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Obvious translate Spanish

13,234 parallel translation
- obvious...
- que entiendas lo que pienso sobre esto, obviamente...
Is it that obvious?
¿ Es tan obvio?
There's no one doing the obvious.
No hay nadie haciendo lo obvio.
Has the obvious benefit of explaining a lot.
Tiene los evidentes beneficios de dar muchas explicaciones.
I swear to God, Joe... Look, Peter, the answer is obvious.
lo juro por dios, Joe... mira, Peter, la respuesta es obvia.
I mean, but it's pretty obvious she's his.
Es decir, aunque es bastante obvio que es de él.
Now, I know that I'm not the obvious choice for mayor.
Ahora, sé que no soy la opción obvia para alcalde.
I'm just stating the obvious.
Solo digo lo obvio.
Ok, it's obvious that HIVE faked his death.
Ok, es obvio que HIVE fingió su muerte.
Well, it's obvious.
Bueno, es obvio.
In case it's not entirely obvious by now, I came here to be alone.
En caso de que no sea muy obvio, he venido aquí para estar sola.
Be more obvious.
No se puede ser más evidente.
Seems pretty obvious.
Parece bastante obvio.
Is it that obvious? ( chuckles )
¿ Tan obvio es?
- It is obvious, or?
- Puede decirse.
I thought it was obvious, Colonel.
Creí que era obvio, coronel.
Okay, it's obvious we're in need of some peer mediation here.
Bien, es obvio que necesitamos un mediador de grupo aquí.
Even the cheesiest horror flick wouldn't have something this obvious.
Ni el filme de horror más cursi tendría algo así de obvio.
Kind of stating the obvious.
Es como exponer lo obvio.
Charlie obvious rides the same bus as his wife, So he already looked culpable.
Charlie obviamente va en el mismo autobús que su mujer así que ya parecía culpable.
You think they'd be a little less obvious.
Sería de esperar que fueran un poco menos obvios.
They don't want the dad's bone marrow, for obvious reasons.
Ellos no quieren que la médula ósea del papá, por obvias razones.
It's just... It's obvious that somebody is listg to our conversations and then writing about it, and we're just wondering if there's any way that we could have a look at the security camera footage.
Es que... es obvio que alguien está escuchando nuestras conversaciones y escribiendo sobre eso, y nos preguntábamos si hay una manera de que podamos mirar las cámaras de seguridad.
So, the figures are clear and the choice is obvious.
Las figuras son claras y su elección es obvia.
It's pretty obvious what's going on here.
Es muy obvio lo que está pasando aquí.
Now, I don't want to state the obvious, but we're in the 36th hour of a Code Black.
Ahora, no quiero afirmar lo obvio, pero llevamos 36 horas en código negro.
Gibson wants revenge, that's obvious.
Gibson quiere venganza, eso es obvio.
Well, people. If we weren't already in an apocalypse, this would be a damn obvious sign.
Bueno, gente, si no estuviéramos ya en un apocalipsis, este sería un indicio bastante obvio.
It's so obvious.
Es tan evidente.
Yes. And yet there was no obvious sign of a struggle.
Y sin embargo no había ninguna señal evidente de lucha.
I love a grand entrance more than anyone, but it's obvious to me that you were just using that girl to get under your mother's skin.
Amo una gran entrada más que nadie, pero es obvio para mí que estaba utilizando a esa chica para enfadar a tu madre.
And it's obvious that the three of you would rather mess around than get serious.
Y es obvio que ustedes tres prefieren divertirse a ponerse serias.
The obvious conclusion is that security was disregarded in the northern parking lot... the crowd there was unsupervised as were the pedestrians coming from the east and the west... the lighting in the parking lot, the roof of the City Garden mall... and everything else having to do with the area.
La obvia conclusión es que la seguridad fue desperdigada por la playa de estacionamiento norte, donde la multitud estuvo descontrolada, como lo estuvieron los peatones que venían de este y oeste, baja iluminación del estacionamiento, acceso al tejado de la Municipalidad más todo lo concerniente a una zona... que todos sabían que sería vía de paso y ocupada... por el Primer Ministro, por el Canciller y todas las demás autoridades,
It's obvious.
Es obvio.
But it was obvious that whoever didn't belong there should be removed.
Aunque era obvio que cualquiera al que no le correspondiera estar ahí..... debería ser removido.
Good point, Professor Obvious.
Buen punto, el profesor Obvio.
- Obvious.
- Por supuesto.
Let's probe, but layer it with cool words the kids say, so it's not obvious.
Vamos a sondear, pero que sea con palabras cool que dicen los chicos... Así no será tan obvio.
I'll start with the obvious.
Empezaré con lo obvio.
It was obvious that this was going to go someplace, but, man, we were like broke hippies.
Era obvio que esto iba a algún lado pero éramos hippies arruinados.
But if you ask a little kid, sometimes you'll get the best answer, something so simple, so obvious, and really profound.
Pero si le preguntas a un niño, a veces vas a tener la mejor respuesta, algo muy sencillo, muy obvio, y muy profundo.
- It's not obvious.
- Pues no parece obvio.
Not obvious to me or to the State Police Major on the grounds at the prison, and word on the cell block is that Hauser had a female cop, an old friend of his, that he could rely on if need be.
No tan obvio para mi o para el comandante de la policía estatal, y ahí rumores en la prisión que indican que Hauser tenia una amiga policía, una vieja amiga en la que confiaría si fuera necesario.
None that are obvious.
Ninguna que sea obvia.
So obvious that you didn't get that from me.
Está claro que no has sacado eso de mi.
If we look at the supernatural aspect of it, it's obvious that this photo is full of supernatural energy.
Si miramos el aspecto sobrenatural de esto... es obvio que... esta foto... está llena de energía sobrenatural.
So, that someone did cast the 4 horns spell to your mother and Ayla is obvious.
En definitiva, alguien puso un hechizo de 4 cuernos sobre tu madre y Ayla.
You said the evidence against me was too obvious.
Dijiste que las pruebas contra mí eran demasiado obvias.
Yeah, obvious bite marks.
Sí, marcas evidentes de mordida.
I would have thought that was obvious.
No, llamé pero...
Isn't it obvious?
¿ No es obvio?

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