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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ M ] / Mr wooley

Mr wooley translate Spanish

62 parallel translation
- Mr Wooley?
- Sr. Wooley?
This way, Mr Wooley.
por aquí, Sr. Wooley.
- Oh, Mr Wooley, I'm sorry.
- Oh, sr Wooley, realmente lo siento.
Mr Wooley, I hope that you will pardon our intrusion.
Sr woolley, espero disculpe Ud nuestra intromision soy Kimi,..
- What can I do for you? - It is not what you can do, Mr Wooley. I have come to thank you for what you have already done.
- ya nos ayudó bastante, Sr woolley y vine a agradecerle todo lo que ya hizo, Sr Wolley...
Oh, Mr Wooley, how can I ever repay you?
¡ oh, señor wolley! no se si podré alguna vez pagarle
You, Mr Wooley, have brought first joy to the heart of the little boy. I am your most humble servant. Poor kid.
Ud, Sr wolley, a vuelto a traer alegria al corazón de mi sobrino y de ahora en mas seré, su humilde servidora pobre niño, perdió a sus padres exactamente como yo a los mios
I am most unworthy of your compliment, Mr Wooley.
Ud no soy digna de sus cumplidos Sr Wooley.
He said he loves you, Mr Wooley, and will you do him the honour to be his father?
el dijo,... que lo ama Sr wolley y si, ¿ le haria el honor de ser su padre?
Mr Wooley, I told him that you said you loved him too, because that is what he wanted to hear. Please forgive me for lying.
Sr wolley, le dije que Ud tambien lo amaba porque es lo que el queria escuchar... por favor perdoneme por mentir
Oh, Mr Wooley.
Oh, Sr Wooley.
Someday I hope to meet a fine man like you, Mr Wooley.
ahora, solo espero algun dia conocer a alguien bueno como Ud, Sr Wooley.
Mr Wooley.
Sr Wooly?
Mr Wooley!
Mr Wooley!
Welcome back, Mr Wooley. We have missed you. I can't tell you how I've missed you.
bienvenido de regreso, Sr wolley lo hemos extrañado yo tambien los extrañé muchisimo es lindo volver a ver a alguien que no necesite afeitarse
I would like you to meet my father, Mr Wooley.
quisiera que conozca a mi padre, Mr Wooley.
Father, Mr Wooley is here.
padre, Mr Wooley está aquí
I have heard so much about you, Mr Wooley.
he oido hablar mucho de Ud Mr Wooley.
Mitsuo has planned everything himself. He wants to show you all the interesting places in Japan. It will be a wonderful trip, Mr Wooley.
mitsuvo planeó todo un recorrido... quiere mostrarle los lugares mas interesantes de Japon sera un viaje maravilloso, Mr Wooley.
Oh, yes, that's very nice, Kimi, but I'm gonna have to be going home soon. Why must you go back, Mr Wooley?
Oh, si, suena tentador, pero tendré que regresar a casa pronto, Kimi porqué debe regresar, Mr Wooley?
That is wonderful, Mr Wooley.
oh, eso es maravilloso, Mr Wooley.
Do you not wish to go into garden, Mr Wooley?
no desea salir al jardin, Mr Wooley?
Mr Wooley.
Sr Wooley.
Mr Wooley, Mitsuo Watanabe love you.
Sr Wooley, Mitsuvo Watanabe, lo ama
Mr Wooley!
Sr Wooley!
Hi, Mr Wooley.
hola, Sr Wooley.
- Mr Wooley.
- Sr Wooley.
- Mr Wooley?
- Sr Wooley?
- Hi, Mr Wooley.
- hola Sr Wooley.
Then Mr Wooley is here. In a trunk with an "X" on it.
el Sr Wooley esta dentro de un baúl marcado con una "X"
- What'll it be, Mr. Wooley?
- ¿ Qué le pongo, señor Wooley?
Yes, sir, Mr. Wooley.
Bien, señor Wooley ¡ Wooley!
- Sorry, Mr. Wooley.
- Lo siento, todo está bloqueado
- Hello, Mr. Wooley. - Hello.
Buenas noches, señor Wooley.
Here i am, Mr. Wooley. - Over here.
- Estoy aquí, señor Wooley.
- Why don't you come out? i've been waiting for you, Mr. Wooley. - Where are you?
- Le esperaba, señor Wooley - ¿ Dónde está?
- Evening, Mr. Wooley. - Have you any money, Joe?
- Buenas noches, señor Wooley - ¿ Tienes dinero, Joe?
- 8 : 00, Mr. Wooley.
- Son las ocho, señor Wooley
- Mr. Wooley — - I'll explain later, Margaret.
- Se lo contaré más tarde, Margaret
And then a little syrup. Mr. Wooley, I've worked for your family for 30 years... been almost a mother to you... and to think that on this day, of all days —
Señor Wooley, hace treinta años que trabajo para su familia he sido como una madre, pero justamente hoy...
I'm listening, Mr. Wooley.
Dime, te escucho, señor Wooley
Here? We're in the middle of nowhere. How do you know, Mr. Wooley?
- Pero si aquí no hay nada - ¿ Quién te ha dicho que no hay nada?
Wallace Wooley. - Mr. Masterson —
- Señor Masterson
I've called a doctor, Mr. Wooley.
He avisado al médico, señor Wooley
Mr. Wooley... I've been with your family for 37 years, but this is the end.
Señor Wooley, llevo 37 años en su familia pero no aguanto más
- Mr. Goolby.!
Sí, Sra. Wooley.
She left her pa's law books to her cousin, Mr. Wooley.
Le dejó los libros de Derecho de su padre a su primo, el Sr. Wooley.
- Are you all right, Mr Wooley?
- Está bien, Sr. Wooley?
Uh-huh. I'll tell you something, mr. Wooley, what i'm looking for in my shows are actors and people that are willing to work hard.
Le diré, Sr. Wooley lo que estoy buscando para mis espectáculos son actores y gente deseosa de trabajar duro.
Mr. Wooley. Nice to meet you.
Un gusto conocerlo.
"As an applicant to the composers course..." "A talent scout, Mr. David Wooley, will travel to a venue of your choice for a live audition."
"Como medida por ser un solicitante al curso de compositores... un cazatalentos, el Sr. David Wooley, viajará a un lugar de su elección para una audición en vivo".

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