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Ness translate Spanish

1,066 parallel translation
- Just tell him Eliot Ness.
- Solo dígale Eliot Ness.
It's Eliot Ness.
Es Eliot Ness.
Following the hearse was truck after truck confiscated by Eliot Ness and his squad in their raids on the Capone breweries.
Detrás del coche fúnebre venían los camiones confiscados por Eliot Ness y su brigada en sus redadas a las cervecerías de Capone.
Between Eliot Ness and Al Capone, no word had ever been exchanged except for the brief telephone conversation preceding the funeral of Joe Fuselli.
Eliot Ness y Al Capone, nunca intercambiaron una palabra salvo por la breve conversación telefónica que precedió al funeral de Joe Fuselli.
Ness was occupied with the thought of the long years of struggle ahead to destroy the remnants of the Capone organization.
Ness estaba ocupado con la idea de los años de lucha por delante para destruir los remanentes de la organización de Capone.
Against this new breed of racketeer, who are managing to steal, extort, divert and pervert, almost 10 percent of the income of the people of the United States, Eliot Ness fought until his death in 1957.
Contra esta nueva clase de mafiosos que trataban de robar, extorsionar y pervertir casi el diez por ciento del ingreso del pueblo de los Estados Unidos Eliot Ness luchó hasta su muerte en 1957.
Eliot Ness is dead.
Eliot Ness está muerto.
But the struggle between the Capones and the Nesses witnessed by a public that remains dangerously indifferent goes on and on.
Pero la lucha entre los Capone y los Ness presenciada por un público peligrosamente indiferente continúa.
I was disgusted by his middleclass-ness.
Estaba disgustado con esas burguesadas.
The more's hard? all these sacrifices? ness should be done in silence.
Lo difícil es que estos sacrificios deben ser hechos en silencio.
The war may have ended Mr. Demara, but the former? ARMY still do not concluded their neg? ness with you?
La guerra habrá acabado, Sr. Demara, pero el Ejército tiene un asunto pendiente con Ud.
Clifford, why do not make the subs? ness?
Clifford, ¿ por qué no haces los ejercicios?
Four to Skegness, please.
Cuatro para Skag Ness, por favor.
Four to Skegness.
Cuatro para Skag Ness.
Ah, yes, but we're not going to Skegness, not yet, anyway.
Sí, pero no vamos a Skag Ness. Aún no.
We could take Audrey and Gladys to Skegness, and have the time of our lives before we get sent down.
Podríamos ir con las chicas a Skag Ness antes de que nos pillen.
M / nd your own bus / ness /
"Piensa solo en tus cosas"
- No. Try to be angry. - M / nd your own bus / ness /
" - no te enfades, - no te metas en lo que no te importa
The Loch Ness monster.
El monstruo del Lago Ness.
Loch Ness monster out of tank?
¿ Sacaron al monstruo de la pecera?
I don't believe in the Loch Ness Monster.
No creo en el monstruo del lago Ness.
" LochNess Monster
" El monstruo del Lago Ness
- Is this Loch Ness?
- ¿ Es este el Lago Ness?
- Bury his body at the bottom of Loch Ness.
- Entierre su cuerpo en el fondo del Lago Ness.
- How did action Loch Ness go?
- ¡ Comenzó la acción en el Lago Ness?
He'd been planning to visit his cousin in Scotland for 300 years and put it off.
- ¿ Primo de Escocia? El monstruo del lago Ness.
- You've heard of the Loch Ness monster? - Yes. - Well, it's a cousin.
Ya es lo bastante malo por encima.
M i nd your own bus i ness Sharps.
Tiene tiempo para cubrir de flores la tumba de su marido.
I u nderstand your help less ness.
Comprendo su tristeza.
My husband is Professor Raymond Ness.
Mi marido es maestro, Raymond Nase.
How about all those car agencies down on Van Ness?
¿ Y todas esas agencias de autos en Van Ness?
That ´ s Loch Ness?
- ¿ Eso es el Lago Ness?
Loch Ness, the Yorkshire Moors, Dartmouth, the Eiffel Tower, Beachy Head...
Lago Ness, las Yorkshire, la Torre Eiffel, Gibraltar...
The parking garage on 10th and Van ness.
En el estacionamiento en la 10ma y Van ness.
Well, you may think I'm an old fool or an old drunk, but I've been living around Loch Ness all my life.
Pensara que soy un viejo tonto o un viejo borracho, pero... he vivido cerca del lago toda mi vida.
If you're wanting a holiday in Scotland, go to Loch Lomond, go to Holy Loch. But stay away from Loch Ness.
Si quieren pasear en Escocia, vayan al lago Lomond, o al Santo Lago, pero aléjense del lago Ness.
Subterranean Loch Ness Monster?
¿ El monstruo subterráneo del lago Ness?
¿ Ness?
Ness, this is the only way.
Ness, es la única manera.
- Ness, Ness, Ness...
! - Ness, Ness, Ness...
And yet, LeroyJones, today's foremost representative of Negro-ness says,
Y aún, Leroy Jones, el más destacado representante de la Negritud, dice,
Deaf to the insults of the priests of Negro-ness, these Uncle Tom pigs have quietly joined the system, and followed the great American dream of success, seen as the sporting victory over life's adversities.
Sordo a los insultos de los predicadores de la Negritud, estos cerdos Tio Tom se unieron tranquilamente al sistema y siguieron el gran sueño Americano del éxito, visto como la victoria deportiva sobre las adversidades de la vida.
Today, everything that's black has to have that Negro-ness.
- Untranslated subtitle -
Protest is an ugly fad word, like Negro-ness.
- Untranslated subtitle -
They cruelly mock at the awkward - ness of their own first attempts.
Se burlan cruelmente de la torpeza de sus propios primeros intentos.
The other just walks away from the car at Van Ness.
El otro dejó el coche abandonado en Van Ness.
With the assistance of Eliot Ness,
Con la ayuda de Eliot Ness los agentes del Tesoro de EE.
Are y ou pursued by u n happi ness?
Hola. ¿ Está sola?
So it's a fam i ly i II ness.
Pues me alegro, jefe.
I can't get i nv o lved in y our busi ness.
No, no tiene ningún mérito, no puedo soportar que maltraten a una mujer.
Let's try the one on Van Ness next.
Vamos a Van Ness.
nessa 126

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