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Sawyer translate Spanish

1,670 parallel translation
Kate, Jack and Sawyer saw it before they had bags pulled over their heads.
Kate, Jack y Sawyer lo vieron antes de que les taparan la cabeza.
And Kate and Sawyer.
Y a Kate y a Sawyer.
They want you to eat Diane Sawyer.
Quieren que devore a Diane Sawyer.
It's just Sawyer and me.
Sólo somos Sawyer y yo.
Where are Kate and Sawyer?
¿ En dónde están Kate y Sawyer?
¡ Sawyer!
¿ Sawyer?
Hello, Sawyer.
Hola, Sawyer.
Sawyer, she is...
Sawyer, sí que es...
- What did you do to Sawyer?
- ¿ Qué le habéis hecho a Sawyer?
- I'm not leaving you, Sawyer.
- No voy a dejarte, Sawyer.
You're pretty good, Sawyer.
Eres muy bueno, Sawyer.
I think I know how to find Jack, Kate and Sawyer.
Creo que sé cómo encontrar a Jack, Kate y Sawyer.
Well, thank you for coming by, Mr. Sawyer.
Bueno, gracias por haber venido, Sr. Sawyer.
Hi, Mr. Sawyer?
Hola, Sr. Sawyer.
Diane Sawyer.
Diane Sawyer.
Peyton Sawyer.
Peyton Sawyer.
No, Sawyer.
No, Sawyer.
No, you'll put a hood over your head because the man standing behind me, the one who's burning a hole in my back, that man is going to kill Sawyer.
No, te lo vas a poner porque ese hombre de ahí, el que me está fulminando con la mirada, va a matar a Sawyer.
- Sawyer?
- ¿ Y Sawyer?
They're gonna kill Sawyer.
Van a matar a Sawyer.
Sawyer you really care about him?
Sawyer le quieres de verdad, ¿ eh?
- Sawyer.
- ¡ Sawyer!
Sawyer! - Well, look who got out of her cage.
- Mira quién ha salido de la jaula.
Don't even think about it, Sawyer! You fight!
Ni se te ocurra, Sawyer. ¡ Pelea!
Sawyer, please!
¡ Sawyer, por favor!
Fear is like a disease, Sawyer. If you don't treat it, it'll eat you up.
El miedo es como una enfermedad, si no la tratas, te consume.
Punch me like you mean it, Sawyer.
Golpéame en serio, Sawyer.
Okay, Sawyer. So there's actually a real person in there.
Bien, Sawyer así que hay una persona de verdad allí.
Hey, Sawyer.
- Gracias por el plantón en el almuerzo. - Lo siento.
You're just a couple of punks. And this is what's gonna happen.
Peyton Sawyer, queriendo estar sola.
Peyton Sawyer, wanting to be alone.
Primero, tienes que trabajar según mi horario.
That you and P. Sawyer are just friends? Look, you know what, Skills?
¿ Que tú y P. Sawyer son sólo amigos?
So here she is, stuck on this island, which sort of forces her into very tricky relationships, especially when it comes to Jack and Sawyer.
Un nuevo dia llegó, los supervivientes se conocieron Hurley... eh.. sólo...
The electromagnetic pulse shot out of the hatch, fried the instrumentation on the plane.
Pues bien, entonces... ¡ Sawyer!
We have learned, uh, that the island is... capable of these apparitions.
Sawyer sufrió un disparo en su hombro cuando estaba en la balsa.
Once Sun and Jin got to then they sort of reconciled their relationship.
Los dos grupos estaban ahora juntos. Sawyer
- They're gonna kill Sawyer!
Tu me dijiste que lo dejara estar en el mismo caso.
One of the big questions that arises on the show is who's Kate gonna choose... Jack or Sawyer. I guess the question was more, who is Kate gonna sleep with first?
Entonces, un dia, no mucho despues de su encuentro con los otros los superviviente capturaron a un hombre en la selva.
It's this sort of heartbreaking moment. He sees Kate has, in fact, chosen Sawyer. Instead of getting angry, he actually decides to rescue them.
Decia ser un extraño viajero pero ¿ se podía creer en su historia?
Step back, doc.
¿ Donde habra encontrada Sawyer uno de estos?
'Cause everything had to happen exactly the way that it did happen, and when they bump up against each other, you realize many of them wouldn't have made the choice to get on that plane
Porque me elegiste a mi para ir contigo en vez de a Sawyer Solo te lo pregunte porque ellos no te quieren a ti. Te raptaron, te apuntaron con una pistola.
So while Sawyer is sitting there next to this skeleton drinking beers, they don't realize the sort of dark story behind this van that has actually unfolded.
¿ Cuánto vamos a esperar, Jack? Hasta que reciba respuesta.
# Don't want to lose more time #
Hola, Sawyer.
Sawyer, it's a suicide mission without guns.
Sin armas, es una misión suicida.
- Sawyer.
Why are you sticking up for Sawyer?
¿ Por qué estás defendiendo a Sawyer?
You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Sawyer.
- So you're safe, you and Sawyer? - Yes. Yeah.
Jack, no lo desates.
- I don't care what Jack said.
¿ Sawyer?

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