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Myself included translate Spanish

159 parallel translation
Oh, how I want to give that earth a hard kick, and myself as well, so that everything, myself included, would spin round in a joyful whirlwind, in a festive dance where people would be in love with each other,
¡ Cuantos deseos tengo de dar un fuerte puntapié al globo terráqueo, y a sí mismo, para que todo de vueltas, incluso yo, en el torbellino alegre, del baile festivo de la gente, mutuamente enamorada
Oh, I better stop now before I wreck the place and myself included.
Haré mejor con pararme antes de estropearlo todo, hasta yo misma.
Of course, no one laughed because no one understood it — myself included.
Por supuesto nadie se rió, porque nadie la entendió, incluido yo.
Myself included.
Yo incluido.
Myself included.
Incluso yo.
- No, myself included.
- No, a mí tampoco.
If I were you, I'd throw them all out, myself included.
En su lugar, les echaría a todos, y a mí de paso.
Myself included.
Incluido yo.
Myself included.
A mí, el primero.
The three remaining crew members, myself included, will beam down to effect a rescue.
Los tres miembros restantes, incluyéndome a mí... nos transportaremos para efectuar un rescate.
The entire crew is on edge, myself included.
La tripulación tiene los nervios de punta, y yo también.
There was great consternation, everybody running, myself included...
Hubo una gran confusión. Todo el mundo empezó a correr, incluso yo.
At the beginning, everyone, myself included we feel the same.
Al principio, todos, yo mismo... estamos igual.
This is the point! We are all in danger, myself included, because involuntarily, I'm your accomplice.
... estamos todos en peligro y también yo que involuntariamente, soy vuestro cómplice.
Myself included for a time.
Incluyéndome a mi, por un tiempo.
- Myself included.
- Yo incluido.
Each of us, myself included, wanted to see something of Tasha in this woman.
Todos nosotros, incluido yo queríamos ver algo de Tasha en esa mujer.
Well, she made everybody switch partners because all the fat girls were dancing together, and the doinks, myself included, were standing against the wall, blowing spit bubbles.
Nos hizo cambiar de pareja porque las niñas gordas bailaban juntas... y todos los tontos... yo incluido... estaban parados contra la pared.
Tips from starving artists, myself included, don't exactly pay the bills.
No merecía morir.
I blew it all. I've soiled everything, myself included.
Siempre lo he estropeado todo, siempre me he ensuciado.
In the meantime, the crew are taking advantage of the delay to pursue their own projects, myself included.
Entre tanto, la tripulación aprovecha el retraso para dedicarse a sus propios proyectos, como yo mismo.
All the rangers at Alcatraz were once guards, myself included.
Todos los guardaparques de Alcatraz fuimos alguna vez guardias, incluso yo.
Now, you are aware that our board of directors has been indicted myself included.
Sabías que nuestra junta de directores fue enjuiciada incluyéndome a mí.
And by so doing, he's saved the lives of three men, myself included
Y al hacerlo, salvó las vidas de tres hombres, la mía incluida.
, Many people... Myself included, thought that what we saw this Saturday night... was real.
, mucha gente... incluyéndome a mí, creímos que lo que vimos ese sábado en la noche... era real.
Most people, myself included, just sit around and bitch.
La mayoría de la gente, incluyéndome a mí, sólo se queja.
'And the combination of watching the heavy bag'and watching Foreman cut off the ring'made most fight writers, myself included,'pessimistic about Ali's chances.'
'Y la combinación de ver la bolsa pesada y ver a Foreman arrinconando en el ring'hizo que la mayor parte de los escritores, incluido yo, fuéramos pesimistas sobre las posibilidades de Ali.'
Six were saved from the water myself included.
Rescataron del agua a seis personas incluyéndome a mí.
Myself included.
Yo incluida.
Everybody was very pissy prior to the mud bath, myself included.
Todos estábamos muy cabreados antes del baño de lodo.
Ladies and gentlemen, the bottom line is that this divestiture will result in every shareholder, all of you and myself included getting a substantial premium for our shares.
Damas y caballeros, La línea de base de este despojamiento resultará en que cada accionista, de ustedes y yo incluido obtendrá un premio substancial por nuestras acciones.
Everybody non-essentiaI get down to that bomb shelter, myself included.
Todos los prescindibles vayan al refugio, me incluyo.
A number of us have sent kids off to Arcadia... myself included.
Varios de nosotros hemos mandado hijos a Arcadia. Incluyéndome a mí.
The remaining former Watchers, myself included... have decided to re-form the Council... and I've been sent to contact you.
los ex-vigilantes que han sobrevivido, incluido yo, han decidido volver a crear el consejo, y he sido enviado para contactarte.
But if you did I think there are those in this room, myself included who would wanna follow those orders.
Pero si lo hiciera creo que hay gente en esta habitación, incluido yo que querría seguir esas órdenes.
And continued to be there for all of her friends, myself included.
Y ha estado ahí para todos sus amigos, incluído yo.
That holds true for everything in this world. Myself included. I accept this.
Eso sigue siendo cierto para todos en este mundo yo mismo incluido he aceptado esto.
Planet Center in Cambridge, and their data were posted on the NEO Confirmation Page to be verified by astronomers across the globe, myself included.
Centro de Planetas Menores de Cambridge, Y sus datos han sido colgados en la Página de Confirmación de NEO para ser verificado por astrónomos de todo el mundo, yo incluido.
We were, myself included, very familiar with what the intelligence was saying about Iraq.
Todos nosotros, incluyéndome conocíamos bien lo que decía la inteligencia sobre Irak.
So a number of people, myself included, were not sent to Chicago.
Así que algunos de nosotros no fuimos enviados a Chicago.
But many fans, myself included, wonder if the Norwegian black metal bands are really.
Pero muchos fans, incluido yo, se preguntan si las bandas noruegas de black metal lo son de verdad.
I thought those condos would make a lot of money for a lot of people, myself included.
Pensé que esos departamentos generarían mucho dinero para mucha gente incluyéndome.
Myself included.
Yo mismo incluido.
Myself included.
Pienso que traes placer a muchos hombres. Yo incluido.
You know, I've seen people delivered from unbelievable pain... myself included.
Sabe, he visto a gente liberada de un dolor increíble... incluso yo mismo.
Myself included.
Incluyéndome a mí.
That there were certain realistic politicians here, among whom i included myself and bukharin, who were out of sympathy with the policy of the present government and were anxious to cooperate with trotsky in bettering the relations between this other country and ours.
Que algunos hombres políticos realistas, entre ellos yo y Bujarín, no sentían ninguna simpatía por el gobierno actual, y estaban ansiosos por colaborar con Trotsky en el mejoramiento de relaciones entre ese país y el nuestro.
It may be that, once in a while, I included myself with the people.
Puede que de vez en cuando me incluyese en el pueblo.
And as for myself in particular, I suspect that the circumstances of that time were the apprenticeship that... enabled me to make my way so instinctively through the subsequent... chain of events, which included so much violence and so many breaks, and where so many people were treated so badly
En lo que a mí se refiere, supongo que fue a partir de las circunstancias de aquel momento... que fui siguiendo con toda naturalidad el encadenamiento de tantas violencias... y de tantas rupturas, en las que tan mal se trató a tanta gente ;
Did you catch how I subtly included myself in your vacation package? Nina...
¿ Notaste como sutilmente me incluí en tu paquete de vacaciones?
I've included interviews with myself, my publisher Dean Learner and the actor Todd Rivers, so we can tell you what it means.
He vuelto a incluir entrevistas conmigo, mi editor, Dean Learner y el actor Todd Rivers, para explicaros qué significa.
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