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Motives translate Spanish

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And agent Sandoval's personal motives as base and selfish as they may be are something I understand and can control.
Las motivaciones personales del agente Sandoval, por muy viles y egoistas que puedan ser, son algo que comprende y puede controlar.
"A quiet ubiquitous Atavus reveals its underhanded motives"
"Un Tranquilo Omnipresente Atavus Revela Sus Motivos Disimulados" ( "A Quiet Ubiquitous Atavus Reveals Its Underhanded Motives" ).
"A quiet, ubiquitous Atavus reveals its underhanded motives"
"Un Tranquilo Omnipresente Atavus Revela Sus Motivos Disimulados" ( "A Quiet Ubiquitous Atavus Reveals Its Underhanded Motives" ).
And, Niles, I never should've questioned your motives for this wonderful tribute.
Y, Niles, nunca debí haber cuestionado los motivos de este grandioso tributo.
Are you asking me to interpret my parents'motives?
¿ Me pides que interprete los motivos de mis padres?
People will question your motives.
- Perdí un caso importante contra ella.
That's very noble. But I still don't see how we're gonna prove that your motives are anything but venal.
Pero aún no sé cómo probar que tus motivos son de peso.
The police have no suspects or motives.
La policía no tiene ni sospechosos ni motivos.
But motives are less important than outcome.
Pero los motivos son menos importantes que el resultado.
Now, if your motives are sincere, I'm willing to give you another chance.
Ahora, si tus motivos son sinceros, estoy dispuesta a darte otra oportunidad.
Our motives are not entirely selfless.
Nuestros motivos no son totalmente desinteresados.
Do you believe the Tollan Council has ulterior motives that do not represent our best interest?
¿ Creen que el consejo de Tolan tiene motivos ocultos... que no redundarán en nuestro beneficio?
Dr Jackson's motives for being here are coloured by his emotions, and always have been.
Verá, el Doctor Jackson está demasiado influenciado por sus emociones... y siempre lo ha estado.
Considering the evidence and motives, we can probably rule out his ex-wives as suspects.
Considerando la evidencia y los motivos, a lo mejor podemos descartar a sus ex-esposas como sospechosas.
COLBY : At this point, I'm not sure if Jerri has ulterior motives. Jerri is very capable of deceiving me or anyone else in the tribe.
En este momento no estoy seguro de que Jerri tenga otros motivos Jerri es capaz de engañarme o de engañar a cualquier otro de la tribu.
By the late 1950s psychoanalysis had become deeply involved in driving consumerism in America. Most advertising companies employed psychoanalysts. And as last week's episode showed, they had created new ways to understand consumers'motives, above all with the focus group in which consumers free associated their feelings about products.
a finales de los 50, el psicoanalisis habia estado profundamente envuelto en conducir el consumismo en el mercado la mayoria de las compañias de publicidad empleaban psicoanalistas y como mostro el episodio pasado, habian creado nuevas formas de entender los motivos del consumidor sobre todo, con los grupos de enfoque
We want to know your real motives. We want to know about your organization... names and addresses.
Queremos saber qué hay detrás de este crimen qué organización con nombre y dirección.
I'm not interested in exploring your motives.
No me interesa explorar tus motivos.
History don't pay no rent and the kid is broke. Hardly the most noble of motives.
- No parece un motivo noble.
- I have motives.
- Tengo motivos ocultos.
But his motives change nothing.
Pero sus intenciones no cambian nada.
It's all right, Aieu. His blood may be pure, but his motives aren't.
Está bien, Aleu su sangre puede ser pura, pero sus razones no lo son.
There are no obvious motives to the murders.
No hay motivos obvios para los asesinatos.
The current evidence isn't enough to clearly identify their specific motives
Las evidencias actuales no son suficientemente claras para darnos a conocer sus motivos.
That time, too, we couldn't figure out Hureisenjin's motives
En esos tiempos, tampoco conocíamos cuales eran los motivos por los que Hureisenjin actuaba.
and appreciate my real motives
y apreciaría mis motivos reales
I mean, there's lots of motives but this guy's....
Digo, hay muchos motivos pero el de éste tipo...
You have to understand Baikman's psychology to understand his motives.
Para entender a Baikman hay que entender sus motivos.
I also know how many men you killed for your motives
También sé de todos los que has matado para tu beneficio
I wanted to determine his motives, find out who were we dealing with.
Quería saber sus motivos, averiguar con quién nos las veíamos.
This scholar is sabotaging our plan I wonder what his motives are...
Éste erudito está saboteando nuestro plan. Me pregunto que motivos tendrá...
As the recession deepened, consumer spending fell dramatically... and the advertisers insisted that the only way for companies to survive... was to make their advertising more effective. And to do this, they would have to delve into people's... underlying psychological motives for purchasing. The advertising industry started to bring in Americans... to run focus groups, with British housewives.
Y a la edad de 26 años, estaba yo en esa conferencia para hacer el mundo más seguro y demócrata.
I think it's smarter to know everybody's motives.
Me parece más sensato conocer los motivos de todos.
I fail to see how my motives are relevant.
No veo qué puede importar.
He never trusted my mother's motives, but he...
Él nunca creyó en las motivaciones de mi madre pero...
- I'm not sure of Jerome's motives.
- De Jerome.
- Your motives were noble.
- tus motivos eran nobles.
I will show you nothing, until you reveal your true motives.
No te mostraré nada, hasta que me reveles tus auténticas razones.
- I wouldn't take offence. Not every species has motives that can be understood in human terms.
No quiero ofender pero no todas las especies entienden los términos humanos.
For doubting your motives in this whole loan thing.
Por dudar de tus razones para ayudarme con el crédito.
Greg. Motives for the murder thereof.
Greg, motivos de su muerte.
You know, the worst part is, when we were at jasper's, i actually began to question the gsa's motives in the greater scheme of things.
Sabes, lo peor es que cuando estábamos en Jasper, hasta empecé a cuestionarme... los motivos de la ASG en el gran esquema de las cosas.
If I were you, I'd examine my own motives in this here conversation.
Si yo fuera tú, examinaría mis propios motivos en esta conversación.
- My motives.
- Mis motivos.
I'm not debating his motives, Pete, just his methods.
No discuto sus motivos, Pete, sólo sus métodos.
Things change. Feelings change. Motives change.
Las cosas cambian, los sentimientos cambian, los motivos cambian.
As you'll discover, I often have ulterior motives.
Como descubrirás, a menudo tengo otros motivos.
The Luthors are famous for their ulterior motives.
Los Luthor siempre tienen un motivo secreto.
You think people with cancer care what my motives are?
¿ Crees que al enfermo le interesan mis motivos?
- Everybody cares about motives.
- Todos buscan motivos.
This man's motives, and the motives of the female kidnapper, are still unknown.
Aún se desconocen los motivos del ataque de este hombre y los de la secuestradora.

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