Of what translate Spanish
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I'm tired of what I know.
Estoy cansado de lo que sé.
Your assertion is that the president was unaware of what was happening in his own White House?
¿ Asegura que el presidente no sabía lo que pasaba en la Casa Blanca?
Our hearts are just broken at the thought of what Doug did.
Pensar en lo que hizo Doug nos rompe el corazón.
I haven't said a word of what you discussed with me, much as you might have liked me to.
No he dicho ni una palabra de lo que discutiste conmigo, como me hubiera gustado.
I think, just tried to work off of what they were already doing, and it wasn't really anything very unique in terms of storytelling.
No había nada nuevo en cuanto a la forma de vender algo.
To me, it's part of what makes it special.
Para mí, es lo que lo hace especial.
I think it was the combination in a child's mind of what a TV does and what the language and tone of prayer feels like.
Creo que fue la combinación en la mente infantil del efecto de la TV y la sensación que dan el lenguaje y el tono de la oración.
Secretary of State. That's what I wanted. That's all I wanted.
Yo solo quería ser Secretario de Estado.
You have a lot of support out there, no matter what the president did or didn't say.
Tienes mucho apoyo, dijera lo que dijera el presidente.
Well, that's what they're calling it, but it... it seems that she's being pushed out of the administration.
Al menos así es como lo llaman, pero parece que están echándola del gobierno.
What does that say about the two of us?
¿ Qué dice eso de nosotros?
- What's the point of that?
- ¿ De qué sirve?
All I'm saying is maybe the Declaration of War Committee could finally debate what they were mandated to.
Yo solo digo que el Comité de Declaración de Guerra puede debatir aquello para lo que se creó.
And do you know what happened to the photo strip of Rachel and Lisa?
¿ Qué pasó con las fotos de Rachel y Lisa?
First of all, what are you getting at?
- ¿ Qué insinúas?
I see a partner when it comes to Syria, or what's left of it.
Veo en ella una aliada para Siria, o en lo que queda de ella.
Well, what kind of deal are we talking about?
¿ De qué clase de trato hablamos?
Now let's get back to what's in front of us.
Sigamos con lo que tenemos delante.
- I want what you have of mine.
- Quiero todo lo que tengan sobre mí.
And what would that do to the rest of your presidency? What would be left of it?
¿ Qué supondría eso para el resto de tu presidencia?
What time are we supposed to get out of here?
¿ A qué hora vamos a salir de aquí?
And then I sent you the cutest video of a puppy nursing on a mama lion, and what do you text back?
Y luego te mandé un vídeo monísimo de un cachorrillo mamando de una mamá leona, ¿ y qué me respondiste?
I don't even know what language you were trying to make fun of.
Ni siquiera sé de qué idioma pretendías burlarte.
But first of all, I don't know what emojis say "I'm sorry I threw a trash can at you."
Pero antes, ¿ qué emoji dice "Perdón por lanzarte un bote de basura"?
For what greater love is there than this, that Jesus would lay down his life for all of us?
Porque, ¿ qué amor hay más grande que este? ¿ Que Jesús dando la vida por todos nosotros?
I don't care what any of you people think.
No me importa lo que nadie de ustedes piense.
Maybe I could even get them all together, sort of like a... a focus group, to find out what's wrong with me.
Quizá podría inclusive reunirlas todas juntas, más o menos como un grupo focal, para averiguar qué me pasa.
I'll tell you what's not fair, that horse underneath him instead of you.
Te diré lo que no es justo, ese caballo desnudo abajo de él en lugar de ti.
You know what, instead of complaining she's more excited about the baby than you are, how about you work up some interest?
, en lugar de quejarte de que ella está más emocionada... con el bebé que tú, ¿ qué te parece si te interesas algo?
And what it's asking you to do is find a sense of comfort and resolution, not in the cold blue glow of a laptop, but in the golden glow of a book.
Y lo que pides es encontrar... una sensación de comodidad y resolución, no el resplandor azul frío de un ordenador portátil, sino en el resplandor dorado de un libro.
You know, I don't know what makes you think that you've got more of a right to be upset about this than I have.
Sabes, no sé qué te hace pensar que tienes... más derecho a estar molesta por esto que yo.
I don't care what you think of me, but I do care about what happens to that baby.
No me importa lo que pienses de mí, pero me importa lo que le pase a ese bebé.
