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Ricks translate Spanish

152 parallel translation
That ricks haw's passed us!
¡ Ese ricksaw nos ha adelantado!
Ricks, you see him?
Ricks, ¿ lo vio?
The trouble with you, Ricks, is that you're bitter, just bitter. Sure.
Ricks, tu problema es que eres amargo.
- Ricks!
- ¡ Ricks!
- They must've gotten Ricks, too.
Deben haberle disparado a Ricks también.
Ricks is dead!
Y Ricks.
T ricks!
¡ Trucos!
Ricks, you count to 50.
Ricks, cógete 50.
Soak these ricks up.
Mojen las lonas.
But whoever he is, he saved your ricks for you.
Pero, sea quien sea, ha salvado sus silos.
The ricks must be covered or they'll be ruined, the farm along with them.
Hay que cubrir los pajares o se perderán, y la granja con ellos.
No, Ricks not here.
No, Rick no está aquí.
I'm the guy stealing Ricks car.
El tipo que está robando el auto de Rick.
Two officers chased him into the Ricks Brothers warehouse on 37th.
Dos oficiales lo siguieron hasta el almacén "Hermanos Ricks" en la 37.
Look, Ricks. Don't start any shit with me.
Mira, Ricks, no empieces.
- Your saving grace, Colton Ricks.
Colton Ricks.
Where do you hail from, Mr. Ricks?
¿ De dónde eres, Ricks?
You really should get out more, Mr. Ricks.
Deberías viajar más, Sr. Ricks.
You have pleasant dreams, Mr. Ricks.
Que tengas dulces sueños, Sr. Ricks.
- Porter Ricks!
- ¡ Porter Ricks!
Kid, this is Porter Ricks.
Jovencito, hablas con Porter Ricks.
Go easy on him, Mr. Ricks.
No sea duro con él, Sr. Ricks.
You can count on it, Ricks!
Puedes contar con ello.
This is Porter Ricks.
Habla Porter Ricks.
Mr. Ricks!
¡ Señor Ricks!
You know, Dave, this broad can drink gin rickeys... all day long and not get loaded.
Sabes Dave, es capaz de beber Gin Ricks durante todo el dia sin colocarse.
So Dr. Ricks - I'd still like to introduce you to our patient, Parker.
Asi que Dr. Ricks - Todavía quiero presentarle mi paciente, Parker.
- Oh, Ricky Ricks!
- ¡ Ricky Ricks!
Ricky Ricks?
¿ Ricky Ricks?
Spencer Ricks is challenging me with this chauvinistic crap.
Spencer Ricks me está retando con sus chorradas machistas.
"Spencer Ricks says,'That's fine, as long as she cooks and cleans."'
"Spencer Ricks dice :'Eso está bien, siempre que cocine y limpie"'.
Although you should know that Spencer Ricks will be in the issue.
Aunque deberías saber que Spencer Ricks va a salir en ese número.
You're doing this to blow Spencer Ricks out of the water, honey, and we both know it.
Lo haces para dejar a Ricks sin respiración, cariño y ambas lo sabemos.
Killer potion for Spencer Ricks.
Poción asesina para Spencer Ricks.
- Spencer Ricks, right?
- Spencer Ricks, ¿ no?
I think that's Spencer Ricks.
Creo que es Spencer Ricks.
Spencer Ricks?
¿ Spencer Ricks?
Oh, if you're talking about Spencer Ricks, not him.
Si hablas de Spencer Ricks, no es él.
Do you remember Spencer Ricks, that slimy advice columnist?
¿ Te acuerdas de Spencer Ricks, el columnista baboso?
Mr. Ricks, thank you for your time
- Sr. Ricks... - Señor...
hunter, 182 ; whitmire, 137.
Whitmire, 137. - Ricks, 10.
- ricks, 10.
- Sí. Bien.
Ricks and I will look for survivors.
Ricks y yo buscaremos sobrevivientes.
Is he in one piece, Ricks?
¿ Está entero, Ricks?
This is Ricks.
Él es Ricks.
Buford, Ricks, set up a temporary morgue.
Buford, Ricks, armen una morgue temporal.
Ricks, come in.
Ricks, adelante.
Ricks, Alberts here.
Ricks, aquí Alberts.
First McCloskey, and then Jackson. And now Ricks?
Primero McCloskey, luego Jackson. ¿ Ahora Ricks?
- Anyway, they were chasing a drug dealer up on the roof... when they found this kid named Andre Ricks.
Gracias, capitán Hoopes. Estaban persiguiendo a un camello por el tejado cuando se encontraron a este chico, Andre Ricks.

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