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Now would be a good time translate Spanish

381 parallel translation
Right now would be a good time for somebody to knock at that door.
Este sería el mejor momento para que alguien llamara a la puerta.
No Madame but if you have something else to do, now would be a good time.
- No, señora. Pero si tuviera algo que hacer, éste sería el momento.
The... The carnival was rained out in Kankakee... so... so I thought that now would be a good time to... to...
La feria cerró por lluvia en Kankakee... así que pensé que ahora sería un buen momento para -
Bu I think now would be a good time for you to come backstage with me.
Pero es un buen momento para venir a la central.
Now would be a good time! Hurry!
¡ Ahora no me vendría mal!
Now would be a good time to go out there and try to stop this.
Ahora sería un buen momento para intentar parar esto.
- Now would be a good time.
- Ahora sería un buen momento.
So if you wanna take hold of your favorite partner, now would be a good time.
Así que, si quieren buscar pareja, ahora es el mejor momento.
I was thinking that now would be a good time to get help.
Estaba pensando que ahora es buen momento para conseguir ayuda.
Maybe now would be a good time to go over what you expect of me.
Quizá ahora sea un buen momento para decirme qué espera de mí.
Yeah, now would be a good time to panic, Peg.
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Well, Eddie, as long as we're talking about helping the boys, now would be a good time to share with everyone the magnificent gesture that this man made today.
Eddie, ya que estás hablando de ayudar a los muchachos, ahora es un buen momento para compartir el magnífico gesto que este hombre ha hecho hoy.
I mean, we really appreciate the opportunity and everything, but... See, I just don't think that right now would be a good time for Ronny to wrestle.
Apreciamos esta oportunidad, pero... no creo que para Ronnie sea un buen momento de luchar.
Yes, well, about now would be a good time to take a little pause to the old cause.
Ahora es un buen momento para hacer una pausa y descansar.
Now would be a good time, Mr. O'Brien.
Éste sería un buen momento, Sr. O'Brien.
I thought now would be a good time, to get out the presents.
Creo que ahora es un buen momento, para distribuir los regalos.
I think now would be a good time.
Pienso que seria un buen momento.
- Now would be a good time, wouldn't it?
- Ahora sería buen momento, ¿ no?
Well, maybe now would be a good time to start.
Sería un buen momento para abandonarla.
If you really want to talk about it, perhaps now would be a good time to tell me what you want when you die. What sort of funeral?
Si de verdad quieres hablar de ello... puede ser el momento adecuado para que me digas cómo quieres tu funeral.
Now would be a good time to catch him.
Ahora podríamos cogerlo.
You know, Kate, maybe now would be a good time... Now you know, life is so funny.
Sabe, Kate, quizás ahora sería un buen momento... usted sabe, la vida es tan gracioso.
Well, now would be a good time.
Bien, ahora sería buen momento.
But if you know anybody in the Tempus camp who you might be able to get to, you know open up in exchange for, I don't know money, now would be a good time.
Pero si conoce a alguien cercano a Tempus a quien pueda lograr, ya sabe hacer hablar a cambio de, no lo sé dinero, sería un buen momento para ello.
Then perhaps now would be a good time to invest in the future.
Entonces quizá sea un buen momento de invertir en el futuro.
Well, perhaps now would be a good time for me to examine Eddie one-on-one.
Tal vez ahora sea un buen momento para examinar a Eddie frente a frente.
Maybe now would be a good time to contact your father.
Quizá ahora sea un buen momento para contactar con tu padre.
Now would be a good time.
Ahora sería un buen momento.
Perhaps now would be a good time to take our 15-minute break.
Quizás sea un buen momento para hacer nuestra pausa de 15 minutos.
Now would be a good time | to reevaluate our personnel.
Es un buen momento para reevaluar al personal.
Now would be a good time to wipe that horrified look off your face.
Ya puedes quitar esa expresión de espanto.
Harry, now would be a good time.
- Harry, ahora sería buen momento...
If there is anything that you want to say to me... now would be a good time to say it.
Así que si tienes algo que decirme, éste sería el momento de hacerlo.
Now would be a good time to take him out of here.
Ahora, sería un buen momento para sacarlo de aquí.
Okay, now would be a good time for plan B.
Bien, sería buen momento para el plan B.
Just in case this doesn't work out, if you have any last thoughts... you'd like to share with the rest of us, now would be a good time.
En caso de que esto no resultara, si hay algo que quieres compartir... con nosotros, ahora es el momento.
Now would be a good time to stop.
- Ahora sería un buen momento.
Now would be a good time for your first words.
Sería un gran momento para tus primeras palabras.
Now, Your Majesty, would be a good time to send fresh armies... and crush these barbarians.
Êste, Su Majestad, sería un buen momento para enviar nuevos ejércitos... y aplastar a esos bárbaros.
At first I didn't think it was necessary, but now it occurs to me that this would be a good time to mention it.
Antes no creí que fuera indispensable, pero ahora me he dado cuenta de que es mejor decirlo.
Now, while things are pretty calm and reasonable, would be a good time to give it back.
Si eres razonable, ya va siendo hora de que me la devuelvas.
I think that now we're out here alone, just you and me, takin'on the elements, trying to survive... - that this would be a good time to...
Creo que ahora que estamos solos, únicamente tú y yo contra los elementos, intentando sobrevivir sería un buen momento para...
You know, Donna, now would be as good a time as any.
Sabes, Donna, ahora sería tan buen momento como cualquier otro.
- I think now would be a very good time.
Bueno me parece que ahora seria un buen momento!
No, and now would not be a good time for this...
No, y ahora no sería un buen momento para eso...
- If there is anything you can do... now would be a good time. - Not enough to hurt it.
- No es suficiente.
Commander, I think now would be a very good time for that beam-out.
Creo que sería un buen momento para transportarnos.
I think now would be a good time to teach Quinn about personal responsibility. Young lady, as the elder sister I hold you partially to blame. But I stayed with the tour guide.
Niega a tu padre y rechaza tu nombre o, si no, júrame tu amor y ya nunca seré una Capuleto.
Would now be a good time to conjure up a flock of woodpeckers?
¿ No sería oportuno hacer aparecer una bandada de pájaros carpinteros?
Would now be a good time to speak with you?
¿ Es un buen momento para hablar con usted?
Okay, now would be a very good time to get angry.
Ahora sería un buen momento para enfadarse.

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