most of the people we get here don't know a Bordeaux from a claret.
Muchos no distinguen un Burdeos de un tinto.
Most people in this world don't even know who they are.
Hay mucha gente en el mundo que ni siquiera saben quiénes son.
Besides, most people don't like the taste of anchovies.
Además a mucha gente no les gusta su sabor.
You know, we have to trust each other... because most people don't go through as much as we have.
Tenemos que confiar entre nosotros... Porque la mayoría de las personas no pasan por tantas cosas como nosotros
Well, you know, ha ha, most people don't wanna die.
Bueno, ustedes saben, ha ha, la mayoría de la gente no quiere morir.
Thank God most people don't feel as you do, otherwise my profession would be in ruins.
Si muchos pensaran lo mismo mi profesión estaría acabada.
Well, listen, I sure do appreciate knowing that because most of the people I know just step on them and squish them. I don't need this cheap shit.
Celebro saberlo porque la mayoría de los que conozco las pisan y las matan.
Most people don't know it, but we're in the middle of a pet explosion... throughout not only the United States, but throughout the world.
Muchos lo ignoran, pero el número de mascotas crece muy rápido... no sólo en los Estados Unidos sino en todo el mundo.
But the main thing is for people who have dogs... and they don't breed them... the most intelligent thing I would recommend would be... when the dog is, I suppose the same for cats... about two or three years old... that is the time to make a decision to have them...
Lo más importante que los dueños de perros deben saber... es que si no los cruzan... lo más sensato que yo recomendaría hacer... cuando el perro tiene... Supongo que con los gatos es igual. Cuando tienen dos o tres años... es el momento de tomar la decisión de...
I don't believe most people who say they're happy.
No creo a la mayoría de la gente que dicen que son felices.
And, I don't thinkwere most people want that.
Y, no creo que la mayoría de la gente quiera eso.
And can we really be sure they don't hate us, like most people hate what that don't understand
¿ Pero por cuanto tiempo? Podermos estar seguros de que no nos odian...
Most people don't know how to make a wish
La mayoría de la gente no sabe como se debe pedir un deseo
I do a lot of things that most people don't do anymore.
Hago cosas que la gente ya no hace.
Of course, most people don't believe it.
Aunque claro, la mayoría de la gente no lo cree.
Most people don't know who their councillor is.
Pocos saben el nombre de sus concejales.
Most people hang around till the shit get... makes you look ugly and shit... and you be hangin'out with a bitch you don't want to be with.
La mayoría se queda hasta que Ias cosas... todo se va a la mierda... y uno se queda con una puta con Ia que no quiere estar.
Uh, what most people don't know, Miss Kilbride... is that Sir Francis Drake's childhood fantasy was to be a clown.
Lo que casi nadie sabe, señorita Kilbride es que la fantasía infantil de Sir Francis Drake era ser payaso.
But people don't notice that they've forgotten the most important thing until the train leaves.
Pero la gente no se da cuenta hasta que el tren está por partir de que han olvidado lo más esencial.
most people 94
most people do 23
people don't change 46
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
most people do 23
people don't change 46
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't cry 1202
don't forget me 61
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't go far 26
don't forget 829
don't beat yourself up 132
don't cry 1202
don't forget me 61
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't go far 26
don't forget 829