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Screeching translate Spanish

885 parallel translation
- [Tires Screeching] - Hey, get that thing out of there!
¡ Eh, llévate eso!
[Tires Screeching] Come on, Ed!
¡ Vamos, Ed!
Give me that! [Tires Screeching]
¡ Dame eso!
For heaven's sake, stop that screeching.
Por Dios, parad esos chirridos.
Stop screeching around here like a crazy mare.
¡ Deja de chillar como una yegua loca!
Screeching out of hotel windows, peaches and champagne in the middle of the day, pulling the sleeping beauty act, sashaying out telling the doggonedest mess of lies.
Acabo de llegar... Chillando desde las ventanas del hotel. Melocotones y champán en pleno día.
I could hear you way down the hall, screeching like a of couple fishwives.
Las he oído desde el pasillo. Gritando como pescaderas.
- Look out! - ( screeching tyres )
- ¡ Cuidado!
In the moonlight, with the wind screeching outside... and the window slamming and opening.
A la luz de la luna, con el viento que grita fuera... y la ventana batiendo.
Stop your screeching.
Por tu queja.
I can't bear this frightful screeching.
No aguanto estos chirridos.
Outside, the gulls were screeching.
Fuera, las gaviotas chillaban.
- Stop that hellcat screeching.
- ¡ Dejad de gritar!
Movie shot, grabbed it while you were screeching.
Para el cine, he filmado sus gritos.
( Screeching tires ) Ah!
( Bocina, frenada de auto )
- ¡ Espera, Dave!
They came in without permission, sir, they ignored my screeching.
Entraron sin permiso, señor, no hicieron caso a mis llamadas.
You mean the horrible screeching?
- Usted se refiere a ese horrible sonido?
* Chillido de animales *
* Animales chillando *
I hear a night owl screeching.
Oigo chillar a una lechuza.
None of their screeching.
Sin chillidos.
[Engine Revving ] [ Tires Screeching] Grandpa, you're a genius.
Abuelo, eres un genio.
Well, it was a sound. A noise like tapping and whirring, all mixed up with a sort of screeching.
Había un ruido... como golpecitos y... un zumbido mezclado con una especie de alarido.
If you stood in between two of the plants they set up a sort of screeching noise ;
Si nos quedamos entre dos plantas, emiten un estridente.
- ( Tyres screeching )... where we are!
Peor todavía, ellos saben exactamente ¡ en donde estamos!
Anyway it suddenly started screeching I thought... You killed him!
De todos modos, de repente comenzó a chillando pensé que... has matado!
Dónde crees que vas?
- ( tires screeching ) - OH, I SEE.
Ya veo.
I'm not having my life cluttered up with some screeching baby.
No voy a estropear mi vida con un bebé chillón.
Does it look like Lindsay Tate loves me, screeching my name all over town?
¿ Lindsay Tate me quiere sólo porque va gritando mi nombre por toda la ciudad?
( tires screeching ) But it rained yesterday and there's a depression that usually fills with water around here.
Pero ayer llovió y hay un área baja que generalmente se llena de agua por aquí.
Mr. Vincent isn't here yet. 'Course, it's still early. ( tires screeching )
El Sr. Vincent aún no ha llegado.
¡ Ten cuidado!
Stop screeching like a banshee, will you? Milo! Milo, is that you?
Milo, Padre, por favor, contestas si me ois!
[English - US - SDH ] [ BAT screeching]
SOMBRAS EN LA OSCURIDAD rippeo by HDmarionette
Now, you get a bottle neck in the middle, and orders don't get processed, or orders don't go out, and everything comes to a screeching halt.
Y tú eres un cuello de botella en el medio. Si las ordenes no se procesan o no salen. Y todo se pone patas para arriba.
We must be on a... ( COMM SCREECHING )
Tenemos que estar en... Skybase 1.
Even as I speak to you now in this famous Munich bank behind me there are some people who 17 or 18 times a night... ( tires screeching )
Incluso mientras les hablo, en este famoso banco de Munich hay personas de 17 o 18...
[Tires Screeching] We all set. Sure hope you know what the hell you're doin'.
Tenemos todo cubierto, espero que sepas lo que diablos estes haciendo.
( tires screeching )
- ( neumáticos chillando )
The male ostriches come to a screeching halt, look around and one says to the other one, where'd they go?
Los machos se paran, miran alrededor, y uno le dice al otro "¿ Dónde se han metido?"
- ¡ Miren! - Sí, llevan algo.
( TIRES SCREECHING ) Not on the face!
¡ En la cara no!
[SCREECHING] What's that noise?
¿ Qué es ese ruido?
¡ La araña!
[SCREECHING] It's coming!
¡ Ya viene!
( screeching ) :
( Train wheels screeching to a halt ) Funny.
¡ Qué raro!
( tires screeching )

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