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None of this would've happened translate Spanish

208 parallel translation
If Captain Williams hadn't interfered, none of this would've happened.
La culpa es del capitán Williams.
If I hadn't come between ya, none of this would've happened.
Hasta pronto, Doc.
Just think, if it wasn't for Doug Blake. none of this would've happened.
Piensa que si no fuera por Doug Blake, nada de esto hubiera sucedido.
If I hadn't insisted on coming out here none of this would've happened.
Yo quise venir aquí, es culpa mía.
Yes, it is. If you hadn't been annoyed Aunt Clara made the dinner none of this would've happened.
Si no te hubiera molestado que la tía Clara hiciese la cena no habría pasado nada de esto.
If I'd have handed over the keys to the jail to you in Apache Wells... none of this would've ever happened.
Si te hubiera entregado las llaves de la cárcel en Apache Wells... nada de esto habría sucedido.
Samantha if you'd married one of those nice warlocks that were so crazy about you none of this would've happened.
Samantha si te hubieses casado con uno de esos brujos que te adoraban no habría pasado nada de esto.
If I hadn't shot you, none of this would've happened.
Si no le hubiera herido, nada de esto hubiera pasado.
If he'd had the good sense to be a few inches taller, none of this ever would've happened.
Si fuese unos centímetros... más alto nada de esto hubiese pasado.
Si fuera un hombre como Terry, nada de esto habría pasado.
If you'd stayed in the army, none of this would've happened.
Si te hubieses quedado en el ejército, esto no estaría pasando.
After all, none of this would've happened if I hadn't misplaced the Rembrandt letters.
Esto no hubiera ocurrido de no haber perdido las cartas de Rembrandt.
If you weren't so wrapped up in playing V.P. For that damn coalition of yours... none of this would've happened.
Si no estuvieras tan ocupado jugando al vicepresidente de esa coalición... no habría pasado nada de esto.
None of this would've happened.
Nada de esto debería haber pasado.
If you'd done what you were supposed to do and arrested Rachel when I told you, none of this would've happened.
Si hubieras arrestado a Rachel, nada de esto estaría pasando.
Well, i keep thinking none of this would've happened
Sigo pensando que esto no hubiera pasado...
None of this would've happened, if I hadn't come along.
Nada de esto habría pasado si yo no hubiese aparecido.
None of this would've happened if you didn't invite that thug here in the first place.
Nada de esto habría sucedido si no hubieras invitado a ese matón, en primer lugar.
If you didn't go out there when they killed that man, none of this would've happened. We're in this shit because you fucked up.
¡ Es tu culpa!
If you hadn't gotten out of the truck in the first place, none of this would've happened.
En primer lugar, si no hubieras bajado de la camioneta nada de esto hubiera pasado.
Well, you know, if you'd have taken the vote yesterday, like a real president would've, none of this would have happened.
Si hubieras realizado la votación ayer nada de esto hubiera sucedido.
- None of this would've happened.
- Nada de esto habría ocurrido.
There was no reason to say no, but if we hadn't gone with him that night, none of this would've happened.
No había razón para decir no pero si no hubiésemos ido esa noche, nada de esto hubiese ocurrido.
If he didn't fall, none of this would've happened.
Si no se hubiera caído no habría pasado nada de esto.
Perhaps, if you'd told me... none of this would've happened.
Tal vez si me hubieras dicho... todo esto no habría ocurrido.
Yours? If you hadn't cheated in the first place, none of this would've happened. Yeah.
- ¿ Tuyo?
None of this would've happened if that car hadn't hit me.
Esto no habría ocurrido si el coche no me hubiera golpeado.
None of this would've happened if she weren't pregnant.
Nada de esto hubiera ocurrido si ella no estaba embarazada.
If he hadn't mentioned it to you, none of this would've happened.
Si no te lo hubiera mencionado, nada de esto habría ocurrido.
If only I had wasted a couple of minutes and gone to watch Marla Singer die, none of this would've happened.
Si tan solo hubiera perdido unos minutos en ir a ver morir a Marla, nada de esto habría ocurrido.
If I had just let you go, none of this would've happened.
Si te hubiera dejado marchar, nada de esto hubiera pasado.
None of this would've ever happened if she hadn't- - if she hadn't- -
Nada de esto habría sucedido si ella no hubiera... si no hubiera...
None of this would've happened if that girl had done her job.
¡ Eso no habría ocurrido si la chica hacía su trabajo!
- none of this would've happened.
- nada de eso habría ocurrido.
- None of this would've happened...
Nada de esto habría ocurrido...
But if you hadn't fixed my shoes... none of this would've happened.
Si no hubieras arreglado las zapatillas nada de esto hubiera pasado.
The truth is, none of this would've happened if you didn't have that second glass of wine that night.
La verdad es que nada de esto habría ocurrido si no hubieras tomado esa segunda copa de vino esa noche.
Maybe none of this would've happened!
Tal vez nada de esto hubiera pasado!
If you hadn't insulted the travel agent, none of this would've happened.
Si no hubieras insultado al agente, esto no habría pasado.
None of this would've happened if you came home with shoes instead of that car.
Nada de esto habría pasado si hubieras comprado zapatos en Iugar de un auto.
Had you not traded her, none of this would've happened.
Si no la cambiabas,... nada de esto hubiera pasado.
If you just would've done the Tin Man, none of this would've happened.
Si hubieras sido el Hombre de Lata, nada de esto habría ocurrido.
None of this would've happened if it weren't for you.
Nada de esto habría ocurrido de no ser por ti
And the worst part is none of this would've happened if I would've just believed Hilary.
Y lo peor es que nada de esto hubiera pasado si le hubiera creído a Hilary.
If I'd have done what I should've in the beginning, none of this would have happened.
Si hubiera hecho lo que debía, nada de esto habría pasado.
I mean, if I hadn't spilled the blood... maybe none of this would've happened.
Quiero decir, si no hubiera derramado la sangre quizá nada de esto hubiera pasado.
None of this would've happened if I'd stayed with the old man in the truck, would it?
Nada de esto habría ocurrido si me hubiera quedado con el viejo.
Well, none of this would've happened if it wasn't for you, so...
¿ En serio? Nada de esto hubiera pasado en primer lugar si no fuese por ti.
Otherwise none of this would've happened.
Si no esto no habría pasado.
None of this would've happened if I had been there.
Nada de esto habría pasado de haber estado ahí.
If I had listened to you from the start, none of this would've happened.
Si te hubiera escuchado antes, nada de esto habría pasado.

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