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Reluctant translate Spanish

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Other prominent personalities of your country are not as reluctant as you.
Otras personalidades destacadas de su país no son tan reservadas como usted.
I'm the reluctant dragon
Soy el Dragón chiflado
The very reluctant dragon
Me llaman el Dragón chiflado
Parada con los pies reacios, donde el arroyo y el río se encuentran.
But, monsieur, our reputation... I am reluctant to do this, monsieur, particularly on Mademoiselle DuBois'account, but I can see no other way.
Siento tener que hacer esto, en particular por Mlle.
One would be reluctant to leave it.
Una se resiste a dejarlo.
You look reluctant.
Pareciera que no quieres cantar.
A lot of them were extremely reluctant to leave here during their lifetime.
Algunos de ellos, en vida, fueron muy reticentes a abandonar este lugar.
Your were still obsessed by your crash. It made you reluctant to board any kind of vehicle, didn't it?
Su accidente le acosa, poco importa el vehículo.
- Were you reluctant?
- ¿ Estaba reacio?
He was a little reluctant about it at first.
Al principio ha sido un poco reacio y he tenido que darle oxígeno.
You were reluctant.
Ud. se mostró reacio.
- If he's reluctant to confess... the police will find a suicide... and a signed confession... complete in every detail.
- Si no está dispuesto a confesar... la policía descubrirá un suicidio... y una confesión firmada con lujo de detalle.
And you're not reluctant to spend an extra four bits... for a detour with Mother Nature.
Y no están reacios a gastar cuatro centavos... por tomar un desvío con la Madre Naturaleza.
But I was reluctant to interfere, knowing how he resents interruption.
Pero no quería interrumpirIe... porque sé que no Ie gusta.
I think it's a reluctant dragon.
Creo que es un dragón reticente.
Would you say the dead man made a reluctant corpse?
¿ Dirías que el finado se resistió a morir?
- With the reluctant compliments of Max?
- ¿ Cortesía a regañadientes de Max?
I'm in complete sympathy with your natural reluctant to face such a prospect. But we must look at the facts.
Comprendo perfectamente tu rechazo a hacerlo pero hay que afrontar los hechos.
The reluctant arsonist.
Un pirómano involuntario.
She doesn't seem reluctant No.
No parece que ella se oponga
The French were a little reluctant to trust me alone with all this money.
Los franceses se resistían a dejarme solo con todo este dinero.
Fit only for millionaires and reluctant witnesses?
¿ Hecha para millonarios y testigos renuentes?
I am reluctant to do this, But I feel it necessary to appeal The decision of the chair.
Soy reacio a hacer esto, pero me parece necesario apelar la decisión de la Presidencia.
Men are reluctant to leave their families and farms.
Los hombres estan poco dispuestos a dejar a sus familias y granjas.
Some said things I'm reluctant to repeat.
Otros dijeron cosas que preferiria no repetir.
I care not for a reluctant wife, rather that you would want me willingly.
Yo no quiero una esposa que no me quiera, prefiero que me desees por tu propia voluntad.
I don't understand why you should be reluctant.
No entiendo porque te resistes tanto.
They let me sleep a few days in a cement room, very cold, to see if reluctant, if you really wanted to stay.
Me dejaron dormir algunos días en una habitación de cemento, muy fría, para ver si resistía, si quería quedarme de verdad.
I've come to a reluctant decision.
He tomado una decisión difícil.
Guards, this reluctant magician is not to leave the palace under any circumstances.
Guardias, este mago reacio no debe abandonar el palacio bajo ninguna circunstancia.
They found the creature reluctant to eat these fish... That are swimming about him in the tank.
Han constatado que la criatura rechaza comer... los peces que nadan a su alrededor en la cisterna.
He's paid to create twitchings in our reluctant souls.
Y le pagan por estremecer a las almas rebeldes.
To live better, to own things, to acquire this good taste you enjoy and which I'm reluctant to give up.
Para vivir mejor, comprar cosas, conseguir ese gusto que tanto le gusta y al que no estoy dispuesto a renunciar.
I'm reluctant to let you do it.
Si hago que te estrenes, es, sobre todo, por tu bien.
The personnel manager, while reluctant to discuss the matter... did inform me that when told you were being retired... you attempted to attack him physically.
El gerente de personal no quería hablar mucho del asunto... pero me informó que cuando lo jubilaron... usted intentó agredirlo físicamente.
I was instructed to give you this in case you proved reluctant.
Me ordenaron que te entregara esto si te mostrabas reacia.
And when the war ended he found himself a reluctant hero.
Cuando acabó la guerra se convirtió en héroe a su pesar.
Just one reluctant reply
Sólo una respuesta de mala gana
However, some of them proved extremely reluctant to follow my suggestion.
Sin embargo, algunos de ellos se niegan en redondo a seguir mi sugerencia.
I have been reluctant to make an end of him.
Me he vuelto reacia a acabar con él.
My friends are not reluctant to pay for order and stability.
Mis amigos no son reacios a pagar por el orden y la estabilidad.
If we go on next week, it will be by very reluctant agreement of 20 angry people.
Sólo seguiremos otra semana si convencemos a 20 artistas furiosos.
He can either go to the police, which apparently he's reluctant to do... Or he can deal with it himself.
O puede ir a la policía, cosa que no parece que quiera hacer, o solucionarlo él solo.
Have you become reluctant to die?
¿ No será que ya no deseas morir?
He was very reluctant to go.
No quería marcharse.
If you were reluctant to dress in front of me...
- Si le molesta vestirse delante de mí.
The reluctant gentleman with the sizeable mouth is mr. Frisby.
El ilustre caballero de gran boca es el sr.
So why are you reluctant?
¿ Entonces por qué estás de mala gana?
You're not reluctant to go, are you?
- ¿ Todavía tienes dudas?
You're not aware of all the facts, Mariette. He has a right to be a reluctant witness.
No estás enterada de los factores, Marriette.

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