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Runyon translate Spanish

95 parallel translation
I made it pure Damon Runyon from start to finish.
Lo hice como Damon Runyon de principio a fin.
He's trying to get into a Damon Runyon story, who knows?
Querrá salir en un relato de Damon Runyon.
Matilda Runyon, correspondent.
Matilda Runyon, corresponsal.
Matilda Runyon told me... that Clara Kolter over at High River, she heard her cat yowling the other night.
Matilda Runyon me dijo... que Clara Kolter, la de High River, escuchó maullar a su gata la otra noche.
Motion made by Clarence Runyon... seconded by George Denham... that a committee be appointed to buy a fire engine.
Moción propuesta por Clarence Runyon... secundada por George Denham... convocando un Comité para la compra de un camión de bomberos.
Chair recognizes Matilda Runyon.
Tiene la palabra Matilda Runyon.
¡ Brian!
Damon Runyon and Fior ello La Guardia.
Damon Runyon y Fiorello La Guardia.
- I have a great relationship with Runyon -
- Tengo una gran relación con Runyon...
I'd like you to call Shelly Runyon back and get this fucking thing fixed!
¡ Me gustaría que llames a Shelly Runyon y arregles esto!
We gotta start working Runyon.
Tenemos que influenciar a Runyon
- Runyon's gonna be a problem.
- Runyon va a ser un problema.
- Why is Runyon gonna be a problem?
- ¿ Por qué Runyon va a ser un problema?
- Runyon lobbied just hard enough toge this committee the gig.
- Runyon hizo tanto lobby que será díficil...
But you know, Sheldon Runyon and Jack Hathaway have been friends for years.
Pero tú sabes, Sheldon Runyon y Jack Hathaway han sido muy buenos amigos.
And Runyon is going to come after me with all guns blazing.
Y Runyon me va a atacar con todo su arsenal.
Senator, why do we have to worry about Shelly Runyon's guns when I control the atomic bomb?
Senadora, por qué preocuparnos por el arsenal de Shelly Runyon cuando yo controlo la bomba átomica.
Shelly Runyon's running the show there.
Shelly Runyon es el que controla las cosas, allí.
Mr. Runyon.
Señor Runyon.
If Runyon found out I gave this to you... he'd fire me, and I don't want him as an enemy.
Si Runyon se enterará que yo te di esto... Él me hecharía, y yo no lo quiero tener como enemigo.
I want out of Runyon's office. And I thought maybe you could get me on staff -
Quiero dejar de trabajar para Runyon y pensé que tú podrías ponerme en tu staff...
Uh... well, it looks like Runyon or somebody close to him... has been running a little private investigation... looking for stuff that the Feds wouldn't even touch.
uh... Parece que, Runyon o alguién cercano a él... ha estado investigando un poco... buscando cosas que el fbi no tocarían nunca.
We'll just have to make this all not worthwhile for Mr. Runyon.
Tendremos que hacer que todo esto no le importe al señor Runyon.
With Shelly Runyon?
¿ Con Shelly Runyon?
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Sheldon B. Runyon from the great state of Illinois.
Señoras y caballeros, mi nombre es Sheldon B. Runyon del gran estado de illinois.
But, sir, the sexual allegations were made very public today by Congressman Runyon.
Pero, señor, las alegaciones sexuales fueron hechas públicas, hoy, por el Congresista Runyon.
He's not a badman.
Runyon no es un mal tipo.
" Mr. Runyon, 20 years ago your wife Maggie had an abortion.
" ¿ Señor Runyon, 20 años atrás su esposa Maggie tuvó un aborto?
Mr. Marshall, your time has expired.
Señor Runyon, se le terminó el tiempo.
- Come on, Mr. Runyon!
- ¡ Señor Runyon!
Runyon deposed Will's ex-wife today, and, uh... she stated that Will and I had had an affair -
Runyon entrevistó a la ex-esposa de Will, hoy, y... Ella manifestó que Will y yo habíamos tenido a romance...
Runyon knows that you're clean of the perjury... but he's got the world thinking you're something out of a bad soap opera.
Runyon sabe que tú no cometiste perjurio... pero él ya manchó tu reputación.
I'll die before Shelly Runyon checkmates me.
Moriré antes de que Shelly Runyon me dé jaque y mate.
Mr. Runyon has a copy, and now so do you.
El Señor Runyon tiene una copia, y ahora, ud. tambien.
Oh, man. Mr. Runyon, prefer I take you around back?
¿ Señor Runyon, prefiere salir por la puerta trasera?
Where Shelly Runyon got his.
De donde Shelly Runyon lo obtuvo.
And they have this girl, this woman that Runyon deposed, Patty LaVamere.
Entonces vinó esta mujer la que Runyon removió del cargo, Patty LaVamere.
Mr. Runyon... you may walk out on me, you may walk out on this body... but you cannot walk out on the will of the American people.
Señor Runyon. Ud. puede esconderse de mi, Ud. puede esconderse de su partido... pero no puede esconderse de la voluntad del pueblo americano.
Americans are a good people, they're a just people, Mr. Runyon... and they will forgive you, but they will not forget.
Los americanos son buena gente, son gente justa, Señor Runyon... y lo perdonarán, pero no lo olvidarán.
- You're sure Runyon sold it to the Koreans?
- ¿ Estas segura de que Runyon se la vendio a los coreanos?
Exactly. Forgive me, it might seem obvious, but he`s a Runyonesque... bookmaker-type, is tough... but softhearted with his wife, who he`s nuts about?
Perdone si está muy claro pero, ¿ es un corredor de apuestas estilo Runyon duro, pero blando con su mujer, a la que quiere?
Mrs. Runyon found her in the morning and called the police.
La Sra. Runyon la encontró por la mañana y llamó a la policía.
Mrs. Runyon?
¿ La Sra. Runyon?
Why did the Alliance hire Mrs. Runyon, Vera Smith's housekeeper, after she died?
¿ Porqué la Alliance contrató a la Sra. Runyon, el ama de llaves de Vera Smith, luego de que ella murió?
I had known Mrs. Runyon for a number of years.
Conocía a la Sra. Runyon por muchos años.
I'm at the end of Runyon Road on the dock.
Estoy en el muelle al final del camino Runyon.
"As Damon Runyon has already written he's truly the Cinderella Man."
"Como escribió Damon Runyon... " es realmente el Hombre Cenicienta. "
Yeah, he was kind of like a Damon Runyon character. Is that the word?
Era como un personaje de Damon Runyon. ¿ Es ésa la palabra?
How about tomorrow at Runyon Canyon?
¿ Qué tal mañana a la mañana en el cañón Runyon?
- Runyon.
- Runyon.
Damon Runyon.
Damon Runyon.

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