Nego translate Spanish
74 parallel translation
But stop calling me baby.
- ¿ Pero que nego hombre? - Sí. Se ya te caí.
But her mother - that was my father's sister - she absolutely refused to let them show her liver.
Pero su madre, la hermana de mi padre, Se nego a que expusieran su higado.
- It's a purely business tr...
Es un mero viaje de nego...
Nego Antão... you are full of dread... and confined in the den of ignorance.
Negro Antao, estás en los confines del miedo... y de la ignorancia.
Well, he refused to work, sir.
Se nego a trabajar, señor.
You denied the divinity of Christ.
Nego la divinidad de Cristo.
You denied the Holy Trinity.
Nego la Santisima Trinidad.
He denied for a while, then he shut himself up, in deep concentration.
Nego todo... Hasta un cierto momento. Luego, se encerro en sí mismo, Se concentro intensamente.
You have denied the transubstantiation of the flesh.
Nego la transubstanciación de la carne.
Well, it just so happened that Jingle and Jangle had the same good idea when the men at the dog pound refused to let Vixen go he suggested that they take their case to the mayor.
cuando el hompre de la perrera se nego a dejar ir a Vitxen les sugirio que llevaran el caso ante el alcalde
Anyway, you refused, right?
De todos modos, usted se nego, ¿ no?
He refused it.
Se nego.
- I must do what I've been told.
- Tengo ordenes, y usted se nego.
The State Supreme Court denied my appeal.
La Suprema Corte Estatal nego mi apelacion.
He refused to tell me.
Se nego a decirme.
I seem to have been killed, and I have something important to do ¿ Nego.
Pueden matarme en este estado y tengo algo sumamente importante que hacer.
Millionaire importer and reputed mob boss Jerry the Pope denied allegations that moneys from local prostitution operations were being funneled through his corporation.
Importador millonario y reconocido jefe de la Mafia Jerry el Papa nego que el dinero de la prostitucion esta siendo canalizadoa travez de esta institucion.
[grunts] and carson actually denied being here?
Y carson nego haber estado aqui?
But the military regime denied that violence had been used, but vowed that order would be restored at any cost.
El regimen militar nego el uso de violencia... pero juro que el orden seria restablecido a cualquier precio.
"Can you tell us the name of the woman that would not leave her seat on the bus?" " Oh, that's hard...
"puede decirnos el nombre de la mujer, que se nego a ser separada en el autobus?" " Esa es difícil...
Uh, the judge denied us bail.
El juez te nego ese deseo.
Dijiste que el gilipollas de tu padre se nego.
It refused to fire at a really dumb moment.
Se nego a disparar en un momento realmente estupido.
No, she refused to even look at it Never mind Now that Diya's here... they will have a chance to get to know each other You shouldn't worry.
No, ella se nego a mirarla no importa ahora Diya esta aqui... ellos tendran una oportunidad cuando ellos consigan conocerce usted no debe preocuparse.
The Irish government has announced that an official inquiry also denies that the GARDA has hidden information. But surveys are not available.
T'Pol refused a direct order in front of the crew.
T'Pol se nego a una orden directa frente de la tripulación.
I created a dark chocolate and sour cream ho ho filled with a red hot cream cheese filling and then a warm black licorice pernod and star anise coulis and a little hot tamale whipped cream.
Creé un chocolate oscuro y crema agria ho ho relleno de crema de queso roja caliente y luego un culí de regaliz nego templado, pernod y anís estrellado y un pequeño tamal caliente de nata montada,
You can get a really good deal on this, trust me.
- Le gusto ese? Puede conseguir un perfecto nego con él, confie en mi.
So, the next time Athelstan commanded him to submit, he refused to obey.
Entonces, la proxima vez que Athelstan le mandó a presentarse, se nego a obedecer.
The press, in pursuit of Britain's biggest international progressive music success story, were denied its star.
La prensa, en persecucion del mas grande exito progresivo ingles en la historia, Se nego a ser estrella.
If Oldfield rejected mainstream acceptance of his rarefied musical experiment, other musicians embraced the success that British progressive rock was now achieving around the world.
Si Oldfield se nego a la aceptacion del mainstream sobre su extraño experimento musical, otros musicos abrazaron el exito que el progresivo ingles estaba alcanzando alrededor del mundo.
CULPEPER : The Comedian declined to comment.
El Comediante se nego a hacer comentarios.
Yeah, she denied ever having sent the email.
Si, nego haber enviado el correo electrónico.
Yeah, but the manufacturer said Hess canceled the order june 29 and refused to pay the rest of his bill.
Si, pero el fabricante dijo que Hess canceló la orden el 29 de junio y se nego a pagar el resto de la factura.
Where I really listened to a "Partido alto" samba... was with Inezita in Niterói in a place called'Clube Central'. The lead singer was a man called Nego Peitão... a real "Partido alto" singer...
Y donde escuché "partido alto" de verdad fue con Inezita... en Niterói, en un lugar llamado Club Central... y el cantantese llamaba Nego Peitão... y era un cantante de partido alto...
She refused to turn.
Se nego a convertirse.
Is that how you justify denying him His right of habeas corpus?
¿ es como justifica que le nego su derecho de Habeas Corpus?
She refused, but she did sign a contract with me to eat more and have outpatient therapy.
Se nego, pero lo que si hizo fue firmar un contrato conmigo diciendo que comeria mas y realizaria tratamiento ambulatorio.
Accounting turned you down?
Administración lo nego?
He neglected to enter the code in the computer just as Flight 815 was passing over the island.
Se nego a introducir el codigo en la computadora Mientras el vuelo 815 volaba sobre la isla
She refused.
Ella se nego.
You finally figured it out. Your mother was a cunning Queen. She saw through me and refused to assist me.
al fin lo descubres, eres una tonta tu madre si era lista me descubrió y se nego a ayudarme
But she's refused to comment so far.
Pero ella se nego a comentar hasta el momento.
But he refused to take his meds.
Pero el se nego a tomar su medicina.
I believe the bar was raided because Tanjo, the owner... was refusing to pay this man money.
Yo creo que el bar fue redado porque Tanjo, el dueño... se nego a pagar dinero a este hombre.
Paid him a call to make a deal. He refused, it got deadly, then he came up with the brilliant idea of going to the morgue and stealing Yusef's body.
Pagale una llamada para cerrar el trato el se nego, lo tengo mortales, con la brillante idea de ir a la morgue y robando el cadaver de Jusef.
But my master declined, because it is his nature not to give to one who begs.
Pero mi maestro se nego porque es su naturaleza no darsela a quienes se la piden
- You're nego...
- Están nego...
Daniel denied it,
Daniel lo nego,
I am ready yet to give me something one only naprawdê sproœnego.
Estoy listo para una más. Apárteme una bien loca... tipo enanas siamesas con un carnero.