O'donnell translate Spanish
453 parallel translation
I'll phone Captain O'Donnell and have him put that good - for - nothing loafer in jail, where he can whistle to his heart's content.
Llamaré al capitán O'Donnell y haré que metan a ese gandul en el calabozo. Allí podrá silbar lo que quiera.
Have the O'Donnell's over, they play poker.
Invita a los O'Donald, ellos sí que juegan.
The name happens to be O'Donnell, if it's all the same to you... and I have a good mind to charge you with false arrest... only I don't know if I could make it stick.
Mi nombre es O'Donnell, si no le importa... y podría acusarlo de arresto falso, aunque no sé si podría demostrarlo.
I'm O'Donnell, commanding Bomber Six.
Soy O'Donnell, a cargo del Bombardero 6. Bienvenido a bordo.
It's Mary O'Donnell.
Ah, es Mary O'donnell.
This is very homey, Mary O'Donnell.
¿ Sabes? Esto se ve muy hogareño, Mary O'donnell.
Did anyone ever tell you you're a pretty thing, Mary O'Donnell... with your red hair and your fine, big feet?
¿ Nunca te han dicho que eres muy bonita, Mary O'donnell, con ese pelo tan rojo y esos pies tan grandotes?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Mis comentarios no iban dirigidos a usted sino a esa idiota de Mary O'donnell. Perdóneme, señora.
Me enlistment's up next week, Mary O'Donnell, and I'll be leavin'.
Mi alistamiento acaba la próxima semana, Mary O'donnell, y me marcharé.
Is that you with the terrible bronchitis, Mary O'Donnell?
¿ Eres tú la que tiene esa horrible bronquitis, Mary O'donnell?
It's sorry I'll never be, Mary O'Donnell.
Nunca lo sentiré, Mary O'donnell.
Good evening to you, Mary O'Donnell, woman of the house.
Buenas tardes, Mary O'donnell, mujer de la casa.
A few ladles of Mary's stew will do your classwork a power of good.
Una cucharadas del guiso de Mary O'donnell le darán a tus clases un poder maravilloso
Do you smell Mary O'Donnell's Donegal stew?
¿ No hueles el estofado de Mary O'donnell de Donegal?
You're a wonderful woman, Mary O'Donnell.
Eres una mujer maravillosa, Mary O'donnell.
Mary O'Donnell.
Mary O'donnell.
I'm Peggy O'Donald from Brooklyn.
Soy Peggy O'Donnell de Brooklyn.
He's done it to Gorman, O'Donnell, Buchalman.
Se lo hizo a Gorman, a O'Donnell y a Buchalman.
O'Donnell here had 600 barrels coming in from Joliet Monday night.
O'Donnell tenía 600 barriles provenientes de Joliet el lunes por la noche.
Spike O'Donnell.
Spike O'Donnell.
No more beer from O'Donnell's guys, get me?
Basta de cerveza de los monos de O'Donnell, ¿ entendido?
Get O'Donnell.
Avisa a O'Donnell.
Looks like O'Donnell just wasted a good cigar.
Parece como si O'Donnell acabara de desperdiciar un buen cigarro.
Hear about Spike O'Donnell?
¿ Has oído lo de Spike O'Donnell?
With O'Donnell gone, maybe all of this will cool down.
Sin O'Donnell, quizás todo esto se calme.
This is my name there, James O'Donnell.
Aquí tiene mi nombre, James O'Donnell.
Eddie O'Donnell.
Eddie O " Donnell.
A Detective O'Donnell called.
Ha llamado un detective, O'Donnell.
This is Barry O'Donnell.
Él es Barry O'Donnell.
I have 25 pounds from Mr. O'Donnell.
Me ofrece 25 libras el Sr. O'Donnell.
35 pounds it is.
El Sr. O'Donnell ofrece 35 libras. ¿ Alguien ofrece más de 35 libras?
Kevin O'Donnell, IRA strategist, friend of the Millers.
Kevin O'Donnell, estratega del IRA, amigo de Miller.
I think if we find O'Donnell, Miller will be at his side.
Si encontramos a O'Donnell, encontraremos a Miller.
I want to know where Sean Miller and Kevin O'Donnell are.
Quiero saber dónde están Sean Miller y Kevin O'Donnell.
- Get me Pat O'Donnell please.
- Dame a Pat O'Donnell por favor.
- O'Donnell, here. - Hi, Pat.
- Aqui, O'Donnell.
- Her last name was O'Donnell.
- Se apellida O'Donnell.
O'Donnell, Juliana.
O'Donnell, Juliana.
You're right. But there was a real Juliana O'Donnell.
Exacto, pero hubo una Juliana O'Donnell real.
Do you recall a young man by the name of Michael O'Donnell who came to the felony review unit at your office?
¿ Recuerda a un joven llamado Michael O'Donnell cuyo caso llegó a su despacho?
That's confusing because a document from the Chicago Metropolitan Police says that Michael O'Donnell spoke to the supervisor for two weeks, explaining sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of Archbishop Rushman.
Es confuso porque un documento de la Policía de Chicago dice que Michael O'Donnell habló con el supervisor durante 2 semanas y detalló el abuso sexual que sufrió en manos del arzobispo Rushman.
I don't know. I guess Chris O'Donnell, John F. Kennedy Jr Daniel Day-Lewis, Sting and Parker Stevenson.
No sé. Chris O'Donnell, John F. Kennedy Jr Daniel Day-Lewis, Sting y Parker Stevenson.
Even though that bum O'Donnell threw those two passes right to you.
Incluso ese idiota de O'Donnell te lanzó dos pases.
- Hurry. - Which way do I go?
- Vamos a la Maternidad de O'Donnell.
He looks like the love child of Fred Mertz and Rosie O'Donnell.
Parece el hijo de Fred Mertz y Rosie O'Donnell
allison O'Donnell.
Allison O'Donnell.
Chris O'Donnell?
¿ Chris O'Donnell?
Hola, Alcalde Winston soy yo, Rosie O ´ Donnell.
You're that painter girl I saw on Rosie O'Donnell.
Tú eres esa chica pintora que vi en Rosie O'Donnell.
Yeah, right, Piper, and I'm Rosie O'Donnell.
Claro, Piper, y yo soy Rosie O'Donnell.
The most powerful woman in New York is not Tina Brown, or Diane Sawyer or even Rosie O'Donnell.
La mujer más poderosa de Nueva York no es ni Tina Brown ni Diane Sawyer, ni Rosie O'Donnell.