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Seen him translate Spanish

13,503 parallel translation
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo habéis visto?
Have you seen him?
- ¿ Le ha visto?
If I had seen him or treated him...
Si le hubiese visto o tratado...
I haven't seen him so much as put the "V" fingers in front of his mouth at any of these ladies.
No lo he visto ni siquiera hacer la V con los dedos junto a su boca para ninguna de estas señoritas.
Have you seen him on TV?
¿ Lo has visto por TV?
No, I've never seen him before.
No, no lo he visto antes. Pero es nuestra matrícula.
I had seen him around digging latrines, other vital work.
Lo había visto por ahí excavando letrinas, otro trabajo vital.
I've seen him do some pretty wild things.
Yo lo vi hacer algunas cosas muy locas.
Have you seen him out with her?
¿ Los has visto con ella? - No.
You should have seen him yesterday.
- Me gustaría haberlo hecho.
- Have you seen him?
- ¿ Lo has visto?
I have not seen him Late in Malaga 2007.
A Koskinen no lo he visto desde Málaga en el 2007. Termina con eso.
Elliot's been my best friend for many years, and I've never seen him happier than he is today.
Elliot ha sido mi mejor amigo durante muchos años, y nunca le he visto más feliz de lo que está hoy.
I went to visit him in college, and I've never seen him so cool.
Fui a visitarle a la universidad, y nunca lo había visto tan bien.
I seen him around.
Le he visto por ahí.
- You've seen him?
- ¿ Lo has visto?
I've seen him when he's upset.
Lo he visto enfadado.
As sure as I've ever seen him.
- Jamás lo vi tan seguro.
I seen him.
Le vi.
You seen him?
¿ Le has visto?
- but I haven't seen him all day.
- pero no lo he visto en todo el día.
I've seen him grab hold of Pat and drag her into the house.
Lo he visto agarrar a Pat y arrastrarla dentro de casa.
I thought Quantico hadn't seen him.
Pensé Quantico no lo había visto.
I haven't seen him since I sent him out to the rigs this morning.
No lo he visto Desde que lo mandé a los equipos de esta mañana. Lo siento.
I feel like I haven't seen him around much lately.
Siento como que no lo he visto mucho ultimamente.
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo has visto?
If you've seen him, please call us immediately.
Si lo han visto, por favor llámennos inmediatamente.
You should have seen him cum, he sounded like a donkey hee-haw!
Tendrías que haberle visto correrse, parecía un burro rebuznando.
Have you seen him?
¿ Le has visto?
Have you ever seen him?
¿ Le has visto alguna vez?
I seen him dead four days ago.
Le vi morir hace cuatro días.
But I've never seen him like this with a girl.
Pero nunca le había visto así con una chica.
Not seen him for a few weeks.
No lo viste por semanas.
I haven't seen him since.
No lo he visto desde entonces.
You should have seen him.
Debería haberlo visto.
I haven't seen him in two years.
No lo he visto en dos años.
You should have seen him.
Deberías haberlo visto.
I've never seen him.
Nunca le he visto.
- You should have seen him.
- Deberías haberle visto.
I'd never seen him so rough.
Yo nunca había visto tan áspera.
She wanted to know if I had seen him here.
Quería saber si yo lo había visto aquí.
Think I said I had seen him in the bar once or twice.
Creo que dije que lo había visto en la barra de una o dos veces.
Never seen him before, either.
- Tampoco lo he visto antes.
Have you seen him around? Has...
Bien, ¿ qué me dice de este chico?
Yes, Jim was one of HankMed's first patients, but I've never seen him off his boat.
Sí, Jim fue uno de los primeros pacientes del hankmed, pero yo nunca lo he visto fuera de su barco.
The guy who rescued the girl, have you seen him?
Él que rescató a la niña, ¿ lo has visto?
Well, I'm just saying this lowlife should've never seen the light of day once we got our hands on him.
Lo que quiero decir es que esta escoria nunca debería haber visto la luz del día una vez que le echamos el guante.
We haven't seen Booth in a while, so, I wanted to brew him a really nice IPA for tonight's dinner.
No hemos visto a Booth en un tiempo, así, quería a él una muy buena IPA para la cena de esta noche elaborar cerveza.
Haven't seen much of him lately.
No le he visto mucho últimamente.
Have you ever seen someone hairier than him?
¿ Has visto a alguien más felpudo que él?
I haven't seen Henry since I dropped him off at Chandler's new house with some hamburgers.
No veo a Henry desde que lo dejé en casa de Chandler con hamburguesas.

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