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Sabia translate Spanish

7,243 parallel translation
I was just dying, and she don't even know...
me estaba muriendo y ella ni siquiera lo sabia...
I have a reflex, where we'll be driving somewhere, and I'll just, like, spot something from down the road that I know what it is and I know that it's valuable.
Y tuve una idea hacia donde iria esto y que seria, complejo y requeriria mucho trabajo, pero sabia, sabia que seria valioso.
And these negatives that I discovered, what I saw at first, I didn't know if it was really good.
En estos negativos que encontre, lo primero que vi, no sabia si era realmente bueno.
I didn't know where to go.
No sabia a donde ir.
I just knew her name was Vivian Maier.
Solo sabia que su nombre era Vivian Maier.
You didn't know anything?
No sabia nada?
Did you know anything about Vivian? - Her family, her past?
Sabia alguna cosa mas sobre Vivian... su familia, su pasado?
But I did know that she lived in France for a while, and that her mother was from France.
Pero no sabia que ella habia vivido en Francia por un tiempo y que su madre era de Francia.
I knew I had at least one of the villages that she was in. Found.
Sabia que tenia al menos uno de estos pueblos qÉue ella habia encontrado.
Vivian knew she was a good photographer, and she knew that these photographs were good.
Vivian sabia que era una buena fotografa, y sabia que estas fotografias eran buenas.
There were some accidents... which I knew weren't accidents, everybody knew weren't really accidents. All of a sudden, there's a kid screaming in the basement with the door shut and the lights off.
Hubo algunos accidentes los cuales yo sabia que no eran accidentes, y que todos sabian que no eran realmente accidentes, donde, de repente, hay un niño gritando en el sotano con la puerta cerrada y las luces apagadas.
And now, I know exactly what she was talking about, but as a kid, I really... I knew what she was saying was dark, and a little not right.
Ella tenia, una especie de, odio hacia los hombres, y ahora yo se exactamente de lo que estaba hablando, pero como niño, realmente - no sabia a que se referia eso oscuro e incorrecto.
He ended up having to put a steel post in his office, because the floor was sagging and he didn't know why!
El termino poniendo una viga de acero en su oficina porque el piso se estaba hundiendo. El no sabia porque.
And I didn't know whether that was because she had been dismissed from positions often enough that she knew what to say, or whether she had, in a way, anticipated it.
Y no se si esto era porque ella habia sido despedida con frecuencia asi que ella sabia lo que tenia que decir o quizas ella lo tenia pensado anticipadamente.
I knew you'd come around.
Sabia que lo entenderias.
I knew he was hiding something.
Sabia que estaba escondiendo algo.
I didn't know if the person on the other end would ever want to talk to Kevin... after knowing Chang.
Yo no sabia si la persona del otro lado querria hablar alguna vez con Kevin... despues de haber conocido a Chang.
She was wise cos she lived a long time so she knew lots of stuff, and she told me it.
Era muy sabia porque había vivido mucho tiempo así que sabía muchas cosas, y me las contó.
I have had six cancellations for August, and who knew electricity was more expensive than cocaine?
He tenido seis cancelaciones para agosto, y quién sabia que la electricidad era más cara que la cocaína?
I knew it. I knew something bad was coming.
Lo sabia, lo sabia algo malo iba a venir.
As a wise woman once told me, suck it up and do it.
Como una mujer sabia me dijo una vez, aguántate y hazlo.
Fanny happens to be a waitressing savant.
Fanny resulta ser una camarera sabia.
Sorry, I didn't know how to tell you.
Lo siento, yo no sabia como decirtelo.
Who knew about it? Everyone.
- ¿ Quien lo sabia?
I made a braised pork cheek with crispy red snapper, a pine nut cream, a collard green slaw, and sorrel puree. Well, enjoy, everyone. I knew it was gonna be bouillabaisse- -
hice mollejas de cerdo estofado con pargo rojo crema de nuez de pino, y coles verdes, y pure de alazan provecho sabia que iba a ser bouillabaisse- - gracias.
The shooter knew this corpse was coming in.
El tirador sabia que este cadáver iba allí.
To be completely honest, i knew i wasn't going to be able to stand on that thing for more than maybe an hour tops.
Para ser del todo honesto, sabia que no iba a ser capaz de aguantar ahí por más de puede que una hora.
Wise choice.
Sabia decisión.
Wise call.
Sabia decisión.
I didn't know that.
No lo sabia.
Figures you wouldn't laugh.
Sabia que no os haría gracia.
I knew one day I'd walk in here and see you on the couch covered in someone's meat.
Sabia que un dia vendría hasta aquí y te vería en el sofá cubierto con filetes
I know it's gonna happen some time, but it just feels too soon.
Sabia que esto iba a pasar alguna vez, pero siento que es muy pronto.
You may have your reasons for not wanting to do this, but your mother was a very wise woman.
Quizás tengas tus razones para no querer hacer esto, pero tu madre era una mujer sabia.
Do you know, um, if Justin had problems with any of his co-workers?
¿ Usted sabia, si Justin tenia problemas con alguno de sus colegas? No.
But Vincent knew this was different.
Pero Vincent sabia que esto era diferente.
That's news to me.
No lo sabia.
- Yeah, I knew about them.
- Yeah, sabia sobre ellos.
Was the school aware of this?
- ¿ La facultad sabia esto?
I don't think it's a wise decision.
No creo es una decisión sabia.
I didn't know who I was.
Yo no sabia quién era.
I didn't know I was gonna be on TV.
No sabia que saldria en TV.
I knew it, Chuck sure knew it.
Lo sabia, Chuck tambien lo sabia.
Wh... what do you mean, "Chuck sure knew it"?
A qu... A que te refieres, "Chuck tambien lo sabia"?
"sure knew I was gonna lose."
"sabia por seguro que yo perderia el juego."
I didn't know what I would talk about for two hours.
No sabia que podria hablar cerca de dos horas.
Someone said something very wise to me today...
Una persona muy sabia me ha dicho hoy...
I didn't know if you wanted me to book you up solid...
No sabia si querías que te haga compromisos...
♪ I knew ♪ honey, honey
lo sabia cariño, cariño
And I just didn't know how to explain that to Jack... without gettin'dark.
Y no sabia como explicarle eso a Jack... sin ponerme macabro.
I didn't know.
Yo no sabia.

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