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Reform translate Spanish

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Minus her little love affair with handguns and tort reform.
A parte de su gusto por las armas y la reforma del derecho civil.
This is the best. Congress will never create campaign reform since they have to run in elections, so he proposed legislation to grandfather it in in 30 years. - What are you doing?
Los congresistas no reformarán las campañas electorales porque ellos se presentan, así que propone aplicar...
Spirit, surely there is some time to reform my selfish ways.
Espíritu, seguro hay una manera de reformarme.
I have time to reform my ways.
Aún tengo tiempo para reformarme.
Reform, Ebenezer Urkel!
¡ Refórmate, Ebenezer urkel!
Force them to reform the system. "
Fuércelos a reformar el sistema. "
He was determined to try and save it through political reform and this meant reversing the policies of his predecessors including the occupation of Afghanistan.
Estaba determinado a intentar salvarlo a través de reformas políticas, y eso significaba revertir las políticas de sus predecesores, incluida la ocupación de Afganistán.
They're using the buildings in the land reform.
Ellos utilizan el edificio por la reforma de la tierra.
Reform politics? Because we're morally superior?
¿ Porque somos moralmente superiores?
As I promised in my election campaign... Congress will focus on currency revision and tariff reform.
Como prometí en mi campaña electoral... el Congreso se centrará en revisión monetaria y reforma de aranceles.
How can you legislate tariff reform when not all citizens are able to vote for it?
¿ Cómo se legisla una reforma arancelaria... si no todos los ciudadanos la pueden votar?
One, to reform me.
Una, reformarme.
America is committed to backing leaders and nations that are paving the hard but rewarding path toward political and economic reform.
No se equivoquen, EE. UU. Apoyarâ a líderes y naciones que construyen el camino hacia la reforma política y económica.
You can segue into your education reform initiative from there.
Y, de ahí, pásese a su iniciativa para reformar la educación.
Some reform-minded undergraduates paid me a visit the other day, Thurman.
Unos estudiantes reformistas me fueron a ver el otro día, Thurman.
Lone Kjeldsen's environmental reform met with skepticism
La reforma medioambiental de Lone Kjeldsen es tratado con escepticismo...
Her environmental reform has farmers up in arms.
Su reforma medioambiental tiene a los a los agricultores armados.
The Christian Reform Act of 1895 outlawed any religion not based on Christianity.
La ley de reforma cristiana de 1895 repudiaba cualquier religión no cristiana.
Revitalizing Reform was put to an end to this...
La Reforma llego para terminar con esto..
In 2001, president Bush announced his presidency with sweeping education reform.
En el 2001, el Presidente Bush anunció su presidencia con una reforma radical de educación.
You'll give your dad a heart attack. I'll send you to reform school!
Antes que mates a tu padre de un disgusto te meto en un reformatorio.
We'll make you warm and reform you.
Todos te ayudaremos y te pondrás mejor.
A reform must be planned or it is a gamble!
Se debe planear una reforma. ¡ O es una apuesta!
To speed up the land reform, the Ministry of Agriculture worked on the countryside
Para agilizar la reforma agraria, el Ministerio de Agricultura funcionaba en el campo.
but, unfortunately, you are the responsible ones for this reform, I did not want it.
pero, desgraciadamente, uds. son los responsables de esta reforma, yo no la quería.
The reform is necessary, we do not stop nor retreat!
¡ La reforma es necesaria, no nos paramos, ni nos retiramos!
If you really want to marry that girl, there's only one way out reform your brothers.
Si realmente quieres casarse con la chica, solo hay una forma Reforma a tus hermanos.
She's going to reform me.
Ella me va a reformar.
Oh, well, it's an argument for tort reform.
Oh, bueno, es una crítica a la reforma civil.
That's right. Resist, revolt, reform.
Resistencia, revolución, reforma.
And your speeches to the HMO and insurance lobby and how when health-care reform comes up, you're against it.
¿ Y los discursos pagados por los seguros de enfermedad privados? ....... y cuanto hay una reforma de la sanidad, usted se alza en contra.
Health-care reform.
Reforma sanitaria.
House Reform. How many U.S. research labs come with the president's daughter?
Comité de Reforma. ¿ Cuántos laboratorios de USA tienen a la hija del Presidente?
No one on House Reform who knows anything talks to him.
Nadie en el Comité de Reformas del Congreso que sepa algo habla con él.
Forward motion on the ERISA reform.
Hemos avanzado en la reforma de la ERISA.
- Deeply committed to reform.
- Comprometido con la reforma.
- How about the arrogance of trying to reform a $ 400 billion program by manhandling senators behind doors with no public debate?
- ¿ Y la arrogancia de intentar reformar un programa de 400 mil millones maltratando a senadores sin debate público?
Will he come late to this reform party?
¿ Llegará tarde a esta reforma?
- Your country's crying out for reform.
- Su país pide a gritos una reforma.
The new city editor wants a 40-inch weekender on liquor board reform.
El nuevo director quiere varias páginas sobre la reforma de la comisión del alcohol.
- They're going to reform the liquor board?
- ¿ Van a hacer una reforma?
I go to the Mayor and Mr "Reform is more than the watchword of my administration" pats my ass, thanks me for my concern, shows me the door. The end.
Voy a hablar con el alcalde y el señor Reformas me da una palmadita, me agradece que me preocupe y me acompaña a la puerta.
Reform, Lamar.
Reforma, Lamar.
You, the great white hope, the new voice of civic reform.
Tú, la gran esperanza blanca, la nueva voz de la reforma cívica.
Reform is not just a watchword with my administration.
La reforma no es sólo una consigna de mi administración.
He just needs to reform his character, for a man's character is his destiny.
Necesita reformar su carácter... porque el carácter de un hombre es su destino.
- I thought the policy was to reform.
- Pensé que la política era reformar.
Mr. Barnes, the reform movement in Iran is one of the president's great hopes for the region and crucial to the petroleum security of the United States.
Sr. Barnes, la reforma en Irán es una de las grandes esperanzas del Presidente para la región y es crucial para la seguridad petrolera de los Estados Unidos.
- While this White House your office included, allowed equal pay to be pushed off the agenda marriage incentives to be put in welfare reform buried a surgeon general's report on birth control and allowed the global gag rule in the first place. You hired me to put a professional face on your office.
Me contrató para que su oficina tuviera apariencia profesional.
The neoconservatives set out to reform America.
Los neoconservadores se prepararon para reformar América.

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