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Parkway translate Spanish

292 parallel translation
Where are you? - Olympic parkway.
- Estoy en la autopista Olímpica.
Olympic parkway?
¿ Autopista Olímpica?
Along the way, I plan on hitting the Fontana Dam, riding the famous Dragon, then heading up the Blue Ridge Parkway all the way to Asheville, North Carolina.
En el camino, planeo pasar porr la presa Fontana, recorriendo el famoso Dragón, y luego hacia Blue Ridge Parkway todo el camino a Asheville, Carolina del Norte.
We're going up to Blue Ridge Parkway.
Vamos a Blue Ridge Parkway.
It's just 70 miles to the beautiful and historic Blue Ridge Parkway.
Hay sólo 70 millas al hermoso e histórico Blue Ridge Parkway.
Entering the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Entramos al Blue Ridge Parkway.
But the Blue Ridge Parkway was designed for the joy of the ride.
Pero el Blue Ridge Parkway fue diseñado para el placer de conducir.
They both served the same free spirit that we found Deals Gap, the Howling Moon, the Freedom Biker Church, and on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Ambos sirvieron el mismo espíritu libre que encontramos en Deals Gap, he Howling Moon, Freedom Biker Church, y en el Blue Ridge Parkway.
- Because about eight months ago Miss Addams upped and flew her fine feathers over to the Parkway Biltmore.
- Porque hace unos 8 meses la Srta. Adamas se fue con plumas y todo al edificio Parkway Wiltmore.
The Parkway Biltmore?
¿ El Parkway Biltmore?
Now, the parade will form on Elm Street turn into D Street, cross the parkway and then march right up Main Street.
El cortejo se formará en Elm Street doblará por la calle D, cruzaremos el parque y seguiremos por la Calle Mayor.
Long distance, I want to get Parkway Hotel,
Larga distancia. Quiero el hotel Parkway, Nueva York.
I was practicing woodcraft in the woods just off the Bronx River Parkway extension when I found Mr. Mazard's remains.
Estaba haciendo silvicultura en el bosque... de al lado del paseo del río Bronx... cuando he encontrado los restos del Sr. Mazard.
The Parkway Hotel?
¿ La del Hotel Parkway?
Find it over in the parkway.
Está detrás de la avenida.
We-We just rode along the parkway.
Íbamos por la avenida.
Take the Parkway.
Lléveme por el parque.
We have Mrs. Rath here. We picked her up walking on the Merrick Parkway.
La encontramos caminando por la avenida Merrick.
Take the Brighton Express to Kings Highway and the bus to Ocean Parkway.
Coja el Brighton Express hasta Kings Highway. ... y el autobús hasta Ocean Parkway.
Take the E train to 4th Street then the D train to Kings Highway, and the bus to Ocean Parkway.
Luego el metro E a la calle Cuatro el metro D a Kings Highway, y el autobús a Ocean Parkway.
I got a home in Ocean Parkway.
Un hogar en Ocean Parkway.
Give my regards to Ujazdowska Parkway.
¿ Podría darle mi amor a la calle Ujazdowski?
Well, you walk two blocks to your left, and you wait for the bus - the one that comes from your left - and you take it to Eastern Parkway.
Caminas dos manzanas hacia la izquierda y esperas al autobús, el que viene de tu izquierda, y vas hasta Eastern Parkway.
The bus to Eastern Parkway.
El autobús a Eastern Parkway.
Used to live over on Eastern Parkway?
Vivía cerca de Eastern Parkway.
Carico who is a resident physician, at Parkway, said that the bullet went in below the below the mastoid about five...
Carico, un médico de Parkway, dijo que la bala entró bajo el mastoideo a cinco...
Ifyou don't move up on the parkway, I'll orderyour arrest.
Si no os movéis de la carretera, ordenaré vuestro arresto.
Move up on the parkway or I must orderyour arrest.
Movéos de la carretera o deberé ordenar vuestro arresto. No haremos ninguna distinción.
- Ocean Parkway.
- A Ocean Parkway.
Every night he park his car on Ocean Parkway...
Todas las noches él estaciona su auto en Ocean Parkway...
Bender got me to rent an apartment same place where Ferringo lived on Pelham Parkway.
Bender, lograste alquilar un apartamento... en el mismo lugar donde Ferringo vive. un mes de renta.... bajo nombre diferente... es el apartamente de Ferringo frente al jardìn opuesto al primer piso. En Pelham Parkway.
Today, what happened at Pelham Parkway has got them confused.
Hoy, lo que pasò en Pelham Parkway, ha logrado que ellos se confundan.
Right on Pelham Parkway.
Anda a Pelham Parkway.
You know, instead of goin all the way around the Belt... I went up Rockaway Parkway and over Eastern Parkway to Grand Army Plaza.
En lugar de ir por la circunvalación... fui por la carretera Rockaway, y por Eastern hasta Grand Army Plaza.
You're saying that you believe thatJacobi was stopped on the parkway...
Usted piensa que pararon a Jacobi en el aparcamiento...
Then there's no doubt in the world. Whoever brokeJacobi's glasses did it on the parkway.
Entonces no hay duda alguna... de que le rompieron las gafas a Jacobi en el aparcamiento.
As you leave Brooklyn starting over to the city... cross on the Parkway.
Al salir de Brooklyn hacia la ciudad, crucen el Parkway.
A tanker overturned on the parkway.
Un camión volcó en la autopista.
- Never been on stage before and I'm working this club on Ocean Parkway, the Victory Club.
- Nunca había estado en un escenario y yo trabajaba en ese club de Ocean Parkway, el Victory Club.
After they built the parkway, they put up by new place, the Crystal Lounge.
Hicieron un estacionamiento, pusieron un nuevo lugar, la Posada Cristal.
Forget the Grand Central and the Belt Parkway.
Olvídese del Grand Central y del Belt Parkway.
Stolen police vehicle in area of Hudson River Parkway :
Vehículo policial robado en la zona del Parque del Río Hudson.
I'm going to move right down the Ticonic Parkway over to your clavula...
¡ Cuidado! Bajaré por esta avenida hasta la clávula.
On my way out of here this morning... while awaiting a change of light at the corner of Dekker Avenue and People's Parkway... a gang of Puerto Ricans ripped off my hubcaps.
Cuando me fui de aquí, mientras esperaba la luz verde... en la esquina de la Av. Dekker y la Av. People's... una pandilla de puertorriqueños me robó los tapacubos del auto.
Detective Scanlon picked up Macafee coming out of Division and followed him up here... to the New Rochella Manor Condominiums on Roosevelt Parkway.
Scanlon vio a Macafee salir de la División y lo siguió hasta... el condominio New Rochella en la Av. Roosevelt.
The kids fought all the way down the Saw Mill River Parkway.
Los niños se han peleado durante todo el camino.
Here I was, two years after being asked to leave Brooklyn College and I was earning more money per week than the entire fourth floor of my mother's apartment house on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn.
Aquí estaba yo, a dos años de mi expulsión de Brooklyn College y ganaba más dinero por semana que el cuarto piso completo del edificio de apartamentos de mi madre en Brooklyn.
You stick with us, and Parkway Pharmaceuticals will make Fortune 500.
Quédate y Fármacos Parkway será de las 500 compañías más poderosas.
The company is Parkway Pharmaceuticals.
La compañía es Fármacos Parkway.
Meet me at Route 5 near the parkway. All right?
Encuéntrame cerca de la avenida.
Just take the parkway south.
Sólo toma el boulevard al sur.

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