But what the modern athlete asks of their feet is far beyond what they were originally designed to do.
Pero lo que el atleta moderno pide a sus pies va mucho más allá de lo que fueron diseñados para hacer originalmente.
I just wouldn't just, like, tell him what I thought, I would also draw and write down some of my, I guess you could say, interpretations of his design.
No solo no quería decirle lo que pensaba sino que también solía dibujar y escribir algunas de mis interpretaciones de sus diseños.
Yet what creates excitement and gets people to pay attention, and may actually lead to some breakthroughs in performance... is to kind of force the disruptive nature of like, "Whoa, that's a big idea."
Aun así, lo que crea emoción y llama la atención de la gente y, de hecho, puede llevar a novedades en el rendimiento es forjar un cambio radical para decir : "Vaya, es una gran idea".
But ultimately Michael shows up, and he was kind of in a bad mood, came in and just said, "Well, what do you got?"
Pero finalmente Michael se presentó y estaba un poco de mal humor. Entró y dijo : "¿ Qué tienen para ofrecer?".
There were a lot of people in New York who wore sneakers, but they basically wanted to wear what everyone was wearing.
Había mucha gente que usaba zapatillas pero querían usar lo que todos usaban.
We were like this early group of tastemakers determining what was cool.
Éramos como un grupo temprano de creadores de tendencias.
And it says it's set in a bedroom, a living room, a hotel room in Venice, and what I did is I overlaid the ground plans of every scene with projections.
La obra sucede en una habitación, una sala y un cuarto de hotel en Venecia. Lo que hice fue sobreponer los planos de cada escena con proyecciones.
[Es] I began to find what I wanted to say quite quickly and quite quickly, people who didn't like the kinds of things I was doing stopped asking.
Comencé a hallar lo que quería hacer rápidamente y con la misma rapidez la gente a la que no le gustaba lo que hacía dejó de llamar.
And this is what Kanye saw when he was in the middle of sacking his set designer, and my friend heard him sacking his set designer and said, " Look at this.
Y eso fue lo que Kayne vio. Él iba despedir a su diseñador de escenografía. Mi amigo lo oyó despedir a su diseñador y le dijo : " Mira esto.
What I tend to be most interested in is the psychology of a space.
VIOLENCIA, MASCULINIDAD, HOMBRE ORÍGENES Lo que más me interesa es la psicología del espacio.
So what was interesting is people who came out of that play described having seen a glass box, but actually, there was no box.
Lo interesante era que, cuando la gente salía de la obra decía haber visto una caja de vidrio, pero no había ninguna caja.
The intensity of that cobalt and ultramarine and cyan, all those different blues that are going on together in that, is something that I would've seen in paint and then I would've come here and realized what happens when you pour light through it
La intensidad del cobalto, el ultramarino, el cian los diferentes azules que están juntos ahí seguramente vi todo eso en la pintura.
What strikes me about these windows is, from the inside, they are this glorious, jewel-like emanating source of colored light.
Lo que me gusta de los vitrales es que, desde el interior son fuentes gloriosas de luz que parecen piedras preciosas.
And later she realized this big revolving block of her is another way of broadcasting her and what she's saying.
Y luego se dio cuenta de que este gran bloque suyo que gira es otro modo de transmitir lo que ella dice.
And because I do what I do every day, I have to make sure the showing of things is in itself the seeking for things.
Y como hago esto todos los días debo asegurarme de que la acción de mostrar sea en sí la búsqueda.
But there is another part of me that does sort of wonder what would happen if you just picked them up and smashed them apart.
Pero hay otra parte de mí que se pregunta qué sucedería si lo tomas y lo haces añicos.
We read the pages of the script, and we literally make a chart, second by second, page by page. What is happening? Who is saying what?
Leímos las páginas del guion y literalmente hicimos un cuadro, segundo a segundo, hoja por hoja de lo que sucede, qué dice quién.
But the amount of work you do to provide that tip of the iceberg is what's important.
Pero la cantidad de trabajo para crear esa punta de iceberg es lo importante.
When I was a child, what I'm doing right now was my idea of utter heaven.
Cuando era niña... Lo que estoy haciendo era mi idea del paraíso total.
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
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what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
what are you wearing 305
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what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
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what is this 7416
what is that 6346
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what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
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what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648