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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She didn't say

She didn't say translate Spanish

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Oh. Well, then, there's no way To know that she didn't say it, huh?
Bueno, entonces, no hay forma de saber que no lo dijo, ¿ no?
She told you she wants a baby, and you didn't say anything,
Te dijo que quería un bebé y tú no le dijiste nada.
She's mad that you didn't say anything, and so now sh- - ah.
- Le molesta que no dijieras nada, y ahora. - Mide las palabras.
She didn't say.
No sé nada de eso.
Why would she say he stole it if he didn't steal it?
¿ Por qué diría ella que él lo robó si no lo hizo?
I didn't recognize her at first, but then some guy started talking to her and I overheard her say she was in town at a club.
- Si, yo iba por un café... y ella estaba detrás de mi. Al principio no la reconocí... pero un tipo comenzó a hablar con ella... y escuché que ella estaba en un club de la ciudad.
Didn't Chris say she's leaving today?
Chris se marchará hoy.
She didn't say...
No lo mencionó...
She didn't say anything just now when we are on the phone.
Ella no mencionó nada cuando hablamos por teléfono.
She didn't tell me to say she's not here, she's just not here.
No me pidió que la negará, no está aquí.
I didn't say you could get down if she left.
No dije que podías bajarte si ella se iba.
She didn't say she knew you.
Ella no dijo que te conocía.
Why didn't she say anything?
¿ Por qué no me dijo nada?
.. that she didn't give me a chance to say something.
.. que ella no me dejó decirle nada
Didn't you say she just broke up with someone?
¿ No dijiste que acababa de romper con alguien?
Didn't you say she quit?
¿ No habías dicho que renunció?
She didn't say anything about my case, did she?
¿ Ella no dijo nada sobre mi caso, no?
She didn't really exactly say that, but...
No dijo eso con esas palabras, pero...
No, she didn't say that.
No, no dijo eso.
She didn't say that at all, actually. I'm just... making it up.
Lo estoy inventando.
No, she didn't say.
No, no me lo dijo.
She didn't say...
- No dijo...
She didn't say anything to me.
Ella no me dijo nada.
She didn't say "Bon Appetit".
- Ella no dijo eso.
- She didn't say anything.
Sí, no dijo nada.
Then they say the suspect made Vincent's teenage daughter choose which parent should die, threatening to kill the entire family if she didn't.
Luego hizo que la hija adolescente de Vincent eligiera qué padre moriría, amenazando con matar a toda la familia si no lo hacía.
- Um, she didn't say exactly, but she plans on making a couple of other stops along the way.
No lo dijo con exactitud, pero planea pasar por un par de sitios más.
Your mom, she didn't exactly say, but there's a kind of neglect.
Tu mamá no me lo dijo abiertamente pero hay una especie de... descuido.
She didn't get to say goodbye to her grandson.
No se pudo despedir de su nieto favorito.
- Didn't she say he was dead?
¿ Acaso no dijo que estaba muerto?
She didn't say anything about this?
¿ No dijo nada de eso?
She didn't say anything but it wasn't like her. We could talk about almost anything. but... But what?
No decía nada pero no era típico de ella.
She didn't say?
¿ No le ha contado?
She didn't say anything.
No dijo nada. Me colgó.
I was just so worried and caught up not knowing what she was gonna say, and it didn't cross my mind how you would feel.
Estaba tan preocupado y atrapado por no saber que iba a responder, que no se me paso por la mente como te sentirias
'Cause my ex-wife had one of those, and I still say it's why she didn't cry when she left me.
Porque mi ex-mujer tenía uno de esos, y sigo diciendo que por eso no lloró cuando me dejó.
- She didn't say nothin'.
- Ninguno.
Nothing. She didn't say...
Nada.Ella no me dijo...
Because she didn't say why.
Porque no dijo por qué.
No, I mean, she didn't say that at all.
No. Es decir, no dijo eso en absoluto.
Okay, but if she feels neglected and starts, I don't know, looking for comfort elsewhere, in maybe a funnier, slightly more desperate man in uniform, don't say I didn't warn you.
Vale, pero si se siente abandonada y empieza, no lo sé, a buscar consuelo en otra parte, en quizás un tío de uniforme más divertido, ligeramente más desesperado, no digas que no te lo advertí.
No, she didn't say that.
Ay, no, no dijo eso.
So why didn't she just say that?
¿ Así que por qué ella no sólo dijo eso?
I gave her the money, and she didn't say, "can I get you something else, sir?" She said,
Le di el dinero y no dijo : "¿ Algo más, señor?"
She didn't say it to you, did she?
No te lo dijo ¿ verdad?
She didn't say anything - being a bird.
No dijo nada, como era un pájaro pero con su pico abrió mi boca buscando algo.
Uh, yeah, see, that's because, uh she didn't have a shirt. Hmm? She... well, what, what I was meaning to say is she couldn't, she couldn't find her shirt.
uh, si, mira, ese fue, uh...... ella no tenia camisa hmm? ella no podia ella no podia encontrar su camisa.
I didn't say she was alone.
Yo no dije que estuviese sola.
She didn't say.
- No dijo.
That maybe she's come to her senses? I didn't, I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho nada.
No, she didn't say it to you.
- No, a ti no te lo dijo.

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