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Naomi's translate Spanish

803 parallel translation
It's a perfect match. - I have the Scarecrow, and I'm taking Naomi Smalls.
Tienen que hacer muy buenas caracterizaciones
- No, I have my own drag aesthetic. It's called Naomi Smalls.
No, yo tengo mi propia estetica Drag, se llama Naomi Smalls.
It's called Naomi Smalls?
Se llama Naomi Smalls.
- Naomi, she's still modeling, she's still voguing, and oh, oh, and oh.
Naomi sigue modelando, sigue vogueando.
Naomi sees Derrick's skill level as not being up to par with everybody else, and that's why she's frustrated that Derrick Barry's still here.
Naomi ve que el nivel de Derrick no es el mismo que el de las demás. Y es por eso que está frustrada, porque Derrick sigue aquí.
- These are the most octaves I've ever heard Naomi speak in, that's for sure.
Eso es lo más agudo que Naomi puede hablar, con certeza.
- It's becoming quite predictable to come out in lingerie.
Esta siendo predecible para Naomi que vengas siempre tan ligera.
- I'm really glad that Naomi's still here. If Naomi had gone home, I would've lost a great friend.
Y ese es el peor sentimiento de todos.
But if you compare Bob to me and Naomi, Bob's makeup is nonexistent.
Pero si comparas a Bob conmigo y con Naomi, el maquillaje de Bob no existe.
- I disagree with Derrick saying that Naomi goes after him because she's insecure.
No estoy de acuerdo en que Derrick piense que Naomi la critica por insegura.
He's got Naomi's vanity case.
Tiene la polvera de Naomi.
He's crazy about Naomi.
Está loco por ella.
It can be ruth's and naomi's for all i care, as long as i don't have to pay for it.
Que se ocupe Ruth o Perico de los Palotes, mientras no sea yo quien pague.
Naomi Murdoch, that's me.
Naomi Murdoch, esa soy yo.
- For Pete's sake, Naomi.
- ¡ Por amor de Dios, Naomi! .
Say, that's Naomi!
Oye, es Naomi!
- Would it have mattered if we had? - Naomi, your supper's ready.
- Hubiera sido igual - ¡ Naomi, tu cena está lista!
It's only one more day, Naomi.
Es solo un día mas, Naomi.
Naomi, maybe it's better if Lily does go now, before she has any bridges to burn.
Naomi, quizás sea mejor que Lily se vaya ahora, antes de que tenga puentes que quemar.
You are Chief Maranka's woman.
Se casará con Naomi.
Naomi's home is here.
La casa de Naomi está aquí.
Naomi, you could do that too. It's a decent living.
Naomi, tu también podrías hacerlo.
My mother in the country forgave me... and helped me to get Naomi's name registered.
Mi madre desde el pueblo, lo aprobó y me ayudó a registrar el nombre de Naomi.
Naomi's necklace.
El collar de Naomi.
Your families and your families'families... to say nothing of his own children, my Uncle Hy here... my dear mother Naomi... whose rare intelligence he nurtured... and to whom he gave an extra measure of support... when she was widowed early by my father's death.
Para vuestras familias y sus familias... y por supuesto para sus hijos, mi tío Hy... mi querida madre Naomi... cuya excepcional inteligencia él promovió... y a quien apoyó sin reparos... cuando ella enviudó, todavía joven, de mi padre.
I came out of her womb... and I am telling you that she's Naomi Freed.
Yo salí de sus entrañas... y le digo que ella es Naomi Freed.
Where's your Christmas spirit, Naomi?
¿ Dónde está tu espíritu navideño, Naomi?
There's another present for you there, Naomi.
Hay otro regalo para ti allí, Naomi.
[Naomi] Then I climbed up to help Charlie get unstuck, but we both fell off, and that's how my shirt came undone.
Luego subí para ayudar a Charlie y ambos nos caímos, y así fue como mi blusa se desabrochó.
So how's naomi?
¿ Cómo está Naomi?
what are you doin'? - what's goin'on? - Naomi wasn't at her office all day.
- ¡ Naomi no fue a su oficina hoy!
That's Naomi.
Es Naomi.
That's not funny, Naomi.
No es gracioso, Naomi.
You'/ have a great time with Naomi. A / right, she's got that / augh. What'd you say, it's / ik e E / mer Fudd sitting on a juicer?
Te propongo algo divertido donde te reirás mucho con Naomi y su risa de Elmer Gruñón en un extractor de jugo, como dijiste.
Hi, Jerry. It's Naomi.
Hola, Jerry, es Naomi.
Naomi, come on, let's get going.
Naomi, vamos. Ya estoy listo.
None of us are going to look like Naomi Campbell. None of us are going to look like Christy Turlington, - so, in a way I think it's kind of sad...
No nos parecemos a Naomí Campbell... ni a Christy Turlington, así que es triste.
Naomi's two sons grew older and eventually married Moabite women named Orpah and Ruth.
crecieron y después se casaron con mujeres moabitas llamadas Orfa y Rut.
Naomi's two sons also took ill and died.
enfermaron y murieron.
But I did promise Naomi... she's done so much for me.
Pero se lo prometí a Noemí y ella a hecho tanto por mí.
My name is Naomi and I'm with Victoria's Secret.
Mi nombre es Naomi y Trabajo en Victorias Secret.
Go and talk to Naomi, she's looking bored. Talk to her!
Ve a hablar con Naomi, parece aburrida. ¡ Dile algo!
- There's Naomi!
- ¡ Ahi esta Naomi!
Did you see Naomi's hair?
- ¿ Habeis visto el pelo de Naomi?
I'm telling you, Naomi's not like any other woman I've ever known.
Te lo digo, Naomi no es como cualquier mujer que haya conocido.
Where's Naomi?
¿ Dónde está Naomi?
Naomi's uncle.
- El tío de Naomi.
In the middle of the night, hauling me down to the station, all up my ass about Naomi and things that are none of nobody's fucking business.
Hace días que me acosa la policía, de noche me llevan a la estación, me hablan de Naomi, ¡ y cosas que no son asunto de nadie!
I want to know about Naomi's violin.
Quiero saber del violín de Naomi.
Naomi, let's hear something triumphal.
Naomi, déjanos escuchar algo triunfal.
You remember everybody. It's Kim and Naomi and Prospero.
Recuerdas a todos Son Kim y Naomi y Prospero.
naomi 1032

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