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Orville translate Spanish

388 parallel translation
- My name is Orville Mason...
- Mi nombre es Orville Mason...
Orville, if them two girls in the common room don't punch out soon. Better call up and see if they're working overtime. Okay.
Si las dos chicas del taller no llegan en punto, ve a ver si realmente hacen horas extras.
I've seen all I could stand of Mr. Orville Bremmer and family.
Ya toleré demasiado del Sr. Orville Bremmer y su familia.
Well. Are you going to marry Orville Bremmer or are you not?
Bueno, ¿ te vas a casar con Orville Bremmer o no?
I've broken my engagement with Orville Bremmer.
Rompí mi compromiso con Orville Bremmer.
Orville, let's go.
Orville, vamos.
Okay, Orville.
Bien, Orville.
Keep quiet, Orville.
Cállate, Orville.
I gotta hand it to you, Orville.
Esta vez metiste la pata, Orville.
- Orville?
- ¿ Orville?
Well, Orville, I didn't expect to see you down here.
Orville, no esperaba verte por aquí.
- Quit stalling, Orville.
- Basta de rodeos, Orville.
Orville, I think you'd better pull from out here, where you can't do any damage.
Será mejor que tú te quedes aquí, así no arruinas las cosas.
- Keep looking, Orville.
- Sigue buscando, Orville.
Aw, come on, Orville.
Vamos, Orville.
- Aw, Cheer, Orville.
- Arriba el ánimo, Orville.
Good night, Orville.
- Buenas noches, Orville.
"Promise me you'll always be a friend to little Orville," she said.
Prométeme que siempre serás amigo del pequeño Turkey.
Orville, where are you?
Turkey, ¿ dónde estás?
Well, come, come. Let little Orville in on this deal.
Venga, venga, cuéntale a Turkey el secretito.
Look, Orville, I want you to keep very calm now.
Turkey, ante todo, no pierdas la calma por nada.
It's just the way I comb my hair. I know, Orville. You and I know you're not a horse.
Tú y yo sabemos que no eres un caballo, pero hay gustos para todo.
You shouldn't have done that wicked thing to little Orville.
¿ Cómo has podido portarte así, con el pequeño Turkey?
Little Orville needs you.
Tu amigo te necesita.
Geoffrey, you remember that song you used to sing? The one Orville loved?
Por qué no intentas a cantar... la que tanto le gustaba a Turkey.
Well, go through the streets singing that song. And little Turkey... I mean, Orville, will hear you and reveal himself.
Ve por las calles cantando esa canción... y Turkey se echará en tus brazos.
Now, Orville, I want you to tell me the truth.
Ahora, Turkey, quiero que me digas la verdad.
Why is the Princess going to marry you, Orville?
¿ Por qué se casa contigo la princesa, Turkey?
Orville. Huh? Listen.
Orville, Orville, wake up!
Turkey, despierta.
The more I get to like you, the more reason I will have to marry Orville.
Y cuanto más estuvieras a mi lado,... más razones tendría para casarme con Turkey.
You like me so you're gonna marry Orville.
De modo que te gusto, y te casas con Turkey.
But that's impossible. The men brought Orville to me.
Eso es imposible, esos hombres trajeron a Turkey.
Orville? Orville?
¡ Turkey!
Orville, there's something I must tell you.
Turkey, hay algo que debo decirte.
Oh, Orville, when I look at you and think of our marriage,
Orville, cuando te miro y pienso en nuestro matrimonio...
Orville? Orville?
¡ Turkey, Turkey!
Orville? Orville.
¡ Turkey, Turkey!
Orville! Orville!
¡ Turkey, Turkey!
Orville, this is disgraceful! Disgraceful!
Esto es vergonzoso.
Orville, I'm not gonna let you do this dreadful thing to Geoffrey.
No permitiré que le hagas esto a Geoffrey.
You've got to talk to him, Orville. You've got to tell him the truth.
Tienes que hablar con él, y decirle la verdad.
Orville, I insist.
I want you, and you say you want me, and Orville says it's okay, and still you're gonna marry him.
Tú me gustas, dices que yo te gusto... Turkey dice que bueno, ¿ y quieres casarte con él?
Orville and I are going to be married and that's all I have to say.
Turkey y yo nos casaremos. Eso es lo que tengo que decirte.
So, that's why little Orville was so anxious to hand you over to me, huh?
Por eso, Turkey quería que me casara contigo.
Yeah, you see, Shalmar and I had a little talk, Orville, and we've decided to accept your generous offer.
Shalmar y yo hemos hablado. Aceptaremos tu oferta.
It is those pigs! Orville!
¡ Son esos cerdos!
Geoffrey, Orville!
- Turkey! - ¡ Jeffrey!
Orville! Then the answer's yes?
Turkey, ¿ tu respuesta es sí?
Two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright - bicycle builders from Dayton, Ohio - on the morning of December 17... set up on the sands of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina... their first heavier-than-air flying machine.
Dos hermanos, Orville y Wilbur Wright... fabricantes de bicicletas de Dayton, Ohio... en la mañana del 17 de diciembre... levantaron sobre el suelo de Kitty Hawk, en North Caroline... la primera máquina de volar más pesada que el aire

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