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Nanook translate Spanish

59 parallel translation
Remember Nanook of the North?
? Recordais al perro de las praderas? ?
Now don't get the idea they're distant cousins of Nanook of the North.
Ahora no se haga la idea que son primos distantes de Nanook del Norte.
You're Nanook of the North, and I am Admiral Byrd.
Es Nanook, el esquimal del Norte, y yo soy el almirante Byrd.
Who do you think you are, Nanook of the North or something?
¿ Quién te crees que eres, Nanook el esquimal o algo así?
"Or the sister of Flaherty's Nanook."
O a la hermana de Nanouk del Ártico.
Nanook of the north, let's go, buddy.
Vamos, colega.
It being winter in the army, I'll guess Nanook of the North.
Es invierno, es el Ejército, será La esfinge de los hielos. Casi.
Roy Rogers or Nanook of the North?
¿ Roy Rogers o Nanook del norte?
They'll lock him up, and you just stand there like Nanook of the North!
Lo encerrarán, ¡ y usted se queda ahí parado como un esquimal!
Come on, Nanook.
Vamos, Nanook.
¿ Nanook?
- Nanook...
- Nanook...
- What about Nanook?
- ¿ Qué pasa con Nanook?
Nanook, would you quit breathing on me!
Nanook, no me respires encima.
Nanook, get upstairs.
Nanook, vete arriba.
Cool it, Nanook!
¡ Tranquilo, Nanook!
¡ Nanook!
And Nanook helped a little.
Nanook nos ha ayudado un poco.
Are we dealing with a real person or is this a howling-werewolf - meets-the-nanook kinda thing?
¿ Es una persona de verdad o un ser salido de las películas de terror?
Robert Flaherty did it once up here "Nanook of the North", 1922.
Eso ya lo hizo Robert Flaherty en "Nanook el Esquimal", 1922.
You fought Nanook the Bear.
Luchaste con Nanook, el Oso.
Little Nanook.
Pequeño Nanook.
A real little Nanook of the North.
Una verdadera "Nanook del Norte".
For starters, you've got to lose this "Nanook of the North" thing.
Para empezar, tienes que dejar de ir en plan "Nanook, el esquimal".
I may be Romeo in the holosuite, but I when I see the real Kira I'll turn back into Nanook of the North.
Puede que en la holosuite sea un Romeo, pero sé que cuando vea a Kira, volveré a ser como Nanook el esquimal.
Nanook of the North at Alice Tully Hall and Steady as She blows at Ethan Watson's Porn Palace.
"Nanook del norte" en el teatro Alice Tully y "Calmada la mamada" en el teatro porno de Ethan.
[crying like A BABY] Is Nanook comfortable in papoose?
Esta Nanook cómodo en papoose ( objeto para cargar chicos )?
Slow down there, Nanook.
Tranquilízate, Nanook.
How about Nanouk?
No tan malo aqui... Hey Nanook, ¿ Qué dices?
Auntjo is looking after our kids, five of them, Uh, all adopted, each from a different continent, Well, apparently, nanook, our little eskimo,
La tia Jo está cuidando a nuestros cinco hijos son todos adoptados, uno de cada continente y parece que Nanook, nuestro pequeño esquimal tuvo un accidente con el trineo en la escalera de casa lamentablemente, debemos...
Just put nanook on the phone.
Dile a Nanook que se ponga. Disculpe.
Yes, little nani nanook.
Sí, el pequeño Nani Nanook.
Is that Nanook?
¿ Ese es Nanook?
With Nanook Rubs lt.
Con Nanook Rubs It.
Hey, Nanook.
- Hola, Nanuk.
Today we are going to be concluding part two of the very riveting Nanook of the North.
Hoy terminaremos la segunda parte de la muy fascinante Nanook of the North.
Writing a song about you and my missing nanook.
, estaba... escribiendo una canción sobre mi esquimal perdido.
Nanook of the North.
Nanook of the North.
Then I looked at the bear eyes and said "Listen, be prepared to die for my clan starving!"
Así que miré a los ojos del oso y le dije... "Nanook, preparate para morir por mi clan que tiene hambre"
- Is not he talk to you?
¿ Acaso Nanook te habló?
Then the bear was standing.
Entonces Nanook se levantó sobre sus patas traseras.
The Akeley pancake camera, used to shoot the first full-length documentary, "Nanook of the North."
La cámara plana Akeley, usada para filmar el primer documental completo, "Nanook del Norte".
" Movie named'Nanook of the North'.
"Película nombrada'Nanook del Norte".
This should be an image of seal hunting from Nanook of the North.
Esto debe ser una imagen de la caza de focas del Nanook del Norte
Hey, Nanook of the fuckin'north, why don't you lose the parka, unless you're planning on banging eskimos?
Ey, Nanook del maldito norte, ¿ por qué no te quitas el abrigo, a no ser que estés planeando tener sexo con esquimales?
And I'd met the film-director Flaherty, who made Nanook Of The North, and he got me interested in going to Mexico, which I must admit wasn't difficult.
Conocí a Flaherty, el director de "Nanuk el esquimal". Él me convenció fácilmente para venir a México.
- Nanook
- Nanook
Hit it, Nanook.
Dale a las teclas, Nanook.
Jeez, Nanook, you're so sensitive.
Eres tan sensible.
The filmmakers didn't stage scenes as Robert Flaherty did in Nanook of the North.
Aquí no se preparaban las escenas...

